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Sunday, August 5 Tv Show Discussion Thread


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I am going to vote for him to tell that to Dick... He's a goner anyway and CBS is even setting everything up for his demise...

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Once again Jen is America's choice to get evicted even though she's the second most popular HG according to CBS' own poll.

If there's one thing that baffles my mind this year it's why she continues to be America's choice for eviction. I just don't believe it.

If there's one thing that baffles my mind this year it's why she continues to be America's choice for eviction. I just don't believe it.

amber has god voting for her


its funny how they ended after the jen/kail noms with daniele saying that she was going to shock the house with her 'real plan'......lol, nobody's shocked because they ended up telling everybody and now the whole house knows


ap task #14who should eric evict kail or eric lol?

omg i cant believe it, cbs really did show the banner!!! haahaahaa....its impact was definately incredible on the game so they had to show it, but it still surprised me to actally see it flying across the screen

I still think that's because they were the ones who sent it, to stir the pot...and it worked!

I still think that's because they were the ones who sent it, to stir the pot...and it worked!

yep they are the ones who sent it


Is Jessica really that dumb to not see what was said. Does she not really believe a word of it? You can tell that Jen was so careful to always be truthful! Does Jessica think that Jen was lying?

She just went down a few notches in my book. She is so easy to mess with and that makes me think she is not very smart.

OK So now that I see everything there is no way any of the ladies every went as high as Eric didn't when he was DQ'ed... Just wanted to point that out...

Yana... at the beginning, Kail had been pretty high up there too... yet they didnt call her out on it. later on the feeds that night she kept going above the bar, not as high as that first time, but still...

on another note... how bout that eric... when it was time to see who america voted for to get nominated... saying he hoped it was kail or jen cause it was time for them to go... uhhhh yeah? and where was he the last week when he had the chance to get rid of kail... ohh yeah... he was trying to get rid of Nick


Daniele was an idiot for voting Nick out....had to be said ;) (and she said it herself...:lol:)


Like I said he likes this task cuz it's an easy one. Should have been Jessica on that card and he would have had his work cut out for him. Not only is he a jealous weasel but he thinks he's smarter than "America" too.


Too bad Dick and Danielle's plan to evict Eric this week isn't going to work. It's only going to alienate them from the rest of the LNC.

You would think Danielle would be smarter than that, but apparently not.


I think Daniele and Dick are the only ones not playing a chicken sh*t game. The others were ALL going to put them up. It was time to make a move and they made the show good.


They were already alienated

Good, for some odd reason Danielle and Dick thought they run that house...Danielle needs to learn that daddy won't always be able to protect her. (She likes protecting - she made a comment about Eric protecting her).

What was Eric's gain by confronting Jen on that...he is a dope.

What was Eric's gain by confronting Jen on that...he is a dope.

yep. he was trying so hard to distract others from the banner

its funny how they ended after the jen/kail noms with daniele saying that she was going to shock the house with her 'real plan'......lol, nobody's shocked because they ended up telling everybody and now the whole house knows

I don't think Danielle is going to nominate Eric. Maybe I am giving her too much credit but she may be testing Jess

and her loyalties by suggesting Eric and counting the seconds to when she runs off and tells everyone. They (D/D) have been talking about the LNC and alliances and may consider Jessica a possible ally. They first have to test her loyalties...and she failed. Danielle is going to nominate Dustin. I just feel it in my old bones. It would be her smartest move. It would break up the GodSquad and send at least Amber to Nutsville. Jameka and Amber especially have been hanging on Dustin as their mastermind. Eric will then have to pick sides. Voting out Eric is just stupid. Just my little opinion...

No I don't think so...the banner was after, but you could be right.

i could have sorn the banner came first. maybe i am wrong


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