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Letter To America About Ap


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Well I'll join you on the "Stupid Train", Marty. Strange thing is, I'm a 36 year old woman from Oregon (1 year short of Kail), and I still voted to have her nominated and evicted, well because that's my perogative. And it's clearly the perogative and choice of many other people. I've said it before, I'll say it again, it's not our job to support Eric - Eric has the information and the ability to if nothing else come up with a reason that he just -has- to vote for person a, rather than person b. Even if he knew that Nick was the one going, he could have come up with a bulls*** story about why he might cast a vote for Kail. Here's an example:

"Well, I am up in the air, I don't want Kail to get too comfortable and I know that Nick is going home. If Kail gets too comfortable, then she might start making alliances again. We'll see how it all pans out on Thursday, but as long as I'm positive that Nick is going home, I might just toss a vote Kails way to keep her paranoid and crazy"

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I want him gone!

And for the record, Jen is a beautiful woman, and anyone who says she isn't is obviously jealous, so if you have the balls to call her ugly, then put a real pic of yourself up here so we can see why you're soo jealous.

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Yeah coming up with BS story after BS story will just be getting him evicted. dick isn;t even fully right on his tirades now, just imagine if he had real info to go with. And I am not calling you stupid for not liking Kail, I don't like her either. But America has to play the game not a popularity contest in order to keep Eric (who I don't really like anyways) safe. Not doing so defeats the supposed inteded purpose of America's Player. I can't wait until Tuesday I am almost certain that America is gonna have Eric try to tell Jen for real this timne that he is taking her to the end, and thus get him evicted on Thursday because he will be exposed for that and Jess and the rest will not follow him this week. It is gonna be hilarious, America screws Eric over yet again and thius time you can't blame him that he is not playing your game, you are playing a game to him over. Like I said I don;t like Eric either, but come on think of some simple strategy from what the house vote WILL be and go with it. It's also gonna be fun to see what they come up with for AMerica's Player to do on Thursday while he is on the block. They'll probably have AMerica vote on who he should have an irate outburst at if he gets evicted, in the case that Eric is not evicted the person will be the person he has to give a heartfelt thank you to in front of everyone for keeping him in the house.

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"I gotta say I agree with Morty 100%. AP is supposed to be playing for us"

True, but the problem is that most of "us" are morons. People that don't put themselves in Eric's shoes. If "America" wants to win, they need to meet him halfway and start voting smarter. It's a popularity contest, where all the smitten girls are picking Nick as their favorite and hating Kail for being exactly the kind of player that "America's Player" should keep in the house. Picking Kail two weeks in a row was just plain stupid. The current poll is a joke. How's he supposed to convince a pair that is rabidly targeting him to not do it? That's like a death row inmate asking the warden if somebody else can sit in the chair.

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was anyone else POed when he wend to the DR to get his assignment tonight on the show for who should get nominated... and before he opened it he said he hopes it is Jen or kail... cause it time to get one of those two girls out! like helllllo! we have been voting for them and they have been up.. but you havent done your job! erick campaigned too early on who he wanted to... and way before getting his orders... so by that time, he gave half hearted stabs at. the whole Nick going home... he basically did nothing.

what would it take for him to tell him the truth? does someone have to call him the AP before eric will say YOU ARE CORRECT

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True, but the problem is that most of "us" are morons. People that don't put themselves in Eric's shoes. If "America" wants to win, they need to meet him halfway and start voting smarter. It's a popularity contest, where all the smitten girls are picking Nick as their favorite and hating Kail for being exactly the kind of player that "America's Player" should keep in the house. Picking Kail two weeks in a row was just plain stupid. The current poll is a joke. How's he supposed to convince a pair that is rabidly targeting him to not do it? That's like a death row inmate asking the warden if somebody else can sit in the chair.

Sorry for being a moron

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Most, not all. No offense was intended to you, or anyone here. Moron is the bad term, "underinformed" is more appropriate.

There's people like us who really get into the show and get a broader view, and casual viewers who have no live feeds or Showtime 2 (both requiring cost in both dollars and free time) and vote solely based on the editing in CBS airings.

The best example would be to look at how the CBS polls evolved. Where Mike started as a leading favorite to win and dropped rapidly because CBS barely had any footage of him for a long stretch up until he was trying to distract Dick in the glass balancing Veto. Sometimes I'd do a doubletake watching Showtime 2 and say "Who's that guy? Oh yea, that's Mike."

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I am not sure Eric is playin a smart game at this point whether he is "Americas" player or not, he talks too much and to too many people, he was very verbal with his nick eviction way before he got his orders from us to evict Kail which caused problems as he had made it clear to all where his vote was going. I don't think "America" is necessarily playin in a way that says we are not strtegic, Kail should have gone, just because Eric is not playin strategic is not our faults, and I bet Jen or Kail will not be the one who America asks Eric to vow to go to the final with, I personally voted for Jameka, because Jameka is very leary about everything, and I don't care for Eric and could care less if he stays or goes, right now he is telling a very hurtful piece of gossip about his buddy Amber to Jessica, off limit stuff as far as I am concerned, course Amber should NEVER have told him such private things, this must be what he said he could expose about her to Dani nasty nasty!!!

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