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Saturday August 4 - Live Feed Discussion


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Eric is doing some good work tonight. He is talking to the people he knows he will need the votes from and warning that one of them is gonna be put up (including himslf) if Jen or Kail comes down. But he is reinforcing the fact that they need to stick together and that THEY have the numbers to evict whoever is left on the block. He is doing quite well from the looks of things. Casual yet making his point.

Go Eric!!!!


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I find it so funny that LNC keeps saying they have "the power" and it's a stupid move yet they are all so paranoid....especially Dustin and Eric.........should be interesting if POV goes Dani and Dicks way........

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If Dani and Dicks POV plan goes off.... I'm sure Dick will tell her...

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It'll be too late. They should have just put Dustin and Eric up to begin with. Jameka is not going to believe anything Dick says now. She's so pissed about the God comments that Eric told her.

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another week of kail and jen on the block smh

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its seems that the people that are america's least fav.s are



and jessica (remember, they had him try to nominate her)

so lets say Jenn gets saved, and Jessica goes up. looks like jessicawould stay, right?

votes for jessica to leave





votes for Kail to leave

- Dustin



not sure who they will vote for


-Eric (cause america chooses)

SO, what if america has him vote out jessica?

then jessica would leave, and daniele-dick wins!

i think it might happen, i would LOVE for that to happen, just one less person against my Daniele!

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hold up so now goat floater is a target. what happen? scabble to turn on my live feeds

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well, they are def. going after that allaince, i see it either being Jessica, eric, or dustin.

but the ONLY way i see them getting somebody out from their allaince is putting somebody (other then eric up, cause america chooses his vote) and then having america have eric vote out his own allaince.


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gotta give d &d credit for saying screw you leeches. lnc :food-smiley-005:

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I think America likes Jessica now. The first few weeks she was annoying and I think people liked Carol. America does not like Jen, Kail and Amber...huge surprise there

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i dont like jessica never will.

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people HATED, absolutley hated jenn, now ALOT of those Haters are flopping over.

i hope people will vote for him to evict ANYBODY but Kail, or atleast i hope CBS Will just say america voted that way and make him vote for kail to stay.

i really hope DICK-DANIELE-KAIL-JENN-ZACH form together! i would love it! it looks like it just might happen (i heard jenn and kail talking, and they said they need to get dann if dick leaves, i just hope they can get them together before dick leaves!)

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i really hope DICK-DANIELE-KAIL-JENN-ZACH form together! i would love it! it looks like it just might happen (i heard jenn and kail talking, and they said they need to get dann if dick leaves, i just hope they can get them together before dick leaves!)

that would be checkmate for rest of the house

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well, nobody has mentioned voting for jessica since the beginning... she doesnt seem to be on the radar anymore...

and your talking a little funny.. but a little nap might take care of that! :animated_rotfl: dont go by me though... i just found out our water is contaminated and i just drank 2 cups of coffee! :animated_shocking:

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All the nerd herders were in the small bed room cackling away and when Daniele came in the room there was silence. Daniele sat down and nobody will talk. I bet that is a clue for Dani.

I am starting to really like Daniele. She is a good compeditor and she rarely ever talks crap about people behind their back. She only talks strategy. Even Amber said to Jameka that Dani never trash talks with anyone.

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