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Submitting Ideas To Grodner Productions


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I was just thinking. We all bitch (yes, even me) about stuff that the BB producers decide to do every year. But I have yet to see a forum (on any board) where people actually find a legitimate way to contact the people that make this show run and submit REAL ideas for an upcoming season. I am not talking about blasting them with emails about how you hate this or that, but submitting a well thought out plan for the "Theme" of an entire season that would include suggestions for comps, food challenges, reward challenges, America votes etc. I am thinking a legitimate address to send full fledged, season long outlines to. Not just you should do this, or you should do that. A full breakdown of week by week for a future season. We all know the fans here are creative. Wouldn't be awesome to have a Motys board person help outline a future season and have it actually be something different?

Does anyone have ideas of how we could go about this? I would suggest not posting an address, as that could be abused, but maybe everything could be coordinated through a mod (Yana for example) who is trustworthy and also seems to have a great reputation with past HG's?

We came up with a GREAT scenario for a season, with twists and work on the HG's part, but stull fun, but have no idea how or who it should be submitted to.




I don't know how to get the ideas to them but would love it if they would change the POV situation. I wish they would decide before show starts only lets say 5 POV's this season then draw which weeks they will have those POV competitions. They could post right from the beginning on the CBS site which weeks would be POV weeks to stop any "rigging" complaints. This would eliminate a constant backdoor scenario as the HG's would never know until too late if they can backdoor or not. Just a thought.


I liked someone else's idea of a diamond power of veto, which would only be available during a few random weeks and would allow the holder not only to remove a nominee, but choose a replacement.

I'd also like to see the coup d'etat make a reappearance. I thought that was a decent twist idea, but since it never played out with Boogie we never got to see it.


Dep I don't know if it would help or not, but here's a suggestion... What if I asked one of the past houseguest to talk to Alison for us and get an interview and maybe we could ask her then if they would accept suggestions from the fans... Would that help at all? I know the feed back form at CBS says they won't...


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