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Excuse me poor Eric?? Eric is a sham and a big Cad for even threatening to use some private info he has on Amber. He is a lame Americas Play and I am not crazy about him either as a lot of us are not.

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I haven't had a chance to read through this all but do people really like Dick???? I think he is terrible and he makes me so angry. I do like Jen...Dick is being awful to her!

I can't post for everyone else, but yes, I like Non-Virtuous Richard (aka Evil Dick). I think he adds a little entertainment to a normally boring cast of HG's. I believe he recognized the role he was suppose to play for BB (he had studied past seasons and knows the various characters BB likes to portray).

As far as Jen, can't stand her. I loathe smart people who play dumb. It's as bad a throwing a competition. Jen, Danile and Jessica make it really hard to dispute the possibility that an attractive younf woman cannot be very intelligent and competitive. They all rely on the "Look at me, I'm so cute. but I cannot think for myself, so I need a big guy to protect me." Honestly, that behavior makes me ill. The fact that she was coached by two of the most hateful sexist, digusting duo EVER to hit reality TV, makes me dislike Jen even more.

You really think Dick has been unnecessarily mean to Jen?

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Amen and thank you Baby Jeasus,lol I hope Dick continues to crawl up both Eric and Dustins A**, they deserve it. I don't think Dick has been that mean to Jen, Ice Tea?? coulda been somethin a lot worse, I love it when he calls Twat, can't help it that is an expression from my day, so to speak, I'm old, anyway, way was it he told Dustin? Act like a Twat, you get Called a Twat?? Somethin like that, hilarious.

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I think Evil's brutally honest opinions are refreshing and are something I'd like to see more of! I also like Jen's narcissistic approach to surviving in the House, although i couldn't see her as a friend in my personal reality show of life. If Jessica grew a Clue, she would also be a fave of mine..

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I love it when he calls Twat,

Funny..we all have different lines that can't be crossed.

But for me, Dick saying "twat" is second only to his saying the C-word (which, to me, is by far the worst).

Both words seems so totally humiliating and degrading (in a very sexual way) to women, and I feel such a strong reaction when I hear them...

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i dont say twat.. but its not as bad to me as the C word.. i just dont use that word..

but i do use the word TWIT ... twit twit twit.. yes.. thats a good word and has nothing to do with "down there"

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I understand Yath, but where I come from and in my day the word really only meant like a really bad ditz, and the other meaning also, but it was never considered anywhere near the c-word, as a matter of fact back when I was younger the F word was NEVER said out loud, nor the C word, seriously, so Twat does not even come close to that for me. I never said the F word till I was well into my 20's and that would have been in the 70's when the f- word was becoming popular, the C-word has always been off limits.

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Dick's arguments sound like sour grapes to me.

I love how they had nothing to do with these people getting evicted.

Eric has ONE vote, just like you DICK.

Love seeing him sitting around with people he hates.

He may get Eric and Dusitn out, but he's more hypocritical than he thinks he is.

Can't wait for Zach to see Dick call him a doofus behind his back 100 times when he watches the tapes.

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right on, Dick says most anything to everyones face. I do not mind it

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99% of the time Dick is sweet and kind. So the 1% of his temper is OK with me because it is about game. I have seen him be so sweet to a lot of people and mostly to his daughter. He really listens to her and respects her opinion.

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I so agree Marty, we tend to zero in on the negative cause they are all pent up in that house with nothing to do and some get more worked up than others, Dick sooo wants to be right with his daughter, I can see that more than the outbursts, I know I would be tell Dustin a thing or 2 along with his Fag hag Amber, now don't ya call me out cause I called her a Fag hag, it is just an expression, and it fits the bill perfectly for her,lol and by the way I gotta get my happy a** to work, I played hooky yesterday or last night, and spent most of the nite here,,baaaadd!

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If the game of Big Brother was played the way Dick thinks it should be played (everything out in the open, alliances spelled out clearly with no deviation allowed, votes decided by the house and must be strictly adhered to, etc.) they could have sat down on day 1 and planned out the entire game. Then the winner could have gotten their money and everyone could have gone home. For someone who has watched all seasons, he doesn't seem to have a clue as to how this game is played.

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I kinda disagree, it's just that he doesn't know when to zip it, he lets his emotions carry him sometimes way too much. I think he knows how he should play the game but then his emotions get in the way and he's off to the races, he just likes to call out the stuff people are trying keep under wraps. I find him quite entertaining, more than Jameka and her mmmm mmmm's. She's about as entertaining as a mud pie.

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99% of the time Dick is sweet and kind. So the 1% of his temper is OK with me because it is about game. I have seen him be so sweet to a lot of people and mostly to his daughter. He really listens to her and respects her opinion.

I really liked that about him, too. But his yelling at Jen is beyond the pale. It makes me think his temper may be at the root of his troubles with Danielle to begin with, on the other hand, every time anyone, not just Dick, tries to talk with Danielle, she is so whiney! he was trying to talk game with her, and to begin with he reiterated the problem, just like you or I would if we were trying to resolve a problem [*lame example ahead]: "We can't trust Dustin--" and she cut him off whining "why are you telling me this again" when any regular adult would have simply said, "yeah we should do A, B or C.." (and brainstorm together). That's what really annoys me most about them, and their interactions. Also when she was in the BR and he was trying to have a fatherly talk about her, he interrupted her, and then he did let her get her whine out (which was good in that case) but he should have told he's sorry! That's what she needs from him. Instead, he started justifying things that she is upset about in the past by saying that's just how he is. A heartfelt apology would have done wonders for that relationship. They need family counseling desperately.

*sorry I don't have time right now to re-watch and quote verbatim!

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I agree with a lot you say, it is a shame to have to have to work on your family problems in the game of BB. He wants to talk game, and she gets tired of it, and she isn't real nice when she tells him to shut up, but I hope this experience will in fact bring them closer together. He needs to tell her how sorry he is for what ever, beg forgiveness and a chance for a fresh start then get back into the game, and leave the family stuff gone.

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Has Dick lied about anything? He always states how virtuous he is (eyeroll) since he's never lied to anyone. I'm trying to think back and all I can remember are his rants and tantrums.

It's amusing that he think's he's so high and mighty because he claims he's never lied. It's as if lying in the Big Brother house is somehow more sinful than yelling and screaming obscenities in someone face. Moron.

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