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Amber's Tears


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Amber seems to be crying everytime I see her. Is there an actual 30 minute period that she doesn't cry? (other than when asleep). I wonder has anyone seen her not crying? :crybaby:

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If they don't throw the comp to kail or Jen I will be shocked. They already talked about letting one of them win hoh to get dick or dani out of the house without one of the alliance having to put them up. So my bet is that Kail or Jen will win hoh. Then Amber will cry and say she tried so hard to win it for the safety of the team. Yeah right.

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But if we keep Amber in then she'll drive the HG nuts with her tears :crybaby:

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OK- I have been casually watching this season. Not really into it. But just watched tonights episode- and don't know if this Amber chick has been the topic of converstaion or not. But OH MY GAWD. Someone seriously needs to shoot her and put her out of her misery. What a pathetic, annoying, fugly little skank.


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finally Amber has something to actually cry about....the banner revealed her to the others....lol

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This is your brain on drugs. Or the aftereffects at least.

Those antidrug commercials just need to show some clips of Amber's constant crying, and maybe then they can get some kids off drugs. She makes Bunky look like the model of emotional stability.

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the girl is a phoney. in dr room they must have did like 1000 edit just so she would cry. she crys with no tears

btw why isnt this thread merge my cry thread was merge

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