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Does Bb Tell Hg's About Tragedies At Home?

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I would like to know how BB handles it when something horrible happens in a HG's home state. Specifically, Will BB inform Nick about the twin cities bridge crashing into the Mississippi river? He could have friends or relatives injured or worse. Anyone know how they handle things like that?(reply from the Nick thread)

I remember when the towers went down, they had to notify Monica that a member of her family was missing :[
Thanks Subtle.
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The only time I have EVER heard of them telling HG's of any tragedies was in Season 2 with 911.

The only reason they told them was because it effected the live show airing and Monica had a cousin in the twin towers.

At the time they did not know when BB would be showing again due to the 911 coverage and the possible attacks on any of our News stations(including MAJOR netwroks,.like CBS) so they called them int he DR and told them.


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I have to think the BB has spies from the HG's families. Like, if Nick's friends or family members were hurt or missing they would want them to know. If someone's spouse or parent or kid (except for Amber, then it would be her dog...JK) fell ill or died, I'm SURE BB would tell them.

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I remember they told someone about her grandfather passing. It was her decision to stay or leave.

I'm sure if any of Nick's kindred were involved in the bridge tragedy, BB would tell him. But, no, they will not tell the entire group about an incident. Remember, they signed up to live in an isolated, protected womb.

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I'm sure they list emergency contact numbers and family members have the phone number of someone they can reach if in fact a family tragedy should occur. Can you imagine a hg family member dying (or something else) and they never tell the hg. The hg should be made aware of any of those situations and have the choice to leave if they wish to do so.

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