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Next Hoh: Endurance?

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So far the HOH competitions have gone in the exact same order as season 7. I'm guessing this means the next HOH competition is endurance.

Who, in your opinion, is most likely to win an endurance competition?

I am guessing either Daniele or Jameka will take it.

I really hope Jen or Kail wins HOH. I'm sick of them being nominated week after week. It gets boring after a while. Power shifts keep the game interesting.

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Guest jordansmom

I think out of all the girls there shes the toughest. As far as the guys go I think she could whip them too. If it is endurance I don't see Dick winning. I do see him trying to get in Jens' head during the whole comp.

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I think Jen would win an Endurance comp cause she knows that if she doesnt get it odds are she will be on the block. She reminds me of Janelle a lot but I cant pinpoint what she does differently besides not yell at other hgs.

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Guest jordansmom

Good point both seasons had/have a NH. The only diff is many fans dislike Jen wereas many fans loved Janey. Both girls have/had to fight to stay in the game.

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Guest jordansmom

I would like to see Jameka win or maybe even Zach. I mean we know who Jen will put up and we know who Dani would put.

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i would love it for her to win. she has already proven herself as being a smart/statigic/strong player.

i have rooted her from the start, and still am. one reason i want nick to stay, so he can help her out.

i dont like dick, or nick, but i want them to help her out.

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Well we don't want Dick to be HOH again. (for now) geeeez. A lot of us don't want the bathroom alliance to have HOH.

I say either Daniele or Nick (cuz he might still be here)

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it's it physical then I think Jen, kail or jameka would win.

emphysemadick would be the first out, then dani b/c she just looks like she has never worked out.

no way, daniele would do great in a physical. well big brother pysical atleast. i mean, they dont ever have competitions where you have to see how many times you can bench press something, there is physical stuff, BUT its stuff that small people can win too.

if its ENDURANCE i see Jenn-Daniele final 2. and it would be GREAT, cause they would both put each other up, so they would stay as long as possible. so i hope daniele wins, or nick. just cause he wouldnt put up daniele.

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I think if it is endurance:

Early outs: Dick, Amber, Zach

Middle of the way (most likely will ask for promises of safety): Jameka, Eric

Possible Winners:

Jessica (REALLY wants to be HoH, even though she doesnt need it)

Daniele (needs to make sure Kail and Jen dont get it)

Kail (Event though she is usually a weak player, I think she will try to stick it out)

Jen (To be honest, I think she will end up winning it)

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If its an endurance test, perhaps Jen will win. Dick will be on the block 4sure and so will Dani (once again). Dick will go home. Jen showed her ability to stand still for quite a long time but the HGs were trying to get the people to laugh and quite frankly, I don't think Jen "gets" humor. I think she is a surface thinker. She can stand in the kitchen for hours, twizzling a glass, and not think of anything.

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