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Rules And Foth


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This is my first year having the live feed and I was wondering if anyone knows the rules of when we get FOTH?

There has been a lot of talk the last few days about the application process, interview process, the hotel, coming onto the CBS lot, contracts, stipend, etc. We get FOTH every time one of these topics is raised. I know we also get FOTH every time there is a contest of something that will air on the show.

We hear BB telling HG's to put on the mic, adjust their mic, go to the DR. Sometimes we hear BB tell the HGs to stop singing and other times we get FOTH and know they were told to stop singing.

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We get FotH every time the HG s mention someone who has NOT signed a release form, when they sing and normally when they mention anything about getting on the show and or their handlers. Sometimes conversation slips in there and we don

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They cannot talk about diary room sessions. They are not allowed to even hum a song or make up a song because they would have to pay that artist a fee. It seems to me that they can sing happy birthday and The National Anthem, I maybe wrong. Then CBS restricts the HG to mention certain things of their contract. The on lookers just love to give us the FOTH. But any nudity, sex, drunkenness, fowl language are totally allowed.

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you get ftoh for anything i dont see standards for ftoh


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sometimes there's foth for when they are changing what room is shown on the cameras

and it seems like i remember one season they sang 'for he's a jolly good fellow' instead of happy birthday

the foth is annoying, but i guess if they could they would sing all the time and that would be pretty annoying too

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