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10:26 am - Jess and Amber in the HOH; Jess tells Amber she things that she has a feeling that "HE" isgoing to keep thing the same; amber says really? She says yes

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Dustin, Jessica and Amber are making fun of the way Daniele cries and how she said, "you just don't understand" [i'm wondering if Dustin will poke fun of Amber's crying?]

Jess is watching the spyscreen and sees Dick with sunglasses on and she says, "It's gonna be a fun one." Amber says she can't stand the negativity in the house.


Jess, Dustin and Amber. If Dick comes off the block Jen goes up. If Dani comes down Dustin goes up.

They making fun od Dani and the fact that she has to sit outside with them while Dick does the usual veto picture wall stuff.



dust and jess in HOH room talking about ED in the DR... Dusting saying some pretty crude things about Dani and ED sexually... ed in kitchen talking about Cliff from cheers... he is saying that Cliff knew everything about everything... Z is talking about lycopene and testicular cancer, elephantitis of the balls, and then about prostate cancer...ed: says g'morning to jam...dust: what ever you guys do, don't make eye contact with him... jam comes up into HOH room... amber asks jam if he said anything to you.. jam says yeah good morning... amber: I just can't take anymore... dust: be a strong person... jess: did you say it sounded sincere? too many convos going on at once...ed: I think we can make a deal with eric...dani: says she doesn't know...


jess just told Dust that his white sweatshirt was just found in the storage room and it was all dirty, she hands it to dustin... dust says... you are kidding, I should just wear it anyways... jess tells amber that she is feeling sick, she says that she drank after eric and he is sick... amber asks if she has taken advil, jess: no, I have just taken my vitamins...


Amber and Jam in the kitchen cleaning, and complaining about the ants.. Someone must have put pickle juice or soy sauce in the cranberry juice.

Dustin and Eric laying out in the sun.. Eric says his stomach hurts..

Now they are calling everyone to the diary room.. one at a time of course..

The rest of HG's are complaining that they called a outside lockdown and havent started it yet.

They just called Eric to the diary room


Jessica and Jen just got a BB warning about they cant talk about something..(got FOTH before i could hear the rest of it..

Danelle and DIck in the bedroom talking stradegy..

and now we have Trivia, maybe the Veto ceremony is about to begin. (I hope)


11:56 BBT

Still Trivia


Oops....Jessica told Eric it was her decision and then got mad because he would not talk about it. She walked out of room and now Eric is in his bed talking to Jameka. (I don't believe the veto meeting has happened) (AP Choice - Silent Treatment - Jessica)


Jessica is in the HoH room alone deep in thought. eric and Jameka are in the small room, seems Jess is upset because Eric isnt talking to her.

Nominations not done yet???

Looks like they're on LD in the house???


Looks like BB told Eric to lay down and avoid talking to people until the veto ceremony...Eric is explaining to Jam why he didnt talk to Jess.

They are talking about who to trust and who not to trust..

Zach is called to the diary room.


Jessica is in HOH crying. She thinks that Eric and Jen are in an alliance. In the Hoh bathroom, she said "he is apart of it.' (ed note: is she going to put up eric?)


Jam tells Eric not to drink the cranberry juice...(something in it) she then goes to get eric a glass of water,

Dustin comes in and asks Eric what BB told him, and he starts to explain and we get trivia.


Jameka got up to go poop, and asked Eric if he wanted some ice chips. He said no, but a glass of water would be good. she said ok, then told him someone put soy sauce in the cranberry juice, and something else was messed up. he said the water was ust fine. Someone asked Eric (think it was Dustin off camera) what they told him....he said basically to just lie down, don't talk to anyone, and they will bring him in again when the Veto meeting is done.

FoTH has been on for about 10 minutes.


Amber, Dani and Dick all downstairs talking about songs. Jessica just got called to DR.Zach upstairs ragging on Dick. Saying all of votes have been to benefit him. Zach is telling Dustin and Jam that he told Jess that is he FOR SURE voting Dick out.


Dick, Jen and Daniele in the kitchen. Dick is looking for vanilla protein shakes. Dani said there are some in the drawer. He couldn't find them, they were still in the box.

Now talking about how songs remind you of a place or time. One was a Joe Walsh song that took him back to teh beach. Dani said something about his break-up with her mother. He said Tears for Fears had just released something, and U-2 released Joshua Tree. Both remind him of his break-up.

All 4 feeds back in the HoH. Zach has just promised that he will vote out Dick. He said Dick and Dani are working as a team, and it affects voting, plus in the end game it is a guarenteed vote.

Now all 4 feeds are in BY. Dani, Dick and Jen talking. Someone was crying (Jess?) and they think it was about Dustin. They sent Jen up to find out what is going on. Dani said she always tries to look upset when she comes out of the DR.

Feeds change again to HoH room. Talking about the food being booby trapped. Dustin said he makes protein shakes up in Snapple bottles, and they are higher or lower than when he left them. Amber asked how that is ok. Zach said it is not technically a sanitary issue. He said you just have to make stuff as you need it, instead of preparing it ahead of time.

Jen wanted to know how long it was going to be until the meeting. Dustin said Jessica is in the DR and Eric is sick.


Dustin goes in to lay down. Zach and Jameka try to get food out of the SR but it is locked. Zach said maybe they are spraying for ants or something. He offers to grill hot dogs for Jameka. As they go outside, Dick stays in the kitchen, laughing to himself.

FoTH again.


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