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August 18, Live Feed Updates

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8:57am Jameka sits quiet in BR coach as Zack goes by neither saying anything to other as he goes to the BR.

by 9:02 Zack is back in bed. and either Jameka is in BR's coach she praying with eyes close and lips moving but making no sound.

9:05 am Jessica walks by Jameka as hes enters the BR and neither say anything to each other.

9:11 Jessica exits BR washs wands Jameka says "Good Moring" Jessica giggles Jam:" ya going back to bed" Jess "yes" and Jessica gets back into bed and Jameka goes back to quiet praying.

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9:17am ya can hear loud footsteps or posible hammers outside on and off this morning Jameka open her eyes wide as she heard the noise.

9:19 Jameka gets up and to her bedroom and back to bed at 9:20am.

9:32am BB" Good Morning Houseguets its time to get up for the Day." then FOTH

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9:45BBT Feeds back - Dick and Jessica at table eating breakfast. A little gloating by Dick as to how wonderful they are. How Amber and Jameka are just figuring things out now. chuckle chuckle.

Dick - sounds like someone sitting on the couch listening to our conversation. Like Jen is always up there doing that and it pisses me off.

Jessica - I never go up there and do that. It's like too much work going up the stairs.

Dick - (to BB) What no more music!

Jessica rinses bowl at sink. Dick finishes cereal and picks up bowl and drinks milk then big burp.

Zach in bathroom. BB - "Amber please go to the Diary Room". (believe she is still in bed)

Amber gets up and goes into Bathroom and is quickly washing face. BB says again "Amber please go to the diary room". She leaves and Zach says "don't you know it takes ladies a little bit of time".

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Jen is in the kitchen making slop. Dani is standing by the back door listening. They appear to be on Indoor LD & she is trying to listen to what they are doing outside. The BB people are being really loud outside. I can even hear the rumble of the BB staff in the BY on the feeds. Dani says she heard one say "I can kick your ass" Then FOTH.

Dick comes into the kitchen (kidding around) saying Jen kept him up all night trying to spoon him. Dani tells Dick says they got in trouble for listening to the BB staff thru the door. Dick says WTH did they stay "stop listening"? Dani says yeah.... & FOTH. Jess & Jameka are up. Good mornings all around. Dani gets called to DR. Jen gets called to DR & Dick says this is when they slip Jen some food because she is on slop. Jess asks if they can hear that (the BB staff outside) & Dani says yes & she was listening to them screaming & laughing earlier.......... & FOTH.

Jameka & Amber in the bathroom ADL'ing & giving each other funny looks in the mirror. Jameka says "It's game time". Jameka isn't nervous she just wants to see what the comp is. Amber wonders if she should take one of her anxiety pills but thinks it would be better not to. Jameka has cramps & gas. Amber thinks she is going to pick Zach's ball. That is who she keeps seeing herself pick.

Amber says she heard eD & Jess up talking this morning. Amber says something about Eric's talk & Jessica & shady fucking people (pot meet kettle).

Jameka is still pissed about the cookie/toilet incident. She thinks people over the age of 25 should not pull pranks. Jameka rehashes her convo with Eric last night. How she told Eric he should have been loyal to the group even though he felt like he was going to be voted out 1st in the group because he could have won HOH & saved himself. Jessica comes in so their whisperfest temporarily ends.

Jess leaves. Amber & Jameka decide that everyone but them will be fighting for the veto to keep noms the same. Amber doesn't wanna pick HG a choice ball. Amber asks Jameka if she realizes that they are on the block because of the group & what they did to Dustin. More rehashing of last nights Eric convos.

Jameka hits the poddy & Eric comes in. Amber gives him a fake-sweet "Good Morning, how did you sleep?"

10:52AM BBT: Eric & Jess in the bed chit chatting. Jess says Amber wants to talk to her later. Lots of whispering (psss pssss psssss) & rehashing of Eric's convos with Amber/Jameka last night.

(I'm off the detail the MINI)

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all 4 feeds on bathroom with amber and jameka

amber said she just can't with these shady people, like jessica, last week she hated ED and this week they're best friends,

jameka: hmmm mmmmm

now they are talking about the prank yesterday that was found on the toilet seat

jameka is saying how she had to clean it up

she said then she goes back in there where ED was and he asked how she liked the prank and she said she didn't think it was funny because she had to clean it up

then she said why the fu** they act like that and they are over 25 years old

amber said yeah and jessica is so fake

jameka said yeah eric was telling her some things about dustin and she doesn't buy it

now she's saying she doesn't understand why he was so greedy

she said the group of 5 was strong, why did he do that to them

she is whispering to amber on the couch in the bathroom,

she said something about eric saying a "group" decision and she said i thought we were his "group"

jess walks in and talk stops and then jameka asked how jess is feeling

talking about the tacos made her sick, amber and jameka said they get that feeling when they eat tacos too

now talking about being ready for the comp

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Amber and Jameka whispering on bathroom couch. Jameka is upset with Eric for voting out Dustin. She said he was greedy. Eric told Jameka it might be the only chance to get Dustin out, as Eric felt threatened to be the first of the five out. Jameka said Eric might have gotten HoH, so someone else would have been out. Jameka said she told Eric Dustin kept him in for the good of the group.

Jessica comes in, tells them there is coffee made. They ask how she is feeling, and she said better after she ate. Jessica said she felt like throwing up all morning. She thought it was the tacos she ate. Jameka and Amber both said whenever they had felt sick, it was after tacos. She asked if they were ready for the PoV comp, and they said yes. she said she was too, but she doesn't know if she will be playing. Jessica leaves, and Amber and Jameka start whispering again.

Amber is saying almost identical to what Jameka said earlier about Eric, and how Dustin saved him, yet he took Dustin out. Amber asked Eric earlier if the group was still together or if they were each on their own, and she said he told her he hoped they were still together. Jameka said she has to be strong for the PoV. She said she needs to go to the bathroom again. Jameka comes back to the couch to chat with Amber while Eric is washing his hands. Jameka is called to change her batteries, and Amber is left staring into space.

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Jess and Eric are whispering on one of the large beds. It is hard to hear. They are saying they feel Amber is the one that needs to stay up, and Jameka come down, since Jameka can't get HoH. Eric asked if Jameka said she was dissappointed in Jessica over what happened. Jess said no, Eric said she said some things to him about him. He said they don't see the threat of Dustin because they are on the block this week. He explained why he voted out Dustin, how he felt out of the group, and the next to go up. He recalls conversations with Amber and Jameka and how they felt it was his fault. He said others voted that way, too. He didn't say that Jess was involved in any discussions about Dustin going home. she said she was, he said he knew that, but they didn't need to know. More whispering justifying what they did.

Eric saying with Dustin gone, he has a better chance of advancing.

Daniele came in and said she knew what they were in there giggling about. She sits down to talk, and they say they liked it bettr when they picked the PoV players the night before, then you knew what to expect.

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Daniele gets called to the DR. Jess and Eric whisper a little mrore, then Zach comes in. He wants to know if he told them about his dream. He said it involved Eric, Dick and himself. He said they were the only 3 left, and up on pedestals in speedos posing, and Eric was in the lead.

Jess then says she had a dream where she won a competition, and they threw a party for her. Her band from High School was there. They questioned that, and asked if she was in it, and she said no.

Now they are talking about the competition. Eric said Daniele won't ask him to host, so he will be the only one not participating. (he hasn't been in a PoV yet). Jessica said if he would win an HoH, he could chose someone for host and PoV. She said winning competitions are what it is about, in case he forgot. theyare talking about who will win depending on what the competition is. If it is making babies, Jen will win, music trivia and Dick would win. Jen says or Eric. he said he did pretty good with some trivia thing they did. Now Eric is explaining what a "circle jerk" is. Jessica asked if that was something they play in NY. Zach comes back into the room (he was gone for a minute) to say something about a conversation he just had with Dick about the morning song. Zach interrupts them, and says HE was talking, starts to walk away and they call him back. He said no that he has their undivided attention...Dick said it was Team America, but it was...Eric and Jessica both say it WAS Team America, Zach said "it was?" then FoTH.

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Feeds are back. Sounds like Eric is hosting, and it is supposed to be about winning something outside of the house and the person that comes in second goes, too. Zach said he would only want to go if Jess was to go with him. He told Eric to be worried, Eric just laughed and made a comment. Jen said she wondered if it was to a movie premiere and Zach thought that would be cool. She said but that would mean BB was listening to their conversations. (well, yeah). Then then wondered if it was someone winning stuff, and the house having something bad, like no beds, or licked in a room, o something. Dick comes in and starts singing and FoTH. Back..eric is still singing...more FoTH.

Dick is being really loud, laughing. Zach is on the bed with Jess. He is wondering what it could be. He is really getting excited about it. Jessica said she knows. Maybe what would you do in order to leave the house....

Feeds switch to Amber and Jameka sitting at the counter (all 4 feeds). They are whispering and hard to hear. They are eating, Jameka is eating slop, and clanking their spoons during their talk. Jameka doing her "ummmmhmmmm" a lot. She said something about not remembering something. They think if one of them wins and comes down, Eric would go up. It is the perfect chance to get rid of him. Amber is trying to remember the word for not being greedy. She KNOWS that they will both be there next week, she just does. Amber says something about not wanting to make Jameka cry...

Zach called to DR.

Amber said ED said people that usually throw it are going to fight hard today because of the trip and stuff. She said Zach and Jessica.....

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Jessica is dressed and laying in bed alone. Jen said son=mething about a mini her, wondering what it will be. Jen said she can eat what she wants, Jess said yeah, but Jen said no, she can't, not really.

All 4 feeds switch to HoH. dick asks if she is talking to him. He said he asked her 3 questions, and she didn't answer them. She asked what were the questions, and he couldn't remember. He asked what she thought is was, she said she doesn't know. Asked if she thought it was a movie she said she doesn't care. Dick complains about a giant zit on his head, and tries to pop it in the mirror, then said ouch. Dick thanked Dani for picking him. she said you are welcome. He said he can't believe that Eric still wasn't picked. (he has never played). He talked about Jen saying she saw in her mind that Dick was hosting. He said no, he was going to be playing. He asked her several times if she was okay, and she said yes. She is curilng her hair, and not talking to him, except for one word answers. Dick said he will see her downstairs, he is going to go drink some orange juice, take his vitamins, and drink some coffee to get hyper so he will be ready.

All 4 feeds switch to large br where Jess is still in bed and Eric is getting ready to host the PoV. He asked if he can wear a shirt with deodorant on it, and they say no, he has to wash it off with a washcloth. Dick comes in laughing...muaahahaha. Eric thought it was for him, but Dick said they enjoy his hosting. He said it was for Jen having to sit on the couch and watch. Eric said he hopes the worse combo in the house wins going. He isn't sure who that is, maybe Zach and Jessica. she said for sure. Jen said she wouldn't want to go with Dick, so she is glad she isn't playing. First and second go together.

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Dick leaves, and says he has had some well timed farts today. he wonders around the house, farting and burping. He asked Jen if Zach was in the DR, and about that time he comes out. Jen asked if Zach was ready for his date with Jessica, and he said actually he wanted a date with Dick.

Jess gets called to DR.

Dick and Zach lay down on the round bed. Dick said it couldn't have been more perfect. (Jen isn't playing and they want to backdoor her). Dick thinks it will be a movie premiere or something. They are saying they have 4 people playing that would be fun...2 that would not. (Amber and Jameka). Zach hopes it will be an agility, accuracy competition, Dick said probably pretty straight forward, like HoH.

Dick has Zach look out the window to see if Jen has her ear up against the door. She didn't.

All 4 feeds switch to kitchen. Jen and Eric in there, Amber doing dishes. He asked Jen if she was going to love watching. She would be thinking how handsome he was hosting. She said no, they then went through a list...she was in other room and couldn't hear. Amber banging the dishes and not talking.

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Feeds again switch back to Zach and Dick. Talking about what they would do in the comp...Zach talking about nasty things they have to eat on Fear Factor. Dick said Zach couldn't even drink the hot dog with relish. He said he couldn't drink stuff, but he can eat nasty stuff. Dick said Zach has played a lot of PoV's since he hasn't been on the block, or HoH. They talk about the ones he has been in. He has been in 3, this will be his 4th. Jen is now there, saying she only competes when she is on the block. Zach decides to go lay down, Dick thinks that is a good idea.

Feeds now in bathroom, Jameka and Amber. Amber says she asked God to please let her win this. she said she says over and over "I trust you God, I trust you". she said Jameka needs to say that, right now. Jameka said she has been saying that. Jameka said whatever happens, it is all good, and she trusts him. Amber said God had to put them up in order for them to win this trip together. They wanted to go together and this is a way for it to happen. Jameka said they can't rey on anyone else. They only have each other.

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Amber said it is meant for them to win, as in the past, the winner always gets to choose, and this year the runner up automatically goes. They are now Jedi training with HoH in order, PoV's in order and who is put up. Amber says when they win and come down, it is Karma that Eric go up and try to get hers or Jessica's vote. Jess comes out of loo, washes hands and leaves, and they start in on their training again.

Feeds switch to LR with Eric and Dani whispering. They wonder what it is going to be. Dani comes in and says could it be any better? It doesn't matter who wins, it will be used. Dani is whipsering, can only understand her saying "sucka, sucka" over and over again. eric said he doesn't care he can't win. Dani leaves. Jess says she really wants Daniele gone. She then says he hasn't won anything.

Jess said they have been in the house for 50 days, what doesn' he know about her. He starts on physical things, and she said that is all he knows. He then says she grew up in Germany until the age of 5, she has a dog named Divo that unfortunately has a bad leg at the age of 2, she is a senior and has 2 years left, talks about her dad, mom, grandma Joyce, her brother Dean. She is afraid of hobo clown and prison. She has a good relationship with the sun, though that has slowed down since they have been together, he thinks he has replaced the sun in her heart. she agrees. He says she is a good beer pong partner, but gets frustrated if they are doing bad, she has soft hair. she wants to know how many friends she has. He said she has one in Alaska being a nanny for the summer, her name is Stacia, spelled wierd, she has 2 friends named Michelle, she went to an 80's party and was the only one there and almost went to jail.

He asked her if anyone said anything about her cleaning. Evidently she got distracted and left cleaning stuff on the counter. It was sandy and toxic. He said she knows he is afraid of being poisoned. They joked about doing it on purpose so she won't be asked to do it again.

Her favorite beer is Coors Lite and favorite liquor is Tequila. She is asking about the trees and bushes in her yard, and what color her house is.

Feeds back to Jameka and Amber.........

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They are still whispering about things being a blessing, and it is their time to win. Jameka saying how it was a blessing to be cut the year everyone had a partner, and they told her to apply next year. She said that was All-Stars, then they told her to apply next year....this year and she is on.

Feeds back on Jessica and Eric. He has an ant on his plate while he was eating. they freak out a little. He gets up and dumps everything. Dani in kitchen. He starts to get a drink, then remembered he had a drink over there (LR). They start in on Jessica trivia. Now they start in on Eric trivia, and feeds switch AGAIN to Jameka and Amber still in bathroom.

Jameka said they are their to bring people closer to God. she said she didn't ask for placement, but to win. She said there are a lot of ways to win. (getting tired of listening to the reasons they are in the house). Amber is saying she prays every night for her daughter, and understanding. She also asked to be a stronger player. Dick comes in to go to loo and Jameka gets called to the DR. Amber said to ask if she can say a prayer in there. she said not to be embarrased, and ask if she can say a few words to God. On her way, Jameka stops to talk to Dani, and say that she doesn't hold her in ill will. Dani said she appreciates that.

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Eric said he made it to the softball all-stars, Jessica asked what that meant. They are back to T-F questions about Jessica, then multiple choice about Eric. Eric earlier was asking what color are his eyes, his hair, his teeth. Jen came in and laid down. Dick is wandering around. Talk of Jessica's neighbors brings FoTH.

Eric asked what year he was born, Jessica said 1980. Dick said he graduated HS by then. jen said she was born in 1984. No one responded. Eric said he was the fifth oldest in the house. Dick, Kail, Zach, not sure who else. Talk turns to staff at theme park Jess worked at, FoTH.

More people involved in the true or false game. Dani asking about Zach's middle name. she said he wouldn't tell anybody. Dani said when she asked him, he threw a fit. He asked what her middle name was, she said she doesn't have one. He doesn't believe her. She walks away from the fridge, and he asked if she knew she dropped the chocolate, or was waiting for an ogre to pick it up. Zach asked Dani if she was ready for their first date. He said he knows she has a boyfriend, but it will be the ogre and the princess. He starts in on being an ogre. They comment on questions from the other room, but can't hear the questions, only the answers from Zach and Dani.

I am out....going to the fair.

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