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August 30, Live Feed Updates

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3:25am Eric & Dick wisper in BR coach to evict Amber and if somehow Zack wins HOH either Dic/Dani or Eric/Jess will scary him into nominating Jameka or Zack will leave the folloing week. Amber & Jameka just layed down. Eric saying they shold scare Zack saying you have 5 hours to get yourself together or youre gone. Eric & Zack laugh that Zack is stealing the dishs and stuff in his shirt and taking them. Zack says hes hiding them. they laugh. Dick says about Zack this past week that Dick has been LMAO about Zack he said. Eric says that Jess is down with the Zack plan to and Dani is to Dick says that the plan is to worry Zack in the last hours and make him come up with plans then save him on thursday night and get rid of Amber. Eric says to Dick when we get to final 4 all bets are off. Dick says yeah best player win. Eric "were gonna be the best badass final four ever its gonna be cool. the 2 hottest girls and the 2 biggest Dick heads." they laugh. Eric & Dick talk of a possible twist that when itys the final 5 there will be a modification in voting. Eric says its possible but i think not any twists this year. Dick says yeah but they do every year. Eric goes to toilet at 2:35am as Dick says something about Jameka then tells Eric hes gonna ouit for smoke. Dick looks at clock and says "2:30(then outside) its f'n hot out here." does his regular thing spiting and smoking. Dick says he fells horrible. then "Ants!" from Dick talking about something taking 6 hrs. to build and that i sounded like drums. 2:40am Jess has woken up in HOH room but just laying there. outside Dick says "Goodbye Amber. It's been long overdue." all 4 feeds know on Dick outside. FOTH quickly at 2:42am. back to all 4 feeds on Dick. Dick finshs his smoke at 2:44am but stays outside just laying on coach.(no idea is Eric is still in BR or asleep.) Dick gets up at 2:45am and Says "im going to bed... yes im going to bed... 1st im gonna take a shit" burps on way inside and goes to his round room and says "BB dont take my room away plz dont do it" Talks to self "oh. its 3am and still feel horrible Julian tell Mario he hurt me way to much tonight." enters BR toilet at 2:47am. eith all 4 feeds on BR's door.

Dick exits BR at 2:55am washes hands and with a 4 secong burp. Dani walks by and goes into BR. Dick tells her "carefull in their youya re taking your life at your own hands. Dick enters his bedroom at 2:56am

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3am no idea on where Dani is but Dick in his room folding chotles. Dick plays with camera guy by moving his face close to camera abit.(he shold be asleep soon.)

and with the words of the "good one" "and thats that" im out

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Dani has been sitting at the kitchen table for the past half hour. Dick got up out of bed and went back out on porch. Dani off to the bathroom.


Eric now sitting at kitchen table, alone. He eventually heads up to HOH where Jess is awake. Dick comes in and heads to the head (again).

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Now, the cameras are following Dick from outside, where he said Daniele is such a something and said imagine that, then walks back inside. He walked to the bedrooms then bath towards the bathroom. Looks like he's looking for Daniele who is no longer at the dining room table. Dick says to no one that you won't believe how hot it is outside. He then proceeds to go back outside to smoke.

He says my daughter, my daughter and how he's going to try to make the best of their time left together. He yawns really big and then spits really far.

Dick: Daniele's way to cocky for this HOH. Much too cocky.

Eric's up and uses the bathroom. He goes to the sliding glass door and talks to Dick from there. He said he's been in the DR for quite some time, ever since he disappeared. Dick told him he tried to sleep and crossed paths with Daniele. Brief FOTH and Eric is by the kitchen sink. More FOTH. Two feeds on Eric getting a drink and two feeds on Dick outside. Eric sits at the dining room table.

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Eric's now in the same position Dani was in at the table. Dick's still yawning and asks why can't he sleep.

Dick: Very big, big, big competition tomorrow. Big HOH competition tomorrow. He then burps really loud.

Eric goes into the bathroom and Dick cleans up the backyard and say's he'll pick this up so they don't have to later. He goes inside and Eric goes up to the HOH room. He wakes up Jessica and she asks him what's been going on. Dick goes and uses the bathroom. Eric's telling Jess what's in the backyard. Seems like BB set something up and Eric's trying to figure out how it will be used in the HOH competition. Jess asks if he talked to Amber and he said no. Jess asks about Zach, and Eric says Zach's been talking to everyone.

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Now Eric is discussing with Jess what questions Julie will ask on tonight's show. Dick is now doing something to the grass figure by the front door. He's putting rubber gloves on the grass bunny. Jess is either drinking root beer or a beer. Jess tells Eric that for some reason, Amber thinks she's keeoing her if there's a tie. Eric says if there is a tie, then something is fishy because then either Dick or Daniele didn't vote for Amber. Jess ask Eric if he might vote to keep Amber and he says no, he's voting her out. Jess calls him PV (Phantom Vote). Eric says if for any reason there is a tie, Jess should kick Amber out and campaigns for Amber to leave. Says Amber leaving will break up Jameka and Amber.

Dick was doing something in the kitchen, then goes into the SR. Jess asks Eric is he's going to tell Amber. He says he's going to avoid her. Dick contiunes to add props to the bunny by the door. Looks like an orange peel around both eyes. Eric and Jessica eating in bed as Eric tells Jess that Jameka loves his hair, and said he looks like Justin Timberlake and is bring Sexy Back. Jess repeats that Amber didn't talk to anyone tonight. They talk about what to say to Jameka if they tell her they're voting out Amber.

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Brief FOTH and then Eric's alone in the bed. I think someone came to the door during the FOTH because you quickly heard Jess say Eric came and woke her up and then it's just Eric by himslef in the bed. Dick just entered the HOH room. Eric tells Dick that Jess was asked to go to the DR by a voice only in the HOH room. Talk about Janelle and all her winnings and she didn't win the game. Talk of Will not winning anything and winning the game and almost winnin twice.

Dick and Eric are talking about what Amber's reaction will be when she's evicted. They watch Jessica come out of the DR and her come upstairs. Eric's rehashing to Dick what happened last night when Dani was making cookies and how Amber probably heard Eric and Dani talking and how she came running out after Eric had gone back to the HOH room. Eric says that Dani told Eric that for the 10th time Amber told Dani about her pooping in the pants around her boyfriend.

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Dick talks about how Zach's master plan is to nominate Jameka and Jessica and backdoor Eric because he's the biggest threat. Eric says that there's no more backdooring, as everyone has an equal opportunity in the veto competition. They're also talking about their odds of winning all the following competitions. Eric says that they are responsible for everyone in the jury house and that they have had a hand in everyone but Carol leaving the house. Dick asks if a group has ever steamed rolled so many people.

Eric says he has a feeling James will be here tomorrow. He feels like past HGs will return and he has a feeling James will be here tomorrow. More talk about if they should try to scare Zach tomorrow by telling him that he's basically leaving and then saving him. Talking about all the stuff Zach packed from the house. Dick says he kept a snake from the veto competition he won.

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Lots of under the cover smooching between Jess and Eric. Come out for air and she's rubbing his head.

"How do you like it?" he asks

"I like it a lot. I'm afraid JaMeka might like it more than me."

"Am I squeezing you too much?" he asks

"Uh unh," she says.

"How do you like it?"

"I like it a lot," she replies.

Just a lot of pre-sleep cuddling and kissing going on.

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8:55 pm BBT

Ummmmm so guess what?! There is no change LOL All 4 feeds remain on the HOH room with Eric and Jessica. Very quiet, only some movement when turning etc.

Every once in a while I hear banging, more like a knocking sound....not sure where its coming from (behind the walls or outside in the house)....

A really loud bang just now, no movement. I wonder if the rats behind the wall do that on purpose...LOL

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