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Big Brother Ratings For Season 8


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Neilsen ratings are kind of screwed up for our current technology age. We were a Neilsen family about five years ago and all you do is punch the box if you are watching or if both members of family are watching. Then if you have a guest there are other buttons to push and put the gender and age of the guest watching the particular program.

But keep in mind this was before TiVo. Now we watch way more shows than we ever did five years ago. Also, we may watch Thursday night's Big Brother on Friday morning while we are getting ready for work. So, unless Neilsen has come up with something in the last five years they did not account for anything that we recorded by VCR five years ago.

I think this is may be why CBS originally cancelled Jericho, while they did not get the Neilsen ratings; people like us were TiVoing the program and watching it at our convience. Boy did they get feedback about that cancellation, that was crazy the amount of NUTS people sent to CBS!!!

So were we. About 3 years ago. Our thingy was hooked up to the DVD player. But ratings are to sell ad space and when you Tivo or watch something from an earlier recording, chances are you skip the commercials.

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Not to overstate the obvious....but you will see this week that the shows don;t go 1 - 20, the shows with teh same # tied for that spot. Overall there are still 20 shows. BB is hanging in the bottom 5 this season which is strange. Previous seasons it has moved up to the top 10 area by now. Instead of blaming it on casting, I will say it is the greater competition during the summer months on tv these days. There are so many new, great shows that come on during the summer on the cable channels. What used to be the dog days of summer is now a hot bed of interesting programming for everyone and anyone. Regardless of players, not good for a show that does not deviate from it's formula or try anything new.


WEEK OF 09/03/07 - 09/09/07

Network Primetime Averages by Viewers

week of 09/03/07 - 09/09/07

Sort by Total Households

Top 20 Network Primetime Series: Total Viewers

Rank Program Name Net Day Time Total Viewers Viewer Rating Length

1 NBC SUNDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL NBC Sun 8:24 PM 18,157,000 1.0 186m

2 NBC NFL THURSDAY SPECIAL(S) NBC Thu 8:40 PM 17,791,000 2.0 155m

3 NBC NFL THURSDAY PRE-KICK(S) NBC Thu 8:30 PM 13,579,000 3.0 10m

4 SUNDAY NIGHT NFL PRE-KICK NBC Sun 8:15 PM 12,378,000 4.0 9m

5 60 MINUTES CBS Sun 7:29 PM 10,835,000 5.0 60m

6 OT, THE FOX Sun 7:23 PM 10,101,000 7.0 37m

7 WITHOUT A TRACE CBS Thu 10:01 PM 9,501,000 6.0 59m

7 CSI CBS Thu 9:00 PM 9,487,000 8.0 61m

9 FOOTBALL NT AMERICA PT 3 NBC Sun 7:57 PM 9,184,000 9.0 18m

9 TWO AND A HALF MEN-SPC(S) CBS Mon 9:00 PM 9,112,000 10.0 30m

11 CSI: MIAMI-SPC(S) CBS Mon 10:00 PM 8,760,000 10.0 60m

11 NFL OPENING KICK-OFF SHOW(S) NBC Thu 8:00 PM 8,814,000 10.0 30m

13 BIG BROTHER 8-SUN CBS Sun 8:29 PM 8,284,000 16.0 60m

13 SMARTER THAN 5TH GRADER FOX Thu 8:00 PM 8,285,000 16.0 61m

13 EXTREME MAKEOVER:HOME ED. ABC Sun 8:00 PM 8,370,000 19.0 60m

16 CRIMINAL MINDS CBS Wed 9:00 PM 8,022,000 13.0 60m

16 CSI: NY CBS Wed 10:00 PM 8,033,000 13.0 60m

16 POWER OF TEN - TUE CBS Tue 8:00 PM 8,091,000 13.0 60m

16 BIG BROTHER 8-TUE CBS Tue 9:00 PM 7,996,000 18.0 60m

16 ABC SUN MOVIE OF WK-9/9(S) ABC Sun 9:00 PM 7,919,000 19.0 120m

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Well, the Thurs show FINALLY managed to crack the top 10. In past years this ahappened about 3 weeks earlier so this is not a good sign. But the true test will be the finale. I personally don;t know anyone who actually watched it as no one I know was interested in the final 2, but, seeing as how "America" wanted Dick over Dustin week 6, maybe this will be the best showing yet. What do I know? That's why I leave it to Nielson to provide the real ratings :)

Top 20 Network Primetime Series: Total Households

Rank Program Name Net Day Time Household Viewers

Rating/Share Audience

1 NBC SUNDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL NBC Sun 8:25 PM 9.8/16.0 11,105,000 15,316,000

2 EMMY AWARDS(S) FOX Sun 8:00 PM 8.4/14.0 9,445,000 12,951,000

3 60 MINUTES CBS Sun 7:51 PM 7.6/12.0 8,613,000 11,542,000

4 SUNDAY NIGHT NFL PRE-KICK NBC Sun 8:15 PM 7.2/12.0 8,116,000 11,087,000

5 WITHOUT A TRACE CBS Thu 10:26 PM 6.6/12.0 7,402,000 9,472,000

6 TWO AND A HALF MEN CBS Mon 9:00 PM 6.4/10.0 7,179,000 9,953,000

7 CSI: NY CBS Wed 10:00 PM 5.9/10.0 6,688,000 8,865,000

8 CSI CBS Thu 9:25 PM 5.8/10.0 6,518,000 8,424,000

9 BIG BROTHER 8-THU CBS Thu 8:00 PM 5.7/10.0 6,390,000 8,889,000

10 CSI: MIAMI CBS Mon 10:00 PM 5.6/9.0 6,358,000 8,302,000

10 FOOTBALL NT AMERICA PT 3 NBC Sun 7:55 PM 5.6/10.0 6,330,000 8,589,000

12 CRIMINAL MINDS CBS Wed 9:00 PM 5.5/9.0 6,177,000 8,184,000

13 BIG BROTHER 8-TUE CBS Tue 9:00 PM 5.4/9.0 6,070,000 8,086,000

13 HOUSE FOX Tue 9:00 PM 5.4/9.0 6,058,000 7,832,000

15 NCIS CBS Tue 10:00 PM 5.3/9.0 5,940,000 7,693,000

16 POWER OF TEN CBS Wed 8:00 PM 5.2/9.0 5,887,000 7,772,000

17 BIGGEST LOSER 4 NBC Tue 8:00 PM 5.0/8.0 5,650,000 7,843,000

17 COLD CASE CBS Sun 9:51 PM 5.0/8.0 5,602,000 7,305,000

19 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT CBS Mon 9:30 PM 4.9/7.0 5,510,000 7,517,000

19 SMARTER THAN 5TH GRADER FOX Thu 8:00 PM 4.9/8.0 5,490,000 7,871,000

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