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Revenge Of The Houseguests Gone?

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I was just wondering... does anyone know why CBS's BB8 website doesn't have the "Revenge of the Houseguests" blog this year? I used to enjoy Jack's analysis in particular and I'm missing it terribly this year!

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Not sure why but they also do not have a picture each week for viewers to come up with a title for.....

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because cbs doesnt care about the fans :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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Did they only have it last year? I'm wondering if it might have been because it was All-Stars season?

Edited to add: Film.com has the official BB forum this year, so maybe it was because so much of the BB info has moved to Film.com?

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They had it for BB6 and BB7 so it wasn't just an All-Stars thing. Maybe the previous HGs just weren't interested in doing it anymore or something.

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