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Tuesday, July 17th


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Nick in the BY telling Amber about him being a part of the Mrs. Robinson alliance. So far, we know he's told Danielle, Jameka, Jen and Amber.

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You might be right cajun... those are the only one's I know about. LOL

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Many times when feeds are FOTH Showtime is still going. I have no complaints about it except those Weeds and Californication commercials.

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My hubby ordered Show yesterday, I turned it on for 15 mins last night but was too tired to stay up. I didn't know that it kept it going even with the FotH. :animated_scratchchin: Could be a good thing!!

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I have to say I haven't watched a lot of the feeds, either day or night.

It just seems that whenever I go to watch, either nothing (or boring stuff) is happening, or it's FOTH...and then my short-attention span kicks in.

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I'm with you Yath. This year more than any other the feeds are boring me to tears. Too much repetitive strategy talk & not enough fun. MBE it's still too early for the feeds to be good yet or very possibly the lack of adult beverages is contributing to the feed doldrums :grin2:

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I have to say I haven't watched a lot of the feeds, either day or night.

It just seems that whenever I go to watch, either nothing (or boring stuff) is happening, or it's FOTH...and then my short-attention span kicks in.

that's me exactly :sleep1:

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Well just got home and watching the feeds.

Joe/Jen and Kail are hatching the plot to get Dick out of the house. Kail is going to talk to Jameka for one and they think they have enough people to get Dick out.

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Any idea what they were talking about when they kept listing times to 'talk' or whatever on Thursday? I was too in shock to hear that they might be keeping Joe, unlike their original plan, to keep listening to what they were talking about.

Anyone know?

Edit: Also, who's side is Eric more so on? Was he the one who told Dick that Joe is talking about him? Dick just confronted Joe about how he's talking about Dick. He must have heard that from someone. Eric, maybe?

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They are talking about telling people at the last second who is voting for Joe to stay so they won't have time to try and change anyones mind...

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