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Nominations - Week 2


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In BB5 and BB6, they voted out the older people first. In the seasons where people PLAYED the game and each other, guys like George and Jack stayed around for awhile. 5 and especially 6 had a herd mentality and allianced up really quickly, and dumping the older person was just as chickenshit as nominating the first two off the mushrooms was last week and a pair was this time.

8 had alliances but alliances are nothing but speedbumps to Dr. Will. Chilltown was only ever two guys - even though at one point or another just about everyone thought they were a part of Chilltown. The pairs here are only threats if both of the pair watch the show. Carol wasn't a fan so she didn't know how to play the crowd. Amber was a bigger threat and will get the sympathy vote at the end. Like Will, they should have nuked her when they had the chance.

Daddy dearest seems to have gotten his game on. Best case scenario for him is to win the POV.

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I agree Cajun. Amber is really a strong player and seems like it will be hard to get her out later. Carol was just someone they could evict anytime.

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Zack and Mike in the hammock. Zack said for sure Amber and Dustin would vote to evict Daniele. That is not at all what Amber and Dustin have been saying to others. He also said Jen wanted Daniele out.


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Zach, Mike and Kail all said they want Danielle out this week mainly because they are worried about the hold she can have on Nick. (anyone remember a similar thing in BB5 the whole holly/jase thing?) I think if Nick finds out that his own alliance voted Danielle out then they will crumble. JMO.

I think Dick has a good chance of staying if HIS so called alliance of Dustin and Amber don't turn on him. It would be stupid for Amber and Dustin to keep Dani because Dani is close to Joe and Jessica. Dick is on THEIR side...why vote out someone who you know is your ally? Amber's reasoning behind is just idiotic and not strategic at all.

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Buckle up because this looks to be gettin REEEEEEAAALLLL nasty.

That Mrs Robinson alliance looks to be all but trashed. It appears Nick had left because of the Danielle alliance. Kail, Zach and Mike wanted Dani on the block to secure Nick's loyality. Looks to have had the opposite effect. Right not it looks like Amber, Dustin, Nick, Danielle, Dick and maybe Jameka out to create a stir of things.

That leaves Jenn, Kail, Mike, Zack and Joe on the other side of the fence with a few caught in the middle.

It looks like they are about to use Joe in some backdooring scheme.

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Oh, if only Dick wins veto and Jen replaces him with Zach, as a "pawn". The BAM, bye bye Zach. The reprocussios would be awesome. The Robinson alliance would be over, they would be mad at Jen for doing it and the target would be off Dick. It would be too awesome...meaning, it would never happen

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Jen says that she won't put up Joe if one of them wins and uses the POV. She says she'll put up Amber to assure a Dani/Dick eviction.

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jen is not as dumb as folks think. it is a lock either dick or danielle is leaving

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She will still be spoiled and whiny and wanting pity. She will probably make up some stories about her Dad never being there bla bla bla

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Of course she'll keep it going...what else does she have to talk about?

Don't forget, this 20-year-old said it would be the "worst day of her life" if she were nominated....

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Daniele and Amber are talking and it is all about whine whine whine. Amber is assuring Dani that she will get the votes for her to stay and Dick to leave.

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I would prefer for Daniele to go home. I have had enough of her fake personality.

"Awkwarrrrrd" :rolleyes:

I like totally agree with you Marty. ;)

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