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Nudity and Adult Content Discussion

Guest shelbyatmidnight

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Guest shelbyatmidnight

anyone got playgirl pics from Big Brother Castmates? If so, dont be afraid to share em. regular nudes are okay 2 :lol:

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anyone got playgirl pics from Big Brother Castmates? If so, dont be afraid to share em. regular nudes are okay 2 :lol:

If I had them I would send them to Morty and if he wanted to post them he could do so... I would never post nudes without checking for permission first...

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Guest shelbyatmidnight

that works too. does anyone know who (if any) of the new houseguests has em?

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that works too. does anyone know who (if any) of the new houseguests has em?

I don't know for sure but I read somewhere that someone wondered if Janelle done the porn before or after competeing the the Miss Minnesota padgent and I know there are some racy one out there of a few of them but I personally haven't seen anyone nude...

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  • 2 weeks later...

:shock: Ya peeker!

Just Howie letting his fingers doin some walkin under the covers at night...don't think he found much though....

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Guest ranster627

so far we had a close nipple call and Howie was naked under his sheets ... haven't heard of or seen anything else yet!

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Guest Shockalot

By far the lowest moments in all BB history was when Jase was seen getting himself 'chubby' before undressing for the cameras.

Fine if your gonna be naked but please dont do stuff like that people!

You can almost count on the fact that Howie is going to expose some part of himself. Just for the pure sake of being 'Howie'.

My Guess: His Testicles.

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Guest Familiar Realm

Are you guys talking about the ''fruit bath''?? I think that was the night Holly got the boot. lmao classic

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But, I am soooo looking forward to seeing some nude shots of Michael, Kaysar, James,Eric, even Howie. The only reason I am not interested in Beau is that he is too feminine. I like me men to be men :)

Sorry :)


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Ok, So i am watching the feeds and enjoying the beauty of Kaysar praying ( it really is a very elegant and beautiful) on feed 4, and watching Howie shower (hoping for more than just a face shot, ass shot was granted) and the way that each of them moved, Kaysar praying, Howie shaving was actually quite nice. If you watched both feeds, there was a rhythm to what they each were doing.

BUT, I am pissed that the US, which is sooooooooo liberal, wil not show nudity on the feeds. I mean come on?!!!! My friend that works on Australias BB thinks we are in the dark ages. More nudity, more paying customers to Real and CBS. Hello folks, is a penis or boobs that bad?......really? And if the players won't consent to it, then screw them. I would go on and not be ashamed to show anythong and I am not all that.



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A)Watchit when you call the US alllllllllllll Liberal...! :shock:

B)Whilst I might occasionally enjoy a peek at a nice booty or two...not everyone watching BB feeds ARE old enough tae sample the examples.

C)You could always watch the feeds with a dirty magazine on your lap! :rofl

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Guest erthangel

Ok I read these boards and only once have I felt the need to post until NOW..

You are absoultely wrong... There is no reason anyone should be looking at things like that, let alone the player may or may NOT want their body parts shown! (Think about Jason and Danielle) And Scottish totally agree there are children, whether they should or should not be watching, many are watching!

These are HUMANS, not porn stars give me a break! If you want that go somewhere else!

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Guest jwells131313

Lighten up. We are all HUMANS after all. The equipment is fairly standard no matter where you are from. What is the big deal?

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I totally agree with Jwells.... we all have the same thing (in varying shapes and sizes). No offense intended but some US folks are VERY uptight about their bodies....Will anyone ever get over the trauma of Janet Jackson's boob! As long as the HG's are just doing normal everyday things it shouldn't be an issue. Besides...they all signed up to be filmed 24/7 for 3 months. Did they miss the part where they would have to shower and change clothes during that time period? :D

Just my 2 cents 8)

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Guest DRSMitch

The "concervative "supposidly Christian" right" of America needs to relax. For supposedly being the "only super power left" we are in the dark ages when it comes to this.

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Considering the fact that there are kids under 18 with feed access...BB/RP/CBS and anyone else involved by laws & standards WILL have tae try tae monitor nudity(like it or not).Otherwise there will have tae be No One Under 18 Admitted type warnings posted prior tae purchasing feeds.

That's not a left OR right issue..that's common sense.

I'd hate tae think people are watching BB just tae see boobies......there's other sites for that..... :twisted:

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Guest DRSMitch

its a parents job to make sure your children are not accessing sites with nudity or other adult content. I understand that CBS can not 9and should not) air adult content, however the feeds should be less strict. The show is named big brother, which emplies "watching your every move." Also, look at the screen shots that are posted on this site, its all about T&A. CBS has gone as far as promoting T&A by only puting "beautiful people" in the house. I don't see any "Jerry's" this year.

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