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July 30, Live Feed Updates

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Nick, Eric and Dick outside. Nick asks if it was a "house consensus?"

Zach tries to come outside and Nick asks Zach to "leave them alone for a second!"

Nick says he won't be a pussy about it.

He doesn't even want Zach to come outside. He tells Zach that "he will be talking loudly" and he doesn't want Zach to hear him.

Zach says that he wasn't even close to him.

Nick says "What????" really confrontationally (imo) and Zach goes inside.

Nick says that BB says "Expect the unexpected."

He says that he will say them later, and he goes inside. Before he goes inside, he tells Eric that Eric and Dick may need to shave his head, now.

He tells Zach "Sorry--I just had to talk to them. They asked me a question."

Zach says okay, and it's obvious he isn't happy.

Feed switches Amber, on her stomach, sobbing on her bed.

Nick goes up to her, puts his arm around her and says "It's okay, Baby. We'll talk later, okay?" She keeps crying.

Nick is prowling through the house, fast.

Dani is sitting on her bed, upset.

Kail looks somber.

Nick is headed for the silhouette room. Jen sees him says "Hi, I'll give you your hug." She hugs him (he barely hugs her, really fast." She says "It sucks."

Nick is on his knees in front of Dani, who is crying.

Kail comes in the HOH.

Dustin: Don't worry--it was a planned move.

Kail: Wow! And Amber is supporting it?

Dustin says yes.

Kail: You've got to be kidding. I didn't see that coming, at all!

Dustin: She knows what's best for her in this game. Her relationship with Nick has to end. The only way for it to decrease is if he leaves the house. She's well aware of it--she knew it was coming.

Kail: So, she's fine??

Dustin: We had a conversation days ago about this. Even before the power of veto.

(Another feed is on NIck comforting Amber, who is sobbing loudly)

Kail: It's hard for me to believe, when she's---

Dustin: Oh, yeah. That's her. It's her.

Kail: Wow. Wow!

Dustin: Yep! Well, think about it. It's a strategic move.

Kail: And you have four people supporting you?

Dustin says he has Eric. Then he stops and says he has more than four people.

Kail: Are you serious? And you don't think Amber is going to flip?

Dustin: Nope. Like I told you before, It's going to be a landslide.

(Dustin is talking in a very cold voice)

Dustin says that it was the best move for this house.

Dustin: Don't think that it went unnoticed in my eyes.

Kail: Okay.

Dustin says that Nick has played both sides too hard. It's a Joe move. He's playing the same as Joe, but he's better at it.

Dustin says that Nick has a thing with Dani, a thing with Jen, etc.

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Nick is in BY talking to Eric and Dick. He asked if it was a house consensus or if it was just Dustin. Eric said he heard several names thrown around, and Nick said he only heard Zach. Zach comes over and Nick asked to give them a second. Zach said he thought they were close and walks away (hurt feelings) Nick said Dustin has been trying to have Nick hook up with him and Amber. He said he has been hanging around Amber cuz he likes her. Nick said he might need someone else to shave his head, Dick and Eric offer.

Nick walks away, past Zach...Guess what...Amber is crying!

Dustin and Kail in HoH. Kail asked if it wasd a surprise to Amber. Dustin said it was the best strategic move, and Amber knows it is the best move for the house. Kail can't believe it. Dustin said his relationship with Amber is too strong, it keeps her from concentrating on the house.

Kail asks if it would backfire. He said the entire house is in on it. Kail said she is sorry he has to put up with the trouble. He said it is the best for the house. Jen comes in to HoH. Dustin said he has played all sides, and has lied to everyone in the house. Jen tells her not to be pessimistic. Dustin said she is still on the block. She said she won't be confident until 5:30 Thursday night.

Jen asked Dustin what is the best thing for Kail to say. Kail said she has learned not to say anything until late Wed. night. It doesn't make sense. Kail said she doesn't understand why Jameka is taking it so hard. Dustin said she and Amber are like that. Dustin (very cocky) said Zach will vote however he tells him. Jen said possible votes against Kail are Daniele, Dick and Amber if she flips. Jen questioned whether Zach will vote to keep Nick, since they are close.

Dustin goes outside, Kail goes downstairs to Kitchen. she sees Nick and tells him she is sorry, she didn't know that was going to happen. Nick said they all go into the house knowing what can happen. He said it was a pretty gutsy move on Dustin's part.

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Dick holding Amber in his arms as she cries whispers to Amber: "don't worry, doll face, what happens happens"...now he's just sitting by her rubbing her back (ed. she was so proud yesterday about being the one who got everyone to put up Nick...and now...)

Nick asks Amber if she knew this was going to happen...she says something about Zach...then Nick says "don't worry about it"

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Dustin is outside now with Jess, Eric, Jameka and Dick.

In the big bedroom, Amber is sobbing loudly. Nick gets on the bed with her, holds her. He says not to let it get her down, whatever happens, happens. He calls her Dollface.

Dick is walking around.

Dustin starts to say what they should say when Nick asks if it was a group decision.

Eric says Dick already indicated that it wasn't.

Eric: This is the way the cards fell kind of thing (that Dick said that).

Dustin: He was just saving his ass.

Eric says he claimed that suggestions were put out there, and that's how it went down.

Eric and Jess both say that they are okay with it, and Dustin says he is, too.

Eric says he 100 percent trusts everyone, but everyone needs to make sure there is no "wavering," as there is a lot of time before Thursday.

Dick comes back over.

Dick says that he told Jen he wants to smack her across the face, and he really does want to. He wants to "get the bitch out of there next week."

Nick whispers and asks if Amber knew this would happen?

Nick: No?

Amber: He said he was gonna put up Zach. He never told me or confirmed it.

Nick: It's okay.

Dick is really angry (for whatever reason). He's angry at Jen.

Eric says that he hopes she (Jen or Kail?) knows that just because she's off the hook for two consecutive weeks, it doesn't mean it is due to her doing.

Dick says the way Jen used the situation to her advantage makes him sick.

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Kail and Jen are talking.

Amber: What if she votes for Nick?

Jen: What if she does? That's three people.

Kail asks if she thinks that she (Amber, probably) can talk Jameka into it?

Jen: Nope.

They say that is four people, then.

Kail: Then, that's a tie.

Dani and Jen are both told not to obstruct their mics. Jen is lying on her stomach.

Jess comes in the room. He says he is just lying there with Amber. Jess is getting something out of her drawers and Nick gives her a dirty look when she isn't looking.

Jen says she isn't aligned with Nick at all.

Jen says she doesn't get why Dustin put Nick up, though.

Kail says it gets Amber away from Nick.

Nick is whispering to Amber, who is still sobbing.

He says he isn't going to go around campaigning.

He says he's just going to ----- with Amber and Dani, okay?

(I couldn't hear what he said due to Amber sobbing)

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Dick is again attacking Jen for using Jameka. He called her a scumbag, and said he hopes Vanna fires her as soon as she gets out. He said she isn't off the block because anyone likes her. She is done...he said no she is. He is calling her a f*ing piece of sh*t. He said he hopes she dies a horrible death. He is calling her terrible things, and making fun of her, she said she is confident in her self. He said she is so self-centered, she pulled down the picture of her mother because she didn't like the way she looked. He then starts talking about how bad she is in bed, a cold fish, he is really slamming her!! Jen just grins, tells him she is fine, go ahead....dick leaves and she said "you notice he didn't do this Before the ceremony".

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Dick is now yelling at Jen, who is staying calm. He's cussing her out. (I can hear him in the other room, even though I'm not on that feed). He is telling Jen that "people get what they deserve, and you will get what you deserve." He tells her "Fuck you."

Dick: You're a scumbag!

Jen laughs

Dick: You're a scumbag. You're a scumbag. You have used everything you possibly can. You used the veto. Yes, you did. You used the situation!

Dick: Don't kid yourself. Everybody here knows it. You're not off the block because people like you trust me.

Dick is screaming at her now

Jen: Are you done?

Dick: No, I'm not done! YOU"RE done!

Dick: You use men like you use her!

Jen: There is nothing you can say to me that can hurt me.

Dick: You live in a fucking fantasy world!

Dick is screaming at her, saying she walks around in a bikini, she's in a fantasy world, everyone figured her out the first week.

Dick says that everyone there can't stand her.

Dick says she is so fucking self-centered.

Dick says everyone there thinks she is a piece of shit.

Dick says Jen is a "good person in her own mind, and so was Saddam Hussein."

Dick keeps screaming at her (in the kitchen area, I think)

Jen says that she likes herself, and nothing he says matters.

Kail is saying (in the big bedroom) that no matter how much Dick hates Jen, it's uncalled for for him to treat her that way.

Jameka has come in the room and apologizes, saying she had to keep her word to use POV.

Nick says that's okay. He's just going to enjoy his time with Dani and Amber.

Nick whispers to Amber that he told her certain people will go further, and she will go further, but watch out for Dustin.

Amber: I know.

Nick: He's a tricky guy.

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Kail is telling Jen that she has to allow her to freak out sometime because she just has to (Jen nods, no). Kail says Nick will prolly be going around the house saying "it's just a game, no big deal" and Jen says yes, he will and he'll be telling the truth because that's how he (Nick) feels about it.

Nick is still sittin by crying Amber (ed. can't wait until crying Dan tells him about what crying Amber did for him).

Now Dick is going off on Jen, again, telling her to wipe that smile off her face, that she's a bitch for throwing the comp at the end so that Jam would win HOH and get her off the block. Dick tells Jen that she's a scumbag, that she threw the comp to use Jam and put her (Jam) in a bad situation . Dick calls Jen a "f*cking piece of shit", tells her he's sure she uses men just like she used Jam. brings out the Vanna Nanny, thing, Jen crying after being nom, tells her that she (Jen) lives a f*cking fantasy life.Jen: Ilive a fantastic life... Dick yells at Jen that if this was real life Jen would have to have Dick's boot surgically removed out of her ass. He tells Jen that she's going to go down. That there's a reason she's nominated every week Dick tells her she's got nothing inside.Jen: I'm a confident person... He tells her she's a f*cking cold fish, she can't even s*ck dick or f*ck right. Jen: oh, poor me....Dick tells Jen he hopes she dies a slow horrible dead...(ed. it goes on...totally vile personal attacks, his worse yet )

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I just want to add that I am SOOOOO impressed by Jen at how amazingly calm she remains while Dick goes off on her for no apparent reason... he started his rant by accusing Jen of 'using' Jameka during the POV comp by throwing it and putting Jameka in an impossible situation... yea Jen, nice job...

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Jen is telling Eric (with Kail in the kitchen) about everything Dick said to her. She (correctly) says that every other word was the f word, and he said no one in the house or world likes her, and she is a piece of shit. He told her he hoped she died a horrible, slow death. Kail says no matter how much you hate people, you don't talk to people like that.

Eric: If you think anybody had any control over what he says or does...Everybody has the same reaction. Everybody is equally speechless. He is a ticking timebomb.

Jen says she hopes people don't believe what Dick says. Eric asks if she means here or in the real world? She says in the house, not in the real world--everyone knows how she is in the real world.

Amber is whispering to Nick that Dustin "mentioned his name," but...

Nick is saying that there were "two groups," and the one he was true to was the one with Amber, Jameka and Dani.

Nick: I gotta cut my hair today.

Amber: You're gonna? Good. I want to see it.

(I can't wait until Dustin tells Nick that Amber knew all along!!--Cat)

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nick in BY talking to Dick and Jam. He tells them he's impressed by Dustin's move. Nick thinks Dustin must have the votes to take him (Nick) out or he wouldn't have done it. Jam and Dick (ed. the straight shooter) tell Nick not to say that, that anything can change. Nick says for sure Dustin has lost the confidence of amber and Daniele...says he's going to go now talk to Dan...

Dick tells Jam what bothers him is how things went down. That he's mad about Dustin and Jen and that the whole "Thing" stunk down to hell...Jam: mmmhmmm..

Dick tells Jam that Nick is not good for Dan's relationship cuz if Dan was his chick and not his daughter he's be wanting to kill her...but then again, Dick says he doesn't know what kind of agreement Dan and her boyfriend made before Dan came into the game. Jam: mmmhmmm

Jam: I don't know i just don't want no blow ups on me. Dick: from who, from me? Jam: no, from him, he already looks ready for one...Dick says no, it's all said and done and he (Dick) has already told Jam what is bothering him... repeats the Dustin's speech and Jen throwing the POV comp. Dick: "people eventually show their true colors, me right away" (chuckles).

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Nick finds Jameka: what happens happens, I'm going to hang out with Daniele and what ever happens, it's ok... Jameka thanks him, and Nick goes back to lay with Amber and gets her to smile...

Dick has gone back to the patio to smoke, sitting by himself

Dustin/Eric have gone back inside and meet Jen/Kail in the kitchen... Jen says this was the worst yet

Jen: it's wierd, it's almost like it makes me feel good

Eric: what was said?

Jen: just how Vanna is going to throw me out, everyone hates me and I'm done, so done, what I did to Jameka and with the F words.. no one in the house or world likes me... he hopes I die a horrible slow painful death... it was like 10 or 15 minutes(well, let's not go that far lol)

I respond with positive, I'm a strong person and nothing is going to hurt me

Kail: I don't care how old you are/how much you hate them, you don't talk to them like that

Eric: if you think anyone has control over him when he does that... he's a ticking time bomb and he...

Jen: I just hope people don't listen to him and... people in here, people outside know me and know I'm not all those things.. and I'm thankful I can't eat food cause I would (lol)

Eric: not one day goes by that

Jen: actually about 3 days went by, because he was worried about being put up, and now it's happened because it was all bottled up

Dustin: there are three things that happen after a ceremony... Dick yells, Amber cries, the 3rd you'll have to guess

Eric: I normally say "just another day in the BB house" (He should have said "I'll do that for a dollar!" lol)

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Eric is whispering with Dani.

He says that Dustin is "shitting his pants" right now, because Jameka is trying to make it look like it was all his decision.

Eric: And Amber is crying.

Eric says she does this with every situation.

(Dani seems fine right now--she is not crying at all now--ed)

Eric says Amber does this after every discussion, meeting, competition, dinner...

Dani says she is sick of it, but she doesn't think Amber means to do it.

Eric says that Dustin says that something Jameka said in her speech today made him look like he was a bad guy.

Dani says it's probably Jameka commenting about "true colors."

Eric asks if Dani is okay. She says she is--it's just been a bad day.

Eric asks if Jen is okay.

Jen says she is fine, and says to Dani she's sorry she had to "deal with him like your whole life. I'm sure you are a strong person, too. Because, like, wow."

Kail says that "went straight to the soul."

Nick comes in the bathroom with Eric.

Eric says, "Another Dick show."

Nick says yeah, but Jen was commenting "how wonderful she is."

Eric says that you can watch the show and think how you would be, but you can never taking into consideration how "fucking crazy everyone is." No one takes what you say at face value. You have to either accept what people say, or not accept it, but if you sift thought it, you will go nuts. It's another fucking production every time.

Jen comes in.

Jen asks "How did that sound from your perspective?"

Eric says she can put the rule book away (which she is holding) because he (Dick) won't get thrown out for yelling at her.

Jen says she is glad it is her that Dick is yelling at, because others might not be able to handle it. She asks what Eric would do? He says probably tell him off an punch him.

Jen asks if this is "baiting?" Eric says yes. He's trying to get to her, and if she doesn't let him, then it doesn't work.

Jen reads the rule book and it says that "serious threats and intimidation are not acceptable."

If a houseguest feels they are in danger, they should notify producers.

(I have to get dinner--I don't want to, but I have to. Sorry! --Cat)_

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Jen, Kail and Eric are in the bathroom. She is telling him again about Dick's violent raging. She is afraid that by her ignoring him, that he will go over the edge and get physically violent with her. Eric told her not to think that. He said there are 300 people watching their every move, and if she ever thought it was getting to that point, to come and get him, or Zach, or Dustin or whoever. she said by then it might be too late. He said the "others" watching wouldn't let that happen. He doesn't want her to be afraid in the house.

Eric leaves. Jen said she is afraid if Dick hits her in the face before anyone can get to her, then her career is over (modeling, not nanny). Jen and Kail discuss it some more, then they go to BY. dick tells her to give him some space, or he will start in with part B. Jen said she didn't start part A, and asks if she should be stuck inside all day. Kail goes and sits down on the couches, Jen starts to go into the house, but decides to stand up to Dick (IMHO) and goes outside to the chaise lounges with Jessica and Zach. No one is talking now. (including Dick)

Earlier, Nick spoke into his mic and asked for his clippers to be put in the storage room.

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(last update before I leave work to spend real time with family lol)

Nick joined Dick/Jameka on the patio, Dick asked about Daniele. Nick said she won't talk with him. Dick does a 180 from his attitude towards Jen, and gives the wisdom to Nick that some people need space and deal with stress in a different manner. He continues that Nick shouldn't try to campaign, that Daniele will come to him when she is ready. Then Jen comes outside and Dick tells her to give him space....

(one more)

Nick/Daniele talking... she asks him if he voted for Kail last week

Nick: no

Daniele: you swear?

Nick: no

Daniele: I'm trying to help you here.. everyone thinks you did... are you mad at me?

Nick: I never f*** you over... (he starts to get up and leave)

Daniele: why are you mad at me?

Nick(as he's walking out): I'm not.. it's just sucks that you knew and never told me...

he leaves and she sits(I'm guessing wondering why she decided to trust her father's judgement about guys in her life)

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Eric, Jam, Nick, and Dick on couch in BY...it seems Jen comes outside (I can't see her)and Dick tells her: why don't you give me aminute to cool down cuz I really don't want to deal with you right now cuz I'm too very tempted to go to part B, so why don't you go hit the hammock or something else"...Jen: I didn't even start part A...I mean...I'm going to be inside all day?...Jen walks away as Kail sits on the couch...then awkward silence...

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Nick goes into bedroom to talk to Daniele. He and Dani go into bathroom to talk. She tells him everyone knew it was going to be him. She tells him not to be mad (he seems so) she is trying to help him. Nick said he isn't mad, that the feelings he felt for her were real, and he never fucked her over. She wants to know what is wrong. He tells her it just sucks that she knew that all the time, and didn't tell him.

Nick walks away, and sees Dick and tells him he is going to go cut his hair. Dick asks if he got his clippers, and he said no, he is going to use Dustin's. Dick goes with him to HoH, and talks to him while he pretty much shaves his head. Dick said don't disregard Dani's feelings for him. He said Dani told him she knew all along. Dick is saying he wanted one of the two women to go home. He goes over his feelings about them.

Nick said you have to watch out for your own ass in here. Dick said he has a big target on his back. Nick agreed. Nick said Dustin will get his down the road. Nick said apparently Amber was the only one that didn't know. Dick shuts up (surprise!!!) and said "let her tell you whatever she wants, I'm not saying a f*cking thing."

Now talking about how great the trimmers are that Dustin has. Dick said he can't eat eggs, but he can use them in his hair. Dick said egg whites will get your hair to stand up like Viagra gets your cock up. Nick said he neds to tan his head, and Dick agrees it will burn.

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Nick Dick and Jameka are outside. Nick is leaving though to go talk to Danielle.

Dick- Shes out of the DR

Nick - Yeah

Jameka - peace, ayyy i dont know. using the veto or not using the veto wasnt a question but you have to look at the other side of it as yeah somebody is gonna be you know but you know anyway but still to see it manifest its self is something diffrent.

ED- and you know how i felt even though all of the shit with Nick, I wanted it too stay the same but its your deal and im fine with that. What bothered me more then anything and im very vocal about it and you know it is how evreything went down in the POV. Including Dustin, including Jen, the whole thing the whole thing just stunk to high hell.

cam switches to Jen in the big bedroom talking to Kail.

Jen- Are you getting jeans on because its freezing

Kail- no im just putting on some socks and shoes.

cam switches back to dick and jameka

Dick- my whole thing with Nick is hes a target and a threat to me because of the whole thing with Danielle because I dont know if i can trust the guy or not and hes just proven that he cant be trusted so if i cant trust him with this then how can i trust him with the fuckin shit going on with danielle. I think it would make her much better too and to be honest thats not good for her b/f are you kidding me. That guy has got to be going crazy. If that was my chick if Danielle was my g/f not my daughter my god i would want to kill her. But i also dont know what kind of agreement they had and what kind of understanding they had coming into this you know. I mean if i had a g/f I would say hey look this is my deal and if uh theres a chance that some type of showmance or something no way nothing gonna happen but...

Jameka- not to many people say that they would. You know?

Dick- Well yeah.

Jameka- That would also be ruining what could be off of something that may or may not be.

Dick- It depends on the strategy and you dont know the people that are gonna be here.

Jameka- I dont know i just dont want no blowups on me just because you know I...

Dick - From me? Weve talked.

Jameka- No not from you

Dick- From who? Oooh from him no. No i wouldnt worry about that. You made your reason known it is what it is. Evreybody has to deal with it they agree or not and thats fine. I told you where my problem lies. Jen and after that big speech Dustin gave. Im going 100 percent blah blah blah putting you on the spot taking the money where...whatever.

Jameka- just live and learn

Dick- I just think that people eventually show there true colors, you know and some more then others. Me right away. Jen not too long after.

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Jessica and Zach have joined Jen on the lounge chairs in BY...Eric joined them too. just chitchatting.

Dick is in the bathroom watching Nick shave his head.

Dustin is whispering with Amber, who is not crying or shaking or acting a wreck at all right now. She tells Dustin that "it's a game". Dustin hugs her, saying: "it's okay sweety, we'll get through it"

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Nick was in HOH room shaving his head in a nasty butt mohawk out of anger and mad that Dani knew and did not tell him(see video links)

Dick just sat there for support...grinning...

Then he went and told Dustin it was all good after he talked to Dani and told her to vote in the direction the house takes. He also assumes that Amber knew nothing of it, Dick, being Dick told him he could believe what he choose too..LOl

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Nick brought Amber some medicine from the storage room, and saw Dustin with her. He left, then came back to confront Dustin. He told him not to be a "fucking pussy", and he should have told him instead of talking to him like nothing. Nick said it is a game, and the real world is outside, so it doesn't matter.

After Nick leaves, Amber said she is going to tell Nick the truth (she was in on the decision and knew he was going up) She said she will tell him when she feels better, maybe tomorrow or Wed. Dustin said Dick was acting like he didn't know anything about it. They said the only person who could have put Nick up was Eric, but it was tehe best stratigic move for the house, and they all agreed on it. Now no one wants to accept they knew.

Dustin leaves, Amber gets out of bed and checks her face. Jen is in kitchen fixing slop to eat.

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Nick tells Jameka this is what she will get for saving a horrible person. He is being slightly confrontive with her. Dick comments about how awful Jen is, and he knows she is trying to get him thrown out of the house with the rule book because he yelled at her. Dick and Nick Jen bash for a while, and try to bring Jameka into it, and she just says "I don't know..."

Dick says that the only way Jen will get him out of the house is to do this way--why doesn't she just win a HOH challenge and put him on the block?

Dick says Jameka is just trapped there--and Jameka starts to say something, and Nick tells her just to sit there--it doesn't pertain to her, anyway.

Nick says that he confronted Dustin, and called him a pussy.

Nick leaves, and Dick comments that Nick is upset but taking it better than they thought. Dani is there, and she says she told them that, but no one listens to her.

Dani is upset about the possibility that BB will throw away food, like cereal, and waste it. Dani asked for Pamprin, and she got it an hour and a half, max, later.

Dick says he thinks they have it there. Dani says they actually gave her Midol, so they probably do have it there, ready.

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Nick is in the storage room with Dustin. I switch feeds and see Nick putting his arm around Dustin's back (Dustin looks uncomfortable). Nick says that he likes Dustin, and he liked Joe, too, but had to fuck with him.

Now, Nick is waiting in the HOH for Dustin. Nick has a mohawk. He wants scissors (I guess to trim the rest). The sides of his head are shaved.

Nick is standing up on the balcony now, watching, waiting for Dustin.

Nick talks to Jen, who is standing below:

Nick: Well, me and Mike will probably be gone, so what are you guys going to do for goodlooking single guys, who are straight?

Jen: Well, you are already occupied, so you gave that up on day FOUR.

Nick: Yeah, you're right. I sure did.

Jen: Pretty much, that's it. I don't want to be here if it's gonna be a bunch of people who suck here, quite frankly.

Nick; What happens, happens.

Jen says this is for her for the experience and not the money, and if it's a bunch of people she doesn't like, she might even try to go up next week and go home.

Nick says that he won't be in sequester.

Jen says she wants to talk to him--now that it doesn't matter. She couldn't before, because people thought they were together.

Nick says it's pretty sure he's going.

Jen says not necessarily--things happen. Like the coup detat.

She says not to be so certain or negative.

Dustin comes in and they go into the HOH to work on the hair.

(Earlier, Nick was telling Dick that Jen asked him if he and Dustin did the mohawk in the DR, as planned. Nick said what a dumb idiot she was to think that, and he told her she should think before she talks. But, now we see that he IS having Dustin work on his hair--ed)

Nick tells Dustin that BB is pissed, as they wanted a big blowup and didn't get it. Dustin says "Yeah, they're mad."

(That's okay, Nick--we got it with Dick and that was plenty -- Cat)

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