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July 26, Live Feed Updates

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Dani says she would have liked Nick to have gotten HOH this week.

Dani: If he would've gotten it--Hello! His true colors would have shown!

Amber says that with this group, they are going to have trouble eventually.

Eric and Dick want Nick out of the house. Amber loves Nick and knows he is "fucking shady because of what happened," but she loves him.

Dick comes in the room. He says he asked Jen why she would vote for Kail, when Kail threw her under the bus and everything. Jen told him that she knew the rest of the house was voting that way, so she voted for Kail to stay. Amber confirms that Jen told Eric that, as well. They seem to believe her now, and Dani says that Jen heard that Kail was staying, from Nick. They agree Nick told her. Amber says that he woke Jen up on the hammock and told Jen--she knows that.

Dick says that Nick tried to stir everything up right away after the comp, asking who voted to keep Kail.

Amber says that Nick did this to prove his loyalty to Zach.

Dick says he thinks Nick should be the one to leave this week.

Dani says that they need to make sure that Nick believes that they think Jen was the vote for Kail (to leave), and not Nick.

Dick: He was the leak. I told you he was the leak. I knew he was the fucking leak!

Amber says yesterday she and Nick left the gym, and Nick asked if he should tell Jen what to do. FOTH

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Amber says to Dani (they are alone now) that she wants to ask her a question, and she wants a true answer.

She asks Dani who Dani wants to leave first--Nick or Dick?

Dani: Leave the house?

Dani says honestly, if it came down to it, it doesn't matter to her which one leaves.

She asks if that is horrible of her?

Amber tells Dani that Amber would rather Dick leave first. She says she feels Nick has her back more than Dick does. And Dick has done so many bad things to her in the house this week.

Dani is wondering if she should go tell Kail that she isn't the one who voted against her.

Dani: It just makes me so mad, because that's why that whole stupid side of the house is against me!

Amber tells her that Jen talked to her and said that she knows Nick doesn't talk to her much, and doesn't hang out much, but she knows he cares a little about her because he "tells her things" and does little things for her, and that's why she can't go after him in the game.

Dani says that she knows that after a couple of weeks, Nick will completely try to jump on this side (Amber and Dani's side).

Amber says that Nick believes that everyone will trust/believe Nick over Jen.

Dani agrees.

Amber says that she doesn't want to get rid of Nick yet.

Amber: I refuse!

Dani says she doesn't want Nick gone yet, either.

Amber says that Nick "can't stay around too long--he's a big threat."

Dani agrees.

Amber asks if Nick and Dick were on the block together, who would she keep? Dani honestly says her Dad. She doesn't want Amber to be upset, though.

Amber says that she feels Nick has her back more than Dick.

Amber says Dick has gone around telling people that Amber is an emotional wreck. Dani says he could be saying that to throw people off and not make them suspect he is close to her. Amber confirms this, says Dick did tell her that.


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Amber says that the fact that Nick says "little things" to Jen shows that he is keeping safe with Jen.

Amber: He's somethin' else!

Dani says that people feel they can't trust her, they won't say how they feel about Nick because she has been hanging out with him.

Dani says that Nick takes a shower, climbs in bed with her, and she can't get up, and he says he is sorry.

Amber: He has issues.

Dani says that he knows what happened is his fault. He needs her, and he would be screwed in the game without her.

She needs him, too, but he would be screwed without her.

Dani says that Nick told her that "he is the only smart one in the game." She wanted to slap him for that.

Dani: You should have seen how he was talking to me in the storage room, Amber!

She says he was being so rude to her!

Amber: Do you know how much pressure it is going to take off of you? (When he leaves). Like Dustin with Joe.

Dani says every time she comes in the room to lie down, he follows her.

Amber says he is obsessed with her.

Dani wonders why he would be playing her if he really had feelings for her, and she knows for a fact he does have feelings for her.

Amber brings up the chicken/beef thing with Jameka and Nick.

Amber: He was a psycho.

Amber says he was saying "fuck" to her every other word, and saying "Why are you up in my fucking shit?" to Jameka.

Jameka told Amber that she notices that Nick doesn't flip out on Amber about things like the laundry, because he genuinely likes Amber. But he does freak out on Jameka.

Amber says Nick is a psycho with the tetherball.

Dani: He's a psycho.

Amber: He is. I know a psycho. My little girl's Dad is a psycho, and he (Nick) has it in him.

Dani laughs

Dani tells Amber to call her out when she needs to be called out on Nick.


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Two sets of feeds are going now.

Dustin is saying that he is planning on getting plastic surgery later.

Someone (Nick? Zach?) walks in and Dani says under her breath "Creep."

Amber: What's his fucking problem!

Dustin: Oh, shut up.

Amber; No, not you!

Dustin: Oh, I know. Him.

Amber says that Dustin should tell Nick that he is thinking about putting up random people. Dustin says maybe saying he would put up Nick and Dick together.

Amber says that then that alliance would go after Dustin for lying.

Dani says she didn't think about that.

Dustin says they need to go and all talk about what they are going to do, because he isn't sure if he should put Zach up first, or backdoor him.

Dani says that they shouldn't tell everyone about how they should use the POV to backdoor Zach, because they should wait until after the POV comp. There is too much time for people to talk and for Zach to find out.

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One feed is on Amber, Dani and Dustin in the kitchen, and the other is on the backyard, where they are getting the grill ready.

Dustin says that Eric is delirious with joy right now, since Dustin won.

Dani says that "she" (either Kail or Jen) was so confident that she would win HOH.

Dustin says that Joe felt that way, too, and he left that week!

Dustin says you should never be too over-confident.

Dustin is grateful for the HOH bathroom.

Dustin asks where Amber will sleep, and she says up with him, but "I'll let you sleep alone sometimes, too."

Dani says she can't wait until Dustin can tell Zach, "Fuck you!"

Amber says it is karma.

Dustin says that Zach told him that they need to make a deal or have a plan or he would put Dustin up if he won HOH. He told Dustin he found him to be a threat.

Dani says Zach said the same to her! He told her she was a strong player and a threat in the game.

Dustin starts to tell a funny story about "sephora astringent" that he got in HOH, and he asked for---and we get FOTH

They think the game was fun, but neither Dani or Amber got a question right. They couldn't buzz in fast enough.

The "nose in the stratosphere" question was asked, and Amber almost buzzed in to say "Eric's nose," and she was thrilled someone else answered, because Eric would have killed her!

They laugh

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Amber: About Nick. Wow.

Dani: Whatever. It is what it is.

Dani says that it is sort of stupid of Nick.

Amber says it is playing both sides, though, so that's not dumb.

Dani says that you have to do it better than he is doing it, although he did a great job of it at the beginning.

Dustin says the cameras will be on him all week.

Dani starts to whisper about Kail, and Dustin says she is coming in right now, so the talk goes back to Dustin and the camera.

Dustin says "someone is sitting in the hammock thinking about conversations he's had today."

Dani: "Things that I've said, and things that other people have said...Panties that I've chomped on!"

Dustin laughs

Dani: I can't believe that he (Nick) would tell them that I voted to evict her!

Dani says that doesn't even make sense--why would anyone believe that?

Dani says that Kail wouldn't come up with the idea out of nowhere that Dani cast the vote against Kail. Dani wonders why Nick would do that to her?

Jameka comes inside.

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Dustin and Dick talking game and Nick bashing in HOH. Dustin saying he does not know Jessica that well and Dick defending her. Dick saying Jess is alot smarted than people think and she stays out of the BS but has her own opinion. Dick saying Dustin has to make his own opinion. Dustin says he is nto thinking of putting her up but wonders if she is the leak. They have moved on to idle chit chat!

Still think Zach, Kail and Nick is in an alliance!

OK this is my very first post!!

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Dustin and Dick up in HOH just having a grand old time..Happy Happy .

They are high fiving etc..Gonna have late night convo..(check out video link)

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Dick is telling Dustin how happy and excited he is that he is that he can kick back and relax and not worry. This is the forst week that he can do that. Week one he was trying to get adjusted, Week two he was on the block and last week he was HOH and had to deal with all the BS. Dick bouncing around the HOH room he is that excited to relax and enjoy the house this week. :animated_bouncy:

Talk has moved to Amber's crying and Dustin is telling Dick to leave it up to him to talk to Amber about her emotions from here on out.

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