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July 26, Live Feed Updates

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10:23am BBT:

Jen & Mike in the BR (on all 4 feeds)

BB: Houseguests, today is the live show, please tidy the house.

BB: Dick. please remove your items from the HoH Room so that we can prepare it for the next head of household. You have 1 hour.

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10:35 BBT and Mike and Zach are in the bathroom doing ADL's...

10:38 BBT: BB voice says Eric, Amber, Kail, Jen I said it's time to get up for the day...

10:41 BBT: All four feeds on Mike doing his hair in the bathroom mirror... Jameka comes in and uses the restroom and washes her hands and Amber comes in and says good morning and starts brushing her teeth and so does Jameka...

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i did not see this posted it happened about 15 mins ago :Dick trying to tell Dani that someone accused her of being the leak to Kail. She's taking it very personally and not being very nice. Talking about wanting Nick gone this next week. Dani telling Dick that there are more important people to get out than Nick.She's upset with Dick for distrusting her. Dani says she won't put Nick up if she gets HOH this week. There are more important people for her to get out. Dick uses Kail as an example, for him Kail needs to go, but he's going along with the week.The plan today is to not make eye contact with Kail, Dick says. Dani saying again that she didn't tell Kail she was safe. Dick says you have to make group decisions, tells Dani she needs to stay up later to be included in the decisions. Dani doesn't understand why and says she won't put up Nick if she gets HOH...says there are bigger treats to her.They also talk about Dustin being the possible leak to Kail.Dani was very grumpy and short with ED during this convo.general chit chat in kitchen

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(back from lunch here, this is 20 minutes ago, so..)

11:00am bbt

Dani/Dick in HOH

Dick tells Dani that things are getting back to Nick thru Dani, both upset in usual manner, Dick says everyone feels Dani is passing info to Nick... says Dustin told something to the group last night, and Dani told Nick... it's all about perception... FOTH(3-4 minutes)

Dick: let me tell you something, Dustin is on his way out in a short time, that was brought up in a smaller group... no one trusts them, Dustin period, Amber cause she can't keep her mouth closed

Dani: Jam is close to Amber

Dick: not as close as you think

Dani: I talked to everyone and told them I DON'T pass everything to Nick

Dick: everyone says when Nick is gone you will be stronger on this side, the piece of non-trust will be gone, everyone told you they want Nick gone next week?

Dani: there are more important people, why Nick?

Dick: he's been flipping out, please don't say anything

Dani: whatever

Dick: no, not whatever

Dani: if I get HOH, I am not putting up Nick, there are more important people

Dick: Nick is putting on a show with Zach

Dani: he isn't a threat to me, so

Dick: Kail is a threat to me, but I'm not putting her out for the sake of the group... you are missing alot, you need to stay up later.... someone told Kail, and I think it was Nick

Dani: I think it was Dustin

Dick: just because you aren't threatened by one person doesn't mean the group agrees...

Dani: but if Dustin is saying he wants Zach out...

Dick: he's changed, he wants Nick out

Dani: fine

Dani leaves HOH and Dick is cleaning out his things

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Jam/Amber in bedroom... Jam says she screamed in her sleep this morning, Nick heard it but didn't wake her up... he thought she was having a nightmare, so Jam/Amber have decided he was awful for not waking her up...

Jam: wouldn't you wake someone up if they were having a nightmare?

Amber: once again, true character comes thru...

Jam/Dick in round bedroom

Dick asks who Jam thinks told Kail she is staying? (I think Dick cornering Kail yesterday asking what she'd do for him if she stayed, along with general conversation with others has led Kail to think maybe she does have a chance to stay... so Dick and everyone else are to be blamed lol nothing like a little paranoia to stir up the house.. what's the saying, loose lips sink ships?)

Eric informs Dustin/Nick/Zach that his sister is 5'9" 180 lbs

BB: Houseguests, please clean your house (I've never heard that one from BB before now)

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I missed seeing the rock, paper, scissors but guess Dustin won, because he is vacuming while Dani/Nick do their usual word-flirt on the couch with each other...

Dani reports her dad is bugging her again

Nick: I don't want to get into your dad

Dani: why? you tried yesterday

more back and forth between them, lots of 'shut up' and 'whatever' from Dani

few minutes later in the kitchen, Dick and Daniele have another father/daughter spat over Dick cooking food for Daniele...

Dani: are you making eggs and ham?

Dick: for me and Jameka

Dani: I'm sorry, I didn't know I couldn't ask you a question...

Dick: I was teasing... go get some eggs... and... Daniele...

and the gloves are off...

Dick says something

Dani: can't hear you...

meanwhile, Daniele is fine throwing jabs back/forth with Nick still

Dani goes to the stove where Dick is cooking still, he suggests she wait until he is done... she leaves to the bedroom off camera, can hear someone ask if shes ok, she replies "I hate someone in the house"

minute of silence goes by, then Dick notices Jen is rearranging the plates, and decides to tell her with all the cleaning that needs to be done in the house, the order of the plates is not a priority...

Dick goes to the bedroom to confront Daniele about the joke, then tells Jameka breakfast is ready

Dani: now it's my fault

Jam: please eat my eggs!

Dani: no, I don't want any...

Jam: well please go with me

Dani: no... I'm trying so hard... ok, I'm done, I hate this, because it makes everyone feel akward

Jam: well he's saying he was joking, so maybe you... you guys are still learning each other, so...

Dani/Eric strategize about HOH

Dani: you are going to play hard?

Eric: yea... the thing is, I try to listen for who gets elliminated that I do NOT want to win it

Dani: I do the same thing!

Eric points out there is normally never more than ONE competition related to things in the BB house... so maybe I won't do good in one comp, but even worse is to let everyone KNOW you are aware of it...

They talk more about her(Kail?) learning all about Carol the week she was evicted, in case the HOH was about her... they were joking around once asking "how many tiles are there...?" and 'she acted like she was guessing 63', and we counted and it was!

This morning was the first time Daniele woke up and was disoriented, didn't know where she was... "Eric, you are NOT my dog!"

A few minutes of idle chat between Dick/Zach... then Dick notices Jam is making food in the kitchen...

Dick: I made you breakfast, are you eating again?

Jam: I'm being considerate.... Amber hasn't had food... and Dani....

Discussion mainly by Dick about when BB has them go outside to go over the rules of the HOH game... around 2 or 4... Dustin/Jam agree they are not done laying down today(still time for a nap)

Dani questioning if her legs look too bruised to wear shorts tonight? (She has a fresh bruise from the little room)

(ok, I'm smiling at them now)

Jam: I like you Daniele

Dani: unless it's opposite day, and then you hate me! lol

Dustin: I didn't know books were allowed in the house!

Dani: what?

Dustin: the book of 4th grade insults! lol

Dani: oh no, I have it memorized! lol

Dustin explains his love/obsession with cleaning started when allowance in his house was on a sliding scale based on how many chores they did

general eating and cleaning going on.... HGs have decided when Julie Chen says hello tonight, the reply back with be 'Hey Girl'... but not high pitched... they consider practicing to get it all the same, but... there is ham to eat, so...

Jen/Amber doing dishes... talking about who may get HOH... Jen feels she's going to get it... asked BB if she won, could she get things in the HOH for others, like Ambers bible(named 2 or three others)... Amber thinks that is so sweet... BB reprimands HGs for talking about DR sessions

(why does BB insist they clean so completely on Thursday? Most weeks we only see the living room anyway)

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Not much going on. There has been general banter and chit chat most of the time. Now Dani and Kail are doing their hair in the bathroom. All 4 feeds are showing them, and neither one has spoken for 5 minutes. Must be other people in the house?

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Daniele is putting on mascara. she did 86 strokes on just one eye, and only the top lashes! She did both eyes, then turns almost upside down to do the bottom lashes. Kail finished curling her hair, then pulled most of it up, clipped it and sprayed it. Now she seems done. Can hear to people whispering, but all 4 cameras are still on Dani, who is STILL doing her eye make-up.

All 4 feeds on empty bathroom, how scintillating!

Feeds switch to round bedroom, where someone is breathing loudly, but rhythmically. One person in each bed. Looks like Jen and Mike possibly.

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Dani/Amber have a meeting in the workout room, talking about something 'he'(Dick? Nick?) told Amber.. Dani wants to know if it was about game or personal... Amber says it was about game, but she can't say anymore, they bond over how much they like each other... BB helps by turning the volume of their whispering wayyyy up, but I still can't get much of what they are talking about, I didn't hear them go into details-sorry!

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the last 5 - 10 minutes 4 feeds on Jen & someone else (a dark haired male) sleeping on the round beds. Whoever the guy is they are making really loud sleeping/snoring noises. Jen seems to be sleeping through it. (ed. Ridiculously boring!)

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Snoring/loud breathing has stopped while male turns over. Still showing sleeping HG instead of awake ones. Oops. snoring seems to be back. All 4 feeds have been on this room only for 20 minutes!!!

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Kail and Zach were wispering very quitley all I could make out was -

Kail told Zach that no one would tell her anything. She still doesn't know who is voting for her to stay.

Kail say wonder if its bad news or good news know one will tell her anything

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Feeds switch to Mike and Kail talking in LR. Mike said it is weird he has had to have discussions in the house with people he hasn't spoken with the whole time. He said some were awkward, because they knew he was only talking to them because he is up for eviction. Kail said she would like to know so she could mentally prepare.

Mike said it would be interesting to see how everyone is doing when they get out. he said not friends, but an e-mail or something. Kail said probably won't keep in touch with Dick. Laughter. Kail said America can't know how bad he really is. Mike would like to have everyone meet up, like in Vegas, to see how they are doing. They could bring family, whatever. Kail said she could go to Vegas. Mike said he suggested a 3 day cruise for everyone to go on. Kail said that would be fun. They are sitting in the eviction chairs. (earlier told someone they were keeping them warm). Not much talking. Mike said they will make the winner pay for the cruise. He said it shouldn't be all that much for 14 people.

Mike asks Kail what will be the first thing she will do if she leaves. She said she won't let her family out of her sight. Mike said he would go to his home state to hang with family. Kail said that was one thing that really got her in "there" (DR), was they knew how to make you talk about family. Kail said maybe the reason she is there is to appreciate her family. Mike said maybe it is a time that she is completely cut off, so she can reflect. Kail said all she knows is her husband better be out there. Lots of silence between talking. Not flowing at all. Mike is looking around like he has never seen it all before.

Kail asks Mike if she goes is there anyone he would want her to contact for him. He said he couldn't even narrow it down to a specific person or subject. He said it will be great when he gets out so he can talk to all his friends. Kail said if she stays, then she wants him to call her husband. She said just call her town, and it is under her husband's name. Mike asks what her last name is, she said harbick, then spelled it for him. she is really bored with waiting, and said things seem to turn on a dime.

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Mike acts like Julie and says to tell the other housguests why they should vote for them to stay. Then Mike stood up and said "I hate all of you" laughs about pulling a Will, and said it worked and Will stayed. Kail tries to think of what to say, ansd stumbles. she said it is so hard to find out what to say. she said she has developed a special bond with all of them, except Evil, but they have a love-hate bond. More silence and staring ......

Kail says Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock......

Talking about going outside for a while, then they will be back in around 4 PM BBT to get ready. Mike stands up and does a mime of what he will do. He said he knows what he will say, then when you stand up and everything goes blank. He said they will want to know what he has to say, and after a long tome of not saying anything, they will ask him to sit down.

Kail said she can't say it was fun, but she enjoyed getting cursed out every day, and wants to stay so she can continue to get cursed out. Mike stands and says he wants to thank (someone) for the hair that he has. Someone walks by and they said they are just joking around.

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Kail, Mike and Jenn sitting in LR, theya re talking about their speeches if they go home. Mike is going to thank BIG AND SEXY HAIR products. Jenn is wondering whom she is gonna sit by...

Dustin adds a comment or two. FOTH

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Kail says she knows it has been hard on her mother watching the show and seeing how Evil is. Mike said he can imagine his friends and family watching and cheering that everything is going so well, then awwwwww, the next episode everything has changed.

Kail said she can't go in "there" with Evil in there, and Mike agrees. Mike said at least they are all packed. Mike said he got everything packed last night. Kail said she packed a little, then stopped, then packed a little more.

Jen comes in and says she wants a hug. she said they can practice their speeches, they said they dont' really have any. (Kail gets up and leaves) Jen said she isn't going to talk on this show. Mike said they asked her questions the first week, then she was HoH and talked. He said he got to raise his hand and say he was Magnus and had 7 wives. He also got to say he wrote his answer upside down, and had to read it to Julie. Discussing where people are going to sit.

Mike saying he is going to that the hair spray company, hair products company, and protein supplement company for having him in the house. Green tea was a very fine choice. (he just finished some). Kail is back. Dustin walks by and imitates someone (Dick as Julie??) Kail hopes she doesn't get too cold. Kail said it is weird to think it is sunny and hot outside (they are on LD). then Foth...........

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everybody is in livingroom probley BB getting ready for reharsles of live show voting ( Kail looks very worried no one is talking to her seems to working at getting in her head )

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