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Which Hg Did You Instantly Dislike?


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everyone hates joe

or there any joe fans lol?


Joe is my second choice. But, surprisingly, I like Dick

based on first impression.


Can't stand Kail, Jessica or Jen... in that order. On the fence about Joe and Dick.

I surprisingly liked Carol a lot more than I thought I would. I think I'm going to like Zach a lot more too but, not totally backing him yet. And, whoever it was that made the comment about Nick, is spot on... if his bod is his only strategy... I won't be rooting for him very long.


Jessica. The $5 comment was idiotic. When she introduced herself to the rest of the house after coming down the stairs, she posed like a Barbie doll. Who does that in real life?


JOE! JOE! and JOE! he is my Janelle for this season! obnoxious and over the top! didn't really like Jessica in the beginning b/c her voice is annoying and well, so is her personality but i like her now. Carol isn't high on my like list either. to discredit someone b/c they have large boobs is pathetic. especially when they are real!LOL Spursfan.That was probably the dumbest comment of the night."$5 is a lot of money when you're 14."Get real! i'm pretty sure THAT is not what they are enimies over considering they were BFF's in High School. it was said that after high school is when they stopped talking to each other.


Joe definitely stuck out as a major a$$. Jen seems REALLY superficial - um like I'm a nanny and um like a model and um like oh my god I can't remember what else I do. Puh-leese! She'll have to do major game playing to change my views on her.



gojaney did you take your pills lol


Haha... UVP, you don't ever really expect us to agree on a season, do you?

I do like Joe, so far.

I mean, its the first episode... I hated Janey til about halfway through S6, so my mind can always change.

CRUD... I keep saying I like Joe, but I am meaning Eric! I like AP, not STD. Dang it.


Definitely Jen-- every other word out of her mouth was "like". Really distracting...

Joe is annoying, but I think he will be fun to dislike if he does not go home this week.



I don't like Joe, Kail, and Jessica so far and the jury is still out on Dick, Daniele, and Jen...


Like others I don't like Kail, Joe, Jessica..I am sure I will have others to add to the list! lol

Does anyone else think that Evil Dick reminds them of Lex? I just keep thinking they are one in the same! LOL


he better noty be al ex. because that idiot lex ruin survivor allstar for me and made it my last season watching that crap.

idiot lex help created robamber


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