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Dirt On Dick And Daniele


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This was posted at sucks by what is confirmed to be Dicks son and Daniele's brother...


We know Dick has been trying out for BB for a few years now. How did Daniele get involved? Was she approached?


He tried to get her involved for the teams one... season 6? They apparently made in far but not on the show. This year she applied on her own.

Guess we know now that they knew before hand...

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Haha... I didn't even think before posting that... I mean I am really upset at the fact that

#1 they have to know the other is in the house, since both have applied this year and in season 6 they went pretty far, but didn't get in the house...

#2 they must get along somewhat and aren't "worst enemies" to have applied for season 6...

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Here's what the son has to say about dad...

cassidy: not sure what i could tell you that isnt posted all over the net :P He has a very ... outlandish? exterior but a heart of gold. In real life he would never back stab or step on anyone, but plans on doing everything he has to to win in the house :P

He was doing a lot of planning before hand and I know he will be taking a few pages from Wills book.

And about sis...

hehe what can I say... she can be super sweet and use that to get what she wants, but if she plays the game the way she acts in real life, someone will cross her, she will throw a fit, cause drama, bring too much attention to herself, and get kicked out.

She doesnt get over things very easily and usually stays very loyal to people.

I am pretty sure she will try very hard during the competitions but I dont see her surviving on slop for long.

She is smart but emotional, and I am wondering how CBS is going to portray her (from what I hear they can manipulate their footage to make someone look however they want)

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What a joke! This just reeks of collusion. Appears like the "worst enemies" :rolleyes: schemed their way in...or casting and producers lied (now they wouldn't do that ...would they? :rolleyes:)

I just hate to see any of the hg's have an advantage over the others right off the bat. I guess we'll see their reactions when they see each other...or if they start to team up. What I'm afraid has happened though is that they already have a secret alliance...will appear to be enemies and be on opposite teams...convincing the voting to not be against each other. :angry2:

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come on dad and daughter you best believe they had a predetermine alliance. can we get new bb producers cause bb is going downhill fast. i thought was arnold bad but ms. allison is even more suckier

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I can tell ya if it were me and my dad in there I would want to get him out quick... I couldn't live in a house with my father for 10 days much less 80 or 90... I think you are all right about this pair though... They can't have not known about the other and I really don't think they are estranged at all... I agree pre alliance all the way...

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i dont think they are that dumb to put that they know each other are in the house on their myspace page

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Honestly, it was clear from beginning that this was a put -on.

And it's pissed me off since I first heard about the father-daughter "enemy thing". We were so clearly being manipulated

(just not sure by whom).

This just cheapens a show that is cheapening itself anyway.

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only way to fix bb downfall is to clean house starting with ms. gardner

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