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"some" Worst Enemies


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Alison Grodner says that on opening night "some" of the houseguests will find out that they will be locked in this house with the last person they ever want to see walk thru that door.

So that means only a few of them have enemeies. Just like the X-Factor where only a handful had exes and the others didn't. I wish they had pulled it off where either they all had enemies or they all didn't.

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i hope this trash isnt this year twist. we need new bb producer because the current crew sucks i been saying it for years

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I can only hope that they hate each other enough to plot or sabotage their enemy...just to make it interesting for us. The ex's really didn't seem to hate each other...eventually making up and aligning. I don't want that again.

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I'm with you, uvp--I think any one of us could pick a more interesting cast, and different twists.

But I do like the part about America voting for some action an HG has to take, without telling the others---putting someone on the block, flirting with someone, etc. That could be very cool.

Also, I think I saw that some of the voting can be done by Internet, which would include me!! (cuz I can't access those phone numbers from Canada)

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i personally think BB is taking a risk with this one. if these people REALLY hate each other it could backfire... remember in the beginning of EX's they had to remove a guy..... don't remember who.... i didn't start watching BB until just after that happened

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My suggestion for worst enemies

Judge who sued cleaners and owners of the cleaners, put them in the house. Well of course the owners couldnt speak english so that might be boring.

I would think if they are 'worst enemies' there would be restraining orders out. Maybe its kinda like almost worst enemies.

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Sounds too repetitive to me. I was really hoping for something totally new and mind blowing this year.

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I just saw a new commercial after pirate master!!!! it definitely said SOME people are moving in with their worst enemies and it showed the new houseguests on TV. Also, I just heard a commercial saying Julie Chen will be on Letterman tonight.

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I was thinking the same thing about what if we don't like the AP... I don't think having them vote themselves out will be a choice though... Julie did say on Letterman that we would be given choices on what we would like to see them do, such as see MR.X start a showmance with Erika, then Dave cut her off...

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My first thought was Dick too, but then I thought not because of him being one of the rivals... I am now thinking maybe Kail...

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Yeah, Kail would actually be good.

Get somebody that will have moral struggles and scruple dilemmas with making choices that are not hers yet that could put $$ in her bank account.

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I'm thinking this way...I hate the producers for ruining a perfectly good game with their stupid twist, I hate CBS for allowing this crap to happen, I hate the houseguests so hopefully, by the first show they're hating too. I hope the enemy did something noteworthy not some stupid crap like stealing Joe's boyfriend.

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I heard that Nick and his daughter Daniele are one couple that 'hate.' Don't know if it's true, so don't quote me

I think you meant to say

Dick and Daniel his daughter...

Nick is only 25 and not old enough to have a daughter in the house hating him...

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