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There Will Be An Interview


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First: Yana, thank you for always keeping us all in the loop. We always appreciate all you do.

Second: That interview was a joke and a waste of 6 minutes. She answered nothing and said nothing that would get me interested in the new season. I hope that she is not representative of what we have to look forward to. I mean come on, she could say SOMETHING that would get us fans going. They knew that was gonna be on a BB fan site and they gave us nothing.

Sorry, huge disappointment


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thanks Dep.. you saved me from 6 minuts i spent on other things. could you imagine if i would have listen to that crap??? the dishes would never have been washed.

dep.. you saved me yet again. thanks

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LOL fizzle. Glad I could help. Wanna come do my dishes? :)

Nice to see you again for another summer of fun. Love to see all the other folks who come back to Mortys every year.

Ahhhh, feels like Summer is really here.



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it sure does now... today was a big day... seeing old friends coming in like were away for vacation BUT THIS ISSSSS THE VACATION!!!!!and the work of it. its a working vacation.

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