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Kail Week 1


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Budunkadunk...she got some junk.

I think she is shifty! Is the secret alliance with Nick legit? It seems they are sincere. That seemed to formulate very early on and I think it's an odd match-up and am wondering how th ewhole thing developed.

She's boring like Magpie...and she creeps me out too when I'm watching the feeds because she'll just come over to a group...sit on the outskirts and listen...not add to the conversation at all.

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very true ImIn..

i just went to the live feed updates to see if anyone caught that convo last night up in the HOH room.. but i guess they were catching other convos in the backyard... ... shucks!

anyways.. it was funny cause it was zack and another one of the guys.. either dick, mike, or eric.. (dont kill me, it was like after i took my pill) anyways.. they started questioning her.. and asking how many people and she would dart off on something else, and then zack would say... "like... 1500..." and finally she said.. how about 500.

and then she said her and her husband graduated in a class of 23. thats when the jokes started. they were like "what town you live in, Little House on the Prairie"? lmao

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my god kali husband looks like a pushover. very nerdy from the pics

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kali wasted her hoh. you gotta make the whole house decided not you and your alliance. she but a big bulleyes on her back

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I think she's the scapegoat for Mack (because I can't tellthe two apart). They will make her think she's in control and let her hang herself with the rest of the HG's, all the while they will be behind the scenes flying under the radar.

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And they will turn on her SOON.

And she won't see it coming. She thinks that because she was so clever in forming this so-called alliance, that it's all smooth sailing now, and all she has to worry about is the jury.

Has she not seen this show before????

She's really going to be shocked when they dump her.

She may have to read some extra Bible verses.

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add to the fact its too early. early alliances rarely workout. everyone wants to be in your alliance when you hoh but no one wants in when you on the block lol

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she female phobic too

and say it DOES last, she's the FIRST to go in the final 4, with that said, i think she's the first to go when one person in the alliance has to go.
as soon as someone not on there team get hoh the alliance done lol. watch amber get hoh this week
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to me it seem like they sucker up to her cause she was hoh. if jen wins hoh they do the sme

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i'll hold you to that :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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and say it DOES last, she's the FIRST to go in the final 4, with that said, i think she's the first to go when one person in the alliance has to go.

Agreed - I thought that was SO obvious in the discussion we were shown last night.

Let's get it right:

It was Mike who wanted a to-the-end alliance with her.

She said they needed more and suggested Zach.

Mike said that would be his pick from all the possibles.

After Zach arrived they selected Nick.

The until-final-four hitch was mentioned (by Kail) to both Zach and Nick.

I would have bought in under those terms myself.

And Kail nailed her own coffin, imho.

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