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Jessica Week 1


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What a ding dong she is. She is in the pool asking dumb questions.

Do you get suntaned if you are under water?

Is that why fish are black?

Her voice......... :omg:

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I know the words I know the song, but when I look at the name that is what I read. The first t gets lost. I guess I just need glasses.

Basset hounds are nice dogs and I am sure there are other breeds in the canine world that think they're sexy.


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I haven't h eard much from Jessica. She seems nice. When do the cat fights start? :popcorn: I'm ready. Oh, and I do not much care for Carol. But she hasn't been as whiny as others say.

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Hey all just to let you all know I was on facebook today looking to see if they all had a page, just like myspace but only college students are allowed. Here is a link you can check out about her.


Note: you must have a facebook account to view the page.

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Jessica is remaining firm on ousting Carol, even though she spoke kindly to her in the bathroom.

She just told Daniele that the only reason she'd like to keep her is so she could get HOH and could put Carol up herself.

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