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Dick Week 1


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I would love to see Dick get America's Choice and the look on the other HG face would be priceless. Like the first time Janelle got it the Nerd Herd freaked out. They could not believe that America loved her.

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dick a late night attention whore

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I don't think Dick said anything to Daniele about Nick's alliance, because as we all know, yound guys will follow pretty girls. After a few more weeks of Daniele love, Nick won't be able to tell Zike & Mack apart either.

Besides, Daniele is such a petty child, she would probably not believe him and say that he is ruining her relationship, then cry to Nick. Sending Nick to Mrs. Robinson and placing a large target on Dick.

Good plan Dick.

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So far i can't help but pick Dick as my favorite. He's got a good take on the game.

Hey can someone make me an aviator with his pic? The goofier looking the better.

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There was a moment this afternoon when Dick went into the bedroom while Dani and Amber were talking. Dani almost immediately said to Dick, "I want Zach out." Dick said, "Not yet." She then said that he was a threat to her and Daddy said something like "I can control that." And then he was gone.

These two might be a real powerhouse together. But I must say that I like the way he treats the women better than the way she treats the men.

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doesnt look like estranged family members does it??? :animated_scratchchin:

and it was in front of amber no less... double :animated_scratchchin: :animated_scratchchin: i was a little surprised when i saw that. i know dick is lined up with amber, but i didnt think they would be open so soon...

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That was such a quickie visit that I'm thinking Amber might be the only one who knows - and that Dick told her in one of their late night chats. I'm not even convinced yet that Nick knows.

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