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Dick Week 1


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I feel like he jokes a lot to hide his sincere side and i think that'll hurt him in the game. he needs to be serious AT TIMES and not joke ALL the time. I still like him either way, but I saw him in a different light the other night all alone crying, I knew he wasn't putting on a show, because everyone else was asleep.

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Dick is entertaining and always has a smile on his face. That has to mean a lot - morale-wise - in the house. He has also given helpful advice to fellow HG and seems to understand the game and how to read other players. I will be disappointed if he doesn't last long in the house.

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I've been thinking about him not sleeping. When I was younger, I dated a guy who was 50 and her NEVER slept. Now that I'm in my 30's, I find myself sleeping less and less. I've been in the bar business & stand-up for a long time, and although I'm a corporate 9-5'er now, I still can't sleep. It's wierd. I'm not over thinking anything, I just can't sleep as well as I used to.

Anyone else like that?

As far as Tricky-Dick goes, I'm hoping he gets into a tight alliance soon. I like him more than most of the players.

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I liked the way he was chumming up to Kail this morning. He is playing the game. He knows who Mrs. Robinson is and he is trying to keep his enemies close. I really do feel he is one of the few PLAYING the game and not just hanging out.

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Just got done reading all the Dick pages for the first week. I totally pick Dick. He was my fav from the start. I think because he was genuine, well I don't like the name drop stuff, but I know he wasn't lying. Anyhoo - He's been honest and a fun person to watch... (not like Faker Jen or Liar Joe) even if he does come with loud bodily functions.

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I gotta say, if Dick was my dad I'd be working to rebuild that... like ASAP.

So, on the feeds one night I was watching Dani and Nick and he was being mean to her, sorta. Playful mean, but not with the sweetness afterwards that really shows you its playful.

That got me wondering, she said Dick was more like her friend... but a mean friend. So why would she want a mean showmance?

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I read on another board that Dick told Amber to cut the "I'm doing this for my family" sob story. If he did, and in the manner they said he did, he is my new Janelle...Go Dick Go!

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Francis, i saw that and posted about it here. he told amber that she had to stop telling everyone her sob stories cause nobody cares and everyone has their own. and everyone is there for the money... Dustin was there too, and agreed. Amber took it wel, even chuckled and they continued on.

he said it in a "iam your friend and this is what i think" kinda way.. ya know?

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sooo i get home from work, and start watching BB afterdark.. i get up to get a cookie.. :cookie: so i pause the DVR and it pauses on Dick getting ready to jump into the pool

weirdest thing.... he has the weirdest belly button i ever saw (other than my husbands very deep belly button) its like heart shaped and not deep. its almost not even there. :animated_scratchchin:

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