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Dick Week 1


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So far, he seems ok. We've got an uncle our the family who is very similar to him (it seems). He's got a heart of gold and would give the shirt off his back to help you but he's just a little rough around the edges. Dick didn't rub me the wrong way tonight (WOW - that just sounds dirty :giggle: )

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I don't think Dick came across as having a heart of gold tonight. I could not believe he was cheering when his daughter was knocked out of the competition!! I don't care if he hadn't talked to her in two years, that is still his daughter and he should want her to do well and win!! He is an idiot and I hope he goes next week!!

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Ginger I meant that Vactory was who he said he was, not that Dick was who Vactory said he was... Did that make any sense??? LOL

Meanin that some here said they didn't think Vactory was really Dicks son... He really is... :)

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Ginger I meant that Vactory was who he said he was, not that Dick was who Vactory said he was... Did that make any sense??? LOL

Meanin that some here said they didn't think Vactory was really Dicks son... He really is...

I get it...meaning he might be an imposter. We don't get many imposters at Morty's :rolleyes:

I knew what you meant yana.

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I have no clue who Vactory is but I like Dick , and yeah take that how you want but I like the person to. As a cop I seen many people like him that scruff and tuff as he looks be the first person to take the shirt off there back to help someone . But like me has to be a bit shocking the tampon halloween costume is classic lets shock the world , I love it and I vote for dick the person. lol

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OMG They have some real winners. I thought at first when I only saw the pics it was like a playboy convention, but when I heard them I cracked up at the entire show. I say about Dick, never judge a book by its cover...REMEBER HOWIE.......LOL

The little receptionist...not to mention any names is Driving me crazy!!

I vote for HIM :animated_shocking:

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I have to say that my first impression of Dick is that I don't like him. During tonights show, he seemed to me that he was playing up to the camera. I also didn't much care for the way he was reacting to his daughter while he was watching upstairs. I hope he goes soon.

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Here's a quote from Vactory from sucks... This is an exact qoute...

Quick note so people dont ask the same question 50 times... No, it is not an act, no, they did not know the others would be in the house, no, she wasnt being dramatic to get sympathy, and yes, I thought his intro to her was a little ... much. He was being himself and not playing the game right there.

Vac's post...

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The Dick vs. his daughter thing hits close to home for many of us parents who have seen what an abandoning parent can do to a child, even as an adult. Dick lives up to his name. She has every right to dislike her father, he hasn't been one to her. Maybe he's been a father or a "friend" to his other kids, big deal. I can't believe everyone likes him after what he's done to her , regardless of how blonde or annoying she might be to some people. Dick has a lot of growing up to do. I mean what the hell, he is forty years old, trying to look 18, with all his tats and piercings, working in a bar and being a 'player'. Grow the f up and be a dad to your daughter. He has f'd her up emotionally and doesn't even care, what a sick bastard. I can't even watch.

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Got up this morning and watching Dick playing golf out in the back yard. I assume he has been up all night. He is talking a lot to us and the cameras.

I think he is going to be very entertaining.

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