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Are You A Leader Or Follower?please Be Honest


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never flame or baited nobody on here

but i consider myself a leader

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I make up my own opinions on the HGs. In BB5 I hated the 4H and loved Nakomis. I liked the Friendship more than the Sovs. Last season all of my favs. were kicked out early and I wasn't really cheering for anyone, although I did warm up to Janelle.

But at the same time I'm not really a leader because I don't care if I am influencing anyone else, I just like who I like.

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hmmm, although I hate to admit it, I consider myself a follower in real life. Here it doesn't matter though and I can say how I feel and not have to worry about what anyone thinks of me.

I'll definately will choose who I like and don't like this season based on my own opinions.

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well, hmmm.. lets see....i dont follow.. but i dont lead. i dont hold a flag up and say "follow ME"

if i like someone and so does someone else, then great.. we have something in common. if we like different people then thats ok too.. we can have friendly or not so friendly debates.

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i know for sure that in life i'm a follower because my self confidence is lacking in the leader department. but, when it comes to liking a house guest, i make up my own mind. like most people have said, i like who i like.

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Guest jordansmom

Well in life i march to my own beat don't really care what ppl think but in BB i like or hate who ever UVP likes or hates ...lol.

Honestly in BB I always find my self rooting for the underdog except in S6 I hated them all.

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I pretty much go my own way when liking or disliking any particular HG...Sometimes it is the same as popular consensus, sometimes it isn't. I don't get into liking someone just because every one else does.

Some of my favs

Dr Will - both times


Eric (BB3)

Lisa (BB3 - Yeah, she was a floater but I was smitten...LOL)

Danielle - Smart player but talks too much





Kaysar - During BB6. BB7 was a poor showing for him.

Howie - Sometimes but he gets old at times

Some of my not so favs


Janelle (tolerated her in BB6 because I disliked the NerdHerd)




Brittany (BB1)



Howie - See above comment....LOL

I am looking forward to expanding my list this season... :laugh4:

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I don't like to follow the crowd but I don't think of myself as a leader either. I just root for the people I like and love it when there is conflict in the house it makes it much more fun to watch!! 240.gif

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I agree with realityfan.

This post has nothing to do with being a leader or a follower. I consider myself a follower in real life but that has nothing to do with the houseguests that I like or dislike.

I didn't watch 1 & 2, but I watched 3 & 4 but did not pay too much attention to the message boards so I don't know who was extremely popular or not among fans during those times.

I liked Danielle, Jason, and Amy in season 3.

I liked Erika, Jun, David, and Jack in season 4.

In season 5, I started reading the morty updates on a regular basis, but I don't think I centered my whole time around the updates.

In season five, I was in the minority because I liked Adria and Natalie and did not like Will.

During season six, I started reading all of the morty updates (or as much as I could).

In season six, I was in the hefty majority of people who like the sovs. I LOVED Jedi Janie (and Rachel, Howie, James, Sarah, Ashlea, Michael, and Kaysar)

In season seven, I believe I was in the majority of people who loved Janelle, George, and Will.

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ok. ok... i understand not liking the twins, methos... but how on earth can you not like AMY? hmmm, were you on crack that season or soemthing? lol

ok, my likes, then dislikes

I liked


3=AMY, Jason,Eric

4=Alison, David

5=Jase,scott, TWINS, Lori, Holly(i know, i know)

6=RACHEL, Janelle, Sarah, and James

7= Jannie,

I dont like


3=the fairy Marcy, Danni

4=Jun, Jee, Robert, and the others in the gaysquad

5=Will, Karen(shes freaking crazy)

6=J-blow, Ivette, Maggot, Beau,Eric,

7=Will, Marcy, Erika, Boogger, James.

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ok. ok... i understand not liking the twins, methos... but how on earth can you not like AMY? hmmm, were you on crack that season or soemthing? lol

Nope, no crack...LOL....I am from the same area as Amy and the type is a dime a dozen.

Her mating call..... "Ya'll, I'm soooo drunk." :food-smiley-005:


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Nope, no crack...LOL....I am from the same area as Amy and the type is a dime a dozen.

Her mating call..... "Ya'll, I'm soooo drunk."

hah that cracked me up, but I loved Amy anyhow ;)

I have to say though, not really a follower here, I was one of the few that liked George.. LOL I couldnt help it! Maybe I like the underdogs or just the 'old guys' :animated_scratchchin:

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I usually like or dislike people for some whacky reasons. I have no problem voicing my opinion, but I sure don't expect people to follow it. Thriving on "eccentric," I also reserve the right to change my mind any ol' time I please.

Free birds unite!!!

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I'm not a follower at all. I have watched the feeds for so long, and I know how CBS will try to create a storyline that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with reality. So, it does bug me when people will love a houseguest or hate a houseguest based on that CBS storyline, without taking the reality of the feeds into account.

Having said that, I will leave a forum if I find that only one "side" is allowed to speak or have their opinions known regarding the hamsters. I don't like flaming for any reason. That's why I love Morty's.

I've tried to stay out of the discussions regarding the houseguests because I don't want to get into any wars regarding the houseguests. The show is supposed to be fun, and I can't stand it when people try to make it into a war. I have (in the past, on another forum) listed things that happened on the feeds (in the spoiler/feeds area) as examples of why I like or dislike a person, and then been told that is "just my opinion." My response to that is, "No, my liking/disliking the houseguest is my opinion. But my reporting of what actually happened is fact." So, I don't like it when things get illogical or warlike, and try to stay out of the line of fire.

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Agreed, here at Morty's you can like, dislike, debate or agree but it's all kept friendly.

Personally i'm not a follower or leader. I liked Jase in his season when few others did but i didn't expect anyone to like him with me because, let's face it, he was pretty crazy. I just enjoyed the comedy and rooted for him.

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After reading these posts its seems that all of you agree with each other more than you can admit and to me that makes it a great place to hang. I don't play follow the leader, nor to I try to lead, though in my personal life I tend to be voted into that position more times than I should say yes to.

My favorite quote is and always has been: "I will respect your opinion if you will respect mine." We may not agree in those opinions, but respect we deserve for the fact that we have spoken out on something.

To many stage complaints about the who what and where of something, but never stand up to say it out loud where it matters.

I forgot now...am I a follow the leader, or a leader that has followers??

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