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Whats The Biggest Mistakes Ever In Bb History,


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allowing 4 sov on bb allstar. its the only reason WILL last as long as he did and ultimately affected bb allstar. he had 4 sov as target above him. bb allstar should have just been james and janelle from season 6.

but beside that marcellas and howie are two biggest idiots

one thing i hate was jee trusting jun when she wasnt a ounce loyal to him.

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i mostly just browse this site, but thought i would comment. i would say the 2 biggest would be kaysar taking his hand off the botton, and of course marcellas not using the veto. howie would come in third with nominating james/sarah. yeah james shouldn't have swore on the bible. however, if james would have won hoh the next week, and he hadn't have been nominated he would have probably targeted april/jennifer. he couldn't stand maggie/april. and if i remember correctly that's who he was always pushing to get nominated.

now he might have then tried to team up with boo/ivette later, but he woudln't have nominated howie/rachel, so it would have been better for them to have gotten rid of maggie, or another friendship member.

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i mean, i think it KINDA has to be a tie, between him and Marcy, cause they both Left that week cause of there mistakes..

But Marcy was farther into the season, so it costs him more

BUT It effected the entire allaince, so it could of been bigger for Kaysar...

they are bother equally.

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While I did like kaysar alot, and his mistake of letting go of the button (which he had to make un-informed) was big .. I still think the biggest mistake of all was Hardy trusting Dr. Will even after everything that he did. That trust cost him $500000. Hardy would have won over Nicole.

Kaysar, likely would not have won big brother anyways.


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Kaysar trusting J-Blo, Nathan being played by Alison, and Marjealous not using the POV are all bone-headed moves - but how bad is it when ALLSTARS who should freaking know better leave Will and Booger in the game so long that one of them wins! That's the worst move - the whole damn AllStar house being played by a couple of 30-something sixth graders.

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You really wanna know the BIGGEST mistake ever in BB history???

It's them not choosing someone from Morty's this year!!!

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people mention all the time leaving chilltown in the game. to be fair the people in the rumored mr & mrs. smith alliance whether it was real or not, where at least unofficially aligned. that is 4 people. not to mentioned they did have to worry about the floaters, and chilltown wasn't the best in hoh comps, and they where only 2 people.

the mistake was that after bb6 kept winning, they didn't change their stradegy in week 2. they also really needed to make sure nakomis stayed. nothing against diane, i like diane, but as far as the bb6 stradegy long term, it would have been better to ensure that diane left.

janelle probably should have thrown the hoh in week 4 to marcellas. he would have targeted chilltown, and he would have taken the hit. also if janelle really wanted to keep chilltown, should have nominated them then helped them keep the veto, and do a better job making sure that james didn't find out she threw it. then nominate george, so james wouldn't get upset at diane/danielle being targeted. then either way a strong player in will would have gone, or she wouldn't have had the enemies of the floaters, because she could have used the excused bb6 tried to get rid of george in week 3, but he won veto.

also, if she wanted danielle gone she should have nominated chilltown. helped them win the veto, make sure that she wasn't found out for helping chilltown, then nominate danielle as a replacement nominee. she could have sold to erika/marcellas that she believes that danielle was secretly plotting with james to undermine her alliance. she probably then could have sold that.

they really either should have nominated jase/diane, used the mr & mrs. smith excuse, due to the fact another alliance, beside chilltown with higher numbers.

i also never understood why kaysar didn't explain his week 2, nominations as they thought nakomis was too big of a threat to win a future hoh. diane was just nominated not to veto nakomis off the block. that would have calmed marcellas down, sense obessed with diane making it to sequester.

he was which was a large part of why she was nominated. when they then decided to change it to diane, they should have used the excuse that they didn't nominate jase, because they thought he was an ally. remember jase agreed to janelle's nominations, and the first week bb6 did thought he wanted an alliance with them. that they then needed to get rid of diane, because jase was then aligned with chilltown, and diane had a alliance with jase.

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