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Hardy Bb2

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I was watchin My Super Sweet 16 on MTV a couple of days ago and I'm pretty sure it was with Svetlana from The Real World ( i'm not sure because there was a marathon that day and I can't rememer which one I was watching) and they went to some place in Miami maybe? and there was a guy they were talking to and it JUST hit me that it was Hardy, it's been bothering me so bad and I just thought of it! anyway just thought I'd share. haha

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I caught that too!

I didn't know who the girl was, but instead of "My Sweet Sixteen", whenever they would flash the title around commercial breaks, they would cross out the 16 and replace it with a 21.

She was having her party move from New York to Vegas to Miami or something. Just ridiculous.

And it DEFINITELY was Hardy.

He looked better than I remember, that's for sure!

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