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Conversation about what they would do with the money

J: Give most of it to my family

I: Buy properties (put down payment on it)

A:  Go to ASPCA, pay off my schooling my debt and give my Mom some money

I:  You could give a little away, but invest and let it grow first.

Interesting (in a Maggie voice)

Hmmmm, that's evil that Janelle wants to give most of it to her family!!! I hope the NH have another discussion on how immoral and undeserving she is!

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Hmmmm, that's evil that Janelle wants to give most of it to her family!!! I hope the NH have another discussion on how immoral and undeserving she is!

They will find SOME way to spin it around to make Janelle look bad....I have no doubt in their ability to do so.

ivette "like your boobs aren't probably real because of the way they look, but they're a nice proportion to your size"

janelle didn't deny her statement. So there's no doubt Jan has fake ones.

She's never denied having fake boobs. She even said "I want to get them done again and maybe go a half size bigger, and i want to get the tear shaped ones this time"

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April ripping on Janelle for selling clothes on E-Bay rather than giving them to charity. Saying she and Maggie were thinking the same thing.

Oh to make yourself feel so much better and superior - must be nice.

April loves giving LOL

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Maggie and April having a love-you thank-you for being here fest in HOH before their nap.

Both say their families are better people than them and that their husbands make them better than they (A & M) were.

Both admit they have growing to do.

M: Sometimes David looks at me and I feel like such an asshole

April is trying really hard to make Maggie feel like her partner. I think it is to break the bond between Maggie and Ivette. I can't wait to see how far she will take that.

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I find it repulsive how, every conversation they have with Janelle is more like an interrogation session, where the sole purpose is to gathter information to use later (after they twist it and morph it into something evil) against her. She just can't say or do anything right in their eyes...But she's the evil one :huh:

The other thing that eats at me is how they keep saying they have lives so they haven't watched the show before, are not fans, know nothing about it,and how evil Jan is for watching every season and knowing all about the show... yet in their next breath they are discussing names and events in detail from previous seasons, and even talking about the BB tapes they OWN and how they got them :mellow: !!!

I keep waiting for Maggie to redeem herself by accepting that they've been unfair in most of their reasoning for Janelle bashing...I thought last night, for a second there, that she was, when she started a sentence by saying "who are we to judge...", but it went downhill from there again into who would use the money for evil or good... :rolleyes: ...

It was so baffling to me, after all of her indignant righteous rantings about good (them) vs (Jan)evil prize money spenditure to hear April today say she'd use it for Botox...Now, really :blink: ?

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The other thing that eats at me is how they keep saying they have lives so they haven't watched the show before, are not fans, know nothing about it,and how evil Jan is for watching every season and knowing all about the show... yet in their next breath they are discussing names and events in detail from previous seasons, and even talking about the BB tapes they OWN and how they got them  :mellow: !!!

It doesn't make Janey evil to have watched BB before. It is NOT a pre requisite(spelling??) for being on the show!!! And ah, well, didn't they ALL know who Holly was when she walked through the door? AND they were brought on the show by their partners and I remember Eric saying his wife was a big fan of the show.

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It doesn't make Janey evil to have watched BB before...

It wouldn't make any of them evil!!! Usually people sign up to be on shows they are a fan of. They have all discussed previous shows at one time or another. I almost fell over when Maggie told April she didn't know there was money involved in the game cuz she'd never watch the finales...a few days later she was talking about the bb5 finale (huh?) Why the hypocrisy?...So they've watch the show before...what's the big deal :rolleyes: ?

Right now Ivette, Howie and Jan are having a nice conversation on the backyard. I am enjoying watching it, and not the usual Janelle bashing that goes on when I/M/A are together...but can't help but keep expecting to hear Ivette later ripping Jan appart over any little thing she saying right now (with M/A), even though they're just talking geograpy in schools, road trips and gimnastics.

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Hmmmmm. Ivette just said she doesn't like Tonya Harding because "that's poor sportsmanship." She said it in such a mild way like Tonya had done something harmless like stick her tongue out at Nancy Kerrigan, yet she freaks out over Rachel's "supposed" poor sportsmanship. :shakes head:

It wouldn't make any of them evil!!! Usually people sign up to be on shows they are a fan of. They have all discussed precious shows at one time or another. I almost fell over when Maggie told April she didn't know there was money involved in the game cuz she'd never watch the finales...a few days later she was talking about the bb5 finale (huh?) Why the hypocrisy?...So they've watch the show before...what's the big deal :rolleyes: ?

Right now Ivette, Howie and Jan are having a nice conversation on the backyard. I am enjoying watching it, and not the usual Janelle bashing that goes on when I/M/A are together...but can't help but keep expecting to hear Ivette later ripping Jan appart over any little thing she saying right now (with M/A), even though they're just talking geograpy in schools, road trips and gimnastics.

Just wait, Soyyo! Ivette will use it all against her in some way tonight in the HOH room during "Janie bashing." I think it's scheduled from 10 - 12 tonight, but may run long.

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Rigth now Ivette, Howie and Jan are having a nice conversation on the backyard. I am enjoying watching it, and not the usual Janelle bashing that goes on when I/M/A are together...but can't help but keep expecting to hear Ivette later ripping Jan appart over any little thing she saying right now (with M/A), even though they're just talking geograpy in schools, road trips and gimnastics.

Its almost like the friendship have to talk badly about Janelle when they are together because they have nothing else to share with one another. This conversation between Ivette and Janelle right now is great. They actually have things in common.

I know what you mean about waiting for Ivette to get sarcastic or spin the conversation when she gets to the HOH.

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this is what she said about Tanya Harding...What she did was out of jealousy because Nancy kerrigan's family had money.

Ivette: It's like if I would be mad at Janelle because she's a fan of the show and has more information than me about the comps. It's not her fault that I was not watching, just like it's not Kerrigan's fault if her parents could afford to pay for a better trainer...people are ridiculous to hold grudges ove things like that.

I was like HUH? of all things that she would give that as an example when it is exactly what she did last night!!!

Did you all see how she almost blew herself up just now? OMG!

Thank God she's alright, I'm sure that would have been Jan's fault too

Howie and Jan are planning to approach Ivette with a deal. What do you all think? I don't think it will work and it will just be seen as another evil thing Jan did, but they have no choice but to give it a go...

Howie and Janelle are speculating if they make it to the final three with Ivette (what a dream!) Howie comparing it to a star wars movie LOL

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Howie and Jan are planning to approach Ivette with a deal. What do you all think? I don't think it will work and it will just be seen as another evil thing Jan did, but they have no choice but to give it a go...

Howie and Janelle are speculating if they make it to the final three with Ivette (what a dream!) Howie comparing it to a star wars movie LOL

I say go for it! they have nothing to lose.

I think their best bet is to appeal to her need to win the $ for her family - they should talk about her mother a lot. And what they were just saying about the votes in the end - they should promise her votes if they are on the jury so she will win the $, but say if she votes out Howie, April or Maggie will both get their votes over her.

I doubt it will work, though, because Ivette will not think strategically. She will refuse to turn on April because of her loyalty.

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I agree they have nothing to lose but I seriously doubt if Ivette will go for it and it could hurt Janie's chance to sway April later on. I think Janelle should let Howie go to Ivette on his own so she can have plausible deniability next week.

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I agree with both of you :) .

Spike, I don't think Ivette likes April much, but she's loyal to Maggie, so that will most likely keep her from making a deal. Plus I dpon't think Ivette could contain herself from running to M/A with the new Jan bashing ammo.

Mende, you're right Howie should be the one to talk to Ivette, that way, at least she can't say it was Jan trying to sway her vote.

Did you all see when April told maggie that she looooved April, but she'd rather take Maggie to the last two with her, Maggie said nothing :unsure: !... Hint! hint!


PS. Right now I'm disliking April the most. She's just an all'round fake gal

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They've got some strange little scratch/stroke move they do to each other's arms and backs. **shudders** It kinda creeps me out, I've only been that intimate with my biological sister. I have to have my personal space and avoid sleeping in the same bed with friends and acquaintances. Even my best friend of 20 years and I aren't that physically intimate.

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OMG!!!! now ivette is saying janelle is BiPolar!!

and the strattling begins. ivette is topless laying on her stomach and maggie is strattling her giving her a massage


For gods sake, you getting a massage!!!! Relax!!!! and get over Janelle!!!!

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i was just watching howie and janie reviewing for the hoh comp again. when howie asked janie the total chips for the "roll me a veto" competition, she was like NO WE DONT KNOW THAT! dont talk about it! i love those two and i want them to win and stuff but does janie think that big brother would help them by putting in questions only they know or something? or why else would she feel so taboo about talking about something she doesnt know. Also she wants howie to ask her questions she knows. She even tells him what question to ask her so she can answer it lol.

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Ivette sent April to try to get Janie to drop out by painting such a bleak picture of her chances. Janelle did not take the bait. LOL

Now I can't wait to see Howie try to convince Ivette that she needs to vote April out on Thursday to really secure her place in the final two. LOL LOL

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