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Vote for Mortys


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Wow but 7009 votes that's awesome!!

Everyone has to keep going and make it an even

10K by the end of the night!!

Morty's was many fan's breakfast news and closing

media to keep them up to date and should be rewarded

for such great updates and varied opinions, posts and fun!!!



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Voted for Morty's, which has 7 thousand some votes and 10 thousand something have been cast, Morty's rocks, never could get into Jokers, or reality BBQ

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:lol: Not voting for this site on a silly poll?

and what did they do for me? Gave me access to a thread to run? Seems like I did more for them. And like I said in the prediction thread CeCiMom was the only one who ever Thanked me


and you dind't expect any better? Like I give a shit

who are you?

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I voted and I wish I could vote Jokers as worst site with all those damn kids in the forums there...imagine a forum with 50 shockalots and one you...thats jokers.


SO terribly agree! Can't get what you want and with all the

added personal stuff, never can find the story or actual

up date!!. I like Morty's update just for the recap of the

show or for an event I missed when away on call.

Well done and a total team effort. Along with getting

the video links so to see it and get the cues of what to

look for!!

It's all VERY good!


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qoute "and what did they do for me? Gave me access to a thread to run? Seems like I did more for them. And like I said in the prediction thread CeCiMom was the only one who ever Thanked me"

Neb Im sorry you feel that way I have thanked EVERYBODY that has done stuff on this site many times. I may not have directly said your name but the thank you's were meant for u as well as everyone else. I have always liked to agree to disagree on alot of stuff with you.

As to the actual thread............

Mortys best bb site by a landslide thanks to ALL the people that contributes!!!!

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I'm still figuring out how the discussion forum works there, but I like Jokers too. There are bullies there, but they're easily avoidable. Here, there's only one (I can think of) but it seems he/she rules the playground :( . JMO

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hmmm, it's too bad you treat morty like that after what they did for you. Oh well, didn't except any better.

Ummm, Neb does quite a bit for this site... And he will be here long after your gone... Cut him some slack...

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Ummm, Neb does quite a bit for this site... And he will be here long after your gone... Cut him some slack...

I doubt he will be here long after I am gone since I am staying and he is the one already leaving. I have no respect for people who act like he does. If someone created a special forum just for me I'd be happy as shit, I wouldn't complain about it and say the site sucks (He didn't say this but saying another site is better is close enough). Him and I have always hated each other and this is just another feather in the cap of reasons.

As for Neb I will miss his post if hes not here.

I can't say I will, but probably because most of the time we argue anyways.

I kept my fingers quiet all season, even when he tried to start a fight a few times but I am just amazed that he would show so little respect to Morty.

If you are mad because you didn't receive enough appreciation, that's fine and an OK reason to be mad, but to blame Morty and his site and team? That's not who is at fault. People who participated and won...they should have said "Thank You" It's like joining the Oakland Raiders. Then, when you are playing the Dallas Cowboys, you have a big sign on your Raider bench that says, "Go Cowboys!" It's just wrong.

I've said my piece and he's said his (and it seems to be futile either way) and so we move on to another series and/or season. He is the one who said "I am done with them" so he is the one choosing to leave.

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Guest StarBaby

You can tell people are bored now that BB is over. Hey, there are some other forums you could check out instead of arguing! I enjoy the TAR, Survivor, and of course, Off Topic forums. Give them a try!

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I'm headed to survivor now, the only problem is that last season, someone reported who the final two were right in the main forum and completely messed it up, lol. That is the only problem with Survivor is the leaks of information whereas BB is live and only a few days off with competitions.

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