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Who Owns the Jury So Far?


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I've read comments that Danielle might own the jury so far. And that might be/remain true if they are not allowed to discuss the events to date. How much are they allowed to chat?

All three of the current jury members were once Janelle's close allies.

Do you think it possible that time will change their minds?

How much of a difference will the next eviction make?

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I think it is a little early to speculate that Danielle "owns" the jury. Until she makes it to the final two, it does not matter how much, or how little, the jury house would like for her to win. Sometimes the jury house must decide between the lesser of two evils. Often they do not want either person to win, but have to vote anyway, i.e. June a few seasons ago - no one wanted to vote for her but had to anyway.

Until the final 3 or final 2, this discussion is a little early .... especially when speculating towards one person ... just my opinion b/c I do not even think Danielle will make it to the final two so ....

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I said Danielle owns the jury. She's managed to not piss anyone off this year, and even has Marcellas thinking their friends. She will get Marcellas' vote, James' vote, and Howie's vote (unless Janelle is in the final 2). She only needs one more vote.

I'm really surprised that the house isn't trying to get rid of Danielle instead of Janelle. IMO, Janelle has pissed a lot of people off, and will finish 2nd to everyone, with the possible exception of Chicken George.

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Danielle is in good postion with the jury. Will see if she can make it to the end. Im gonna say no but I wont be surprissed to see her there.

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When people first go into sequester, I think they're obsessed with revenge, especially if they've been double-crossed. But by the time they get to the finale, it's a lot easier for them to look at the game with an unbiased eye. For the most part, they generally vote for the best player , as they understand it. Not that I ever think that Will would vote against Boogie or that Howie would vote against Janelle, because those two sets are really tight.

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When people first go into sequester, I think they're obsessed with revenge, especially if they've been double-crossed. But by the time they get to the finale, it's a lot easier for them to look at the game with an unbiased eye. For the most part, they generally vote for the best player , as they understand it.

I agree with this. I think most everyone on the jury will vote for who they see as the best player. I don't see anyone voting"against" someone else. Even when James left he seemed pretty level headed as far as this being a game. He commented on being kicked out by the best players in BB history. The only exception may be Howie. He may hold a grudge against CG and I can't say I blame him. That would be a tough one to get over.

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I don't think Dani would get Marcellas' vote. She won't get Howie's that's for sure. Of course there are more to go in sequester, but I think based on her previous game play (if they have no new info regarding this game play) they will all assume she played like the first time and not give her the vote just to spite her...JMO

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sadly janelle is in the best standing with jury seated now

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Depends on how the jury votes - if they vote on emotion then Will is toast - if he makes it to the finals to get that vote. If they vote on skill, he'd be in good shape since he played them all like a finely tuned violin.

Problem is, Marjealous and Hurricane Howie are spiteful and emotional. Marci and James both were taken by Dani's tears in her goodbye message so right now, Dani would be most likely to get their vote.

About the only one Howie will vote for is Janie. If she's not in the finals, then whoever isn't CT will get his vote. Remember he only voted for Maggot last year because Rachel threatened to never speak to him again if he voted for Evilette.

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If Janelle makes it to the final two, I believe the jury will vote her the winner. The only person that would give her competition would be Will sitting next to her. In all fairness, Will played the best game strategically. Janelle played the best game as far as the competitions went. She will probably have been nominated for eviction the most number of times and saved herself the most number of times. She will also probably hold the record for most HOH wins. So I can see the jury divided over these two.

I don't think Danielle will make it to the final two, but if she does I think the only person she can beat is either George or Erika. Janelle and Will have outplayed Danielle, and the jury might even give the win to Mike over Danielle -- which would probably crush Danielle and make her feel as though she has been "robbed" once again. :)

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Where did you get they can't discuss events that have happened when they get to sequester? They always start giving their 'take' on what has happened to the previous hg when they get there. That's why Will keeps saying he's willing to go to sequester & start securing votes for whoever he actually wants to win -- should he not really win, like he thinks he will! That's where the real test of the game comes in. Do they believe what they think they know, what they've seen on the dvd that comes w/ the booted hg, or what the newest evictee is telling them?? They absolutely get to flap their jaws. Who knows what will happen -- everyone hated Maggie & said they wouldn't vote for her, but she's spending the money right now.


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Actually, I've heard Howie and others say that there are chaperones up the wazoo in the sequester house watching them and monitoring their conversations. Yes, I'm sure they do exchange some info, but there is a limit to it (again, this information is from listening to what Howie and the others were saying about their previous experience in the sequester house).

Will has no clue what sequester will be like because he's never been. He apparently has some wild notion that he can "work the jury" -- but if this year's sequester experience is like what the others who HAVE been in sequester before have said it is -- then I think Will is probably in for a surprise. He's a rule-breaker by nature, though, so who knows what he'll actually get by with.

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I certainly could be wrong, but I always thought the game played on to a different degree in sequester w/ them being allowed to talk & try to sway the vote. That's the angle -- what or who do they believe?? Am I totally wrong?? Anyone know the real rules of sequester engagement??


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Jani owns the jury over everyone.

Marci- Will vote for Jani over anyone but maybe CG

Howie- Will vote for Jani no matter what

James- Will vote for Jani over anyone but Dani

However, if Will is in the final two- he will get all the votes, even Howies.

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They are able to talk..but when they enter sequester they have the dvd of the following weeks show. So they cant really say that something happened that didnt...well sort of.

They get caught up from the shows dvd-then they are able to talk but at that point they are all pretty strong minded.

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I think we still have too many in the real house to figure it out. A lot depends on which players stay in the house and which go to sequester. As it gets closer, then the pic becomes clearer.

Someone mentioned the revenge factor and time can help with that one - but not always.

I don't think that Jani owns the jury now. I feel that James respects the play of Chilltown more than Jani - and Marci is a wild card all on his own!!

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I think Danielle will go in there determined to sway all the men to what she feels is right.

I'm not excatly sure what that is, but I'll wager it becomes her new mission.

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ericka has no shot to win bb

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I agree, UV. Erika can't beat anyone....Which is certainly a great reason to take her along for the ride. Janelle can probably beat everyone else....except Will. Several times the comment was made by James, Howie and Danielle that if Will somehow made it to the final 2, he certainly deserved it because of him being such a huge target at the start of the game.

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Where do people get off thinking that Janelle owns the jury? I just don't see it.

i see it cause i see many on jury would vote fo her to save face with the public mainly the likes of marcellus, danielle, and even james who was coach on the early show into voting for her by replaying the veto comp for him to see janelle clearly getting doll first

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