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James on the Early Show..........


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java script:vlaunch('clip=/media/2006/08/25/video1934492.rm&sec=&vidId=&title=Rhine$@$Voted$@$Off$@$Big$@$Brother&hitboxMLC=')

And yeah!!! He feels sorry for his mistake, lol.

If you can't figure that link out, click HERE and scroll down to #1, the first Video, Rhine Voted Off Bog Brother


He and his fans will not give up on the betrayal concept James keeps throwing out there. Because they did not do exactly what he wanted he should turn on BB6? His girl Dani always said you have to do what you have to do..... (unless your name is Janelle)


I am so glad that Chen cleared up the POV contraversy for James. He can see clearly that Janelle won fair and square. Now he can't use that in the Jury house as ammo against Janie. He is thinking his girl Dani is going to win the game. ( I think he will see her in a week)


James doesn't have hard feelings for Janelle? Please. It will be interesting to see how James plans to clean up Sarah's comments that he went into the house with the agenda to take out his revenge on S6 for what happend in BB6.


This is what Sarah posted on the Jamesbb6 site:

I love you more and more every day. I am so proud of you, and so proud to have you in my life. I promise to do my best to show you the type of love you have showen me all summer. I miss you so much and I am counting the seconds til you are holding me again. XOXO


Interesting :o


I know no one will like this but, I am happy James saw the clip and I do feel the way he was acting today was REAL. I wish James had been more like this throughout the season.


Oh Pahleeeeeze a lepord does not change his spots overnight. He knows when to put on the charm with a sprinkle of lies.


James does seem to be a different person when he's not in the house. Speaking for myself, I didn't mind his lying and betrayal as much as I did the personal attacks on Janelle in the DR, calling her a whore, a stupid bitch, etc. And his temper tantrums when something didn't go his way. Like he said with Julie last night, he took the game way too seriously sometimes.


I hope I can post this here. I was looking around while we had all these flames and found some interesting interviews. The one with James this morning was ...... The way things happened in BB7 acourding to James. There is also and interview with Sarah in it from when James and Kasar were on the block. Check it out.



Okay, I agree with everyone that James has a truth telling problem and that Sarah better look long and hard into that before she marries him. However, does this mean as Will. Mike, Janelle leave the house their lies will become "Just part of the game"?


It's not so much his lieing that people are complaining about. It's about his demeanor and the way he lies. He is just bottomline hateful. He has the proverbial "chip on his shoulder" and comes off like everyone owes him something and that his actions are more reactions to the wrong that people have done him. He is an excuse magnet.


Yeah, he was willing to see things differently when confronted with visual proof of the event. But in a later interview he was still spinning the "she was scratching, she was biting, she was kicking, she poked my eyes out, and she took the doll away from me" scenario. He also said if Janelle had been a guy he would have elbowed him or tackled him or something. He DID tackle her. So he's still doing his revisionist history.


some of you say that james' lying is all apart of the bb game, that's true. but he's not in the game any more and he's still lying and believes his own lies :lol: , he's such a sociopath. sarah's whipped, although a sweet girl. she'll only choose to see the positive about him, she's in la-la land.


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