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James wants to DOR


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Iagp: CT will tell Dani that James still had an alliance with Janelle, and that since "we couldn't get rid of her" he had to go.

Will has already suggested the existence of that J/J alliance to D. at least once.

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CBS has said:

There was "incidental contact"-----like that which is allowed on a pass interference call-----going for the ball but bumping the receiver. I don't know how James' alleged tackling of Janelle could be ruled "incidental". We'll have to see it tomorrow night. Anyway, Janelle basically outwrestled the wimp for the doll, from what I understand.

They also said that they didn't have the right camera angle to see if what James said happened actually happened. Looks like Janelle just refused to go lose. Good for her.

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In James' defense he was the first one to say how he had also hit the buzzer twice when Howie was telling his side of the story and saying the game didnt work last time.

James did openly say over and over how he hit his first.

Him going off this much may tell me that something might of happened.

BUT he is doing far more damage acting the way he is ;)

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We won't know for sure what happened with the comp until we see it. Even then, we might not get a good view, because everyone agrees that Janie and James were rolling around on the ground at that time. James thinks CBS is lying about not having the right angle, but I can see how it would be hard to have an angle on their hands if they were on the ground.

Janie says that she had the "H" (Howie) doll and James tackled her for it. (Which, by Janie's story, would mean that James had already broken the rules that he loves so dearly). Then, while they were playing tug of war on the H doll, she saw the Marc doll and grabbed it. Janie has not changed this story once while I've watched, and I watched the feeds all night that night.

James, on the other hand, has changed his story three times (that I've seen). At first, he said that he had the Marcellas doll in his hand and Janie yelled "Give me that" and grabbed it from him. He has been using the "Give me that" line over and over to prove that Janie didn't have possession of the doll--If she had possession, why yell "Give me that?"

James' second story was that Janie grabbed the Howie doll that he had, and they played tug of war. (This could have been when Janie yelled "give me that," which would have nothing to do with the Marc doll, and would not prove that he had possession of the Marc doll. So his story is already unraveling at this point). Then, he claimed that he saw the Marcellas doll and grabbed it, and Janie grabbed it from him.

James' third story is probably the more likely one. He told this one with everyone but Janie in the room, up in the HOH. He first asked Will what Will saw. (Liars usually do this in my experience. They ask what you know, and then they work their story around your story). Will said that he saw both Janie and James grab the Marcellas doll, rolling on the ground, Janie gave a kick to James and she got the doll. (James hadn't mentioned a kick before that, but he later used that as further grounds for disqualification for Janie, even though Janie says he tackled her first). James then spun the third version of his story. He said that Janie had the Howie doll, and grabbed it so hard at first that she crushed it. (So, he is admitting that Janie had possession of the useless Howie doll first, yet he played tug of war with it against her after she grabbed it first. Sounds like he was the one grabbing things, huh? And this would explain why Janie yelled "Give me that!" Dani is using Janelle saying that as proof for her that Janie grabbed the doll from James, and that's not fair). He and Janie played tug of war for the H doll. Then, he spotted Janelled LYING ON TOP OF the Marc doll. He grabbed it and she grabbed it out of his hand, scratching his hand with her fingernails. (Isn't it possible that Janie had already let go of the H doll with at least one hand, and had a hand under her body on the Marc doll?? The cameras wouldn't show that).

Will told what he saw. Erika admitted she saw nothing. Dani has never said what she saw. Dani is using Janelle saying "Give me that" as proof that Janie didn't have the doll in the first place, and that isn't fair. Dani told the DR that she wanted to see the tapes so that she could have closure. So, in my opinion, this is either James lying and having sour grapes, or James being mistaken and having sour grapes. Either way, James admits to playing tug of war for the Howie doll AFTER Janie had complete possession of it. So, he was trying to take a doll out of her hands.

Erika and James then said that Janie started before they yelled "Go," and they tried to use that as another angle for disqualification. However, BB would have easily seen that during the comp, and if it bothered them they would have had a restart. As was pointed out earlier by another poster, BB constantly lets people cheat. I've seen it over and over. In one endurance comp a couple of years ago, Jase lifted his foot time and time again and had warning after warning before they finally called him out for doing it. It happens all of the time and no one yells do-over. Having a do-over for technical issues that are the fault of the show is completely different from a do-over due to someone breaking the rules in a minor way. And it sounds like James broke them, too. (Which is probably why BB said the results stand, period.)

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we dont even know what the rules of that game was. did they say "no physical contact" with another person? did they say once someone touches a doll, nobody else can? it looks like it was not a rule or bb would have penalized them.

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I just had this vision of the Survivor players.

When they are doing a competition one of the other survivors says...... "HE TOUCHED ME WAAAAAH".

So was there a rule of no touching in that comp? I doubt because a lot of the competitions they have there is physical contact.

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Fizzle are you implying that CBS/BB could be vague about something??? I am shocked...

nope.. i am implying that since we havent seen the comp we dont know what the rules were. :P apparently james dont know much about the rules either.

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Orionverling, as it was stated a few comments back YOU are the single most biased person on these board, I guess you took shocks place, and I really think you come here to disagree with everyone else trying to get peoples dander up because you know how many Janell fans are here, and lots of folks cannot stand James, so you kinda do bait us, and I always fall for it. The veto comp wasn't like a malfunctioning buzzer, I think if CBS really thought there was a problem they would re-do it, and all your comments about CBS being vague ,etc are so passive aggressive, but then none of around here take you seriously, seriously!!!lol :P

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The houseguests said that the rules were clear that there was not supposed to be physical contact unless it was the type of inadvertant physical contact that happens in this type of challenge. So I guess that is a little vague. But if BB had said no physical contact, someone would be screaming redo just because someone accidentally brushed against them as they both ran for a doll. Either way, they can't win.

No matter what, the fact of the matter is that James has admitted that Janie had the H doll first, and he took it from her. She said he ended up with it. She let go of it when she realized she needed the Marcellas doll (which she either threw herself on, or which happened to be under her). So James still had his hands on the Howie doll and since he admits Janie had it first, he took THAT from HER. Therefore, even if Janie did somehow take the Marc doll after James had it (which I don't believe, but it is possible--anything is possible), Janie didn't do anything worse than James did when he tackled her and took the Howie doll from her. In my book, that makes them even in physical touching, and it seems that CBS feels the same way.

As I said, though, we'll see it on the show, and I'm sure they will go out of their way to show any footage they do have. Just as they did when they had to do the redo with the buzzers.

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orion, Marty has it exactly, in a way it's a passive aggressive way to bait people, you have a right to your opinion, it's just that unlike people on here that do not like the soves state their opinions in a different manner than you do, and I do not find those folks offensive or feel I need to come back with some defense, with you I feel a need to point out that you are seeming to be on the petty side of things, and I do like Janell, I like geo and I do like Dr. Will, at least more so than Boogie, so I am not a die hard Sov supporter. Stating an opinion and purposely finding the exact button to push is all together different. Surely you can't believe that the show is fixed, that James has any right to whine he was robbed,given to how he performs on a daily basis, he has a really fowl mouth, he is down right abusive to the opposite sex, it is not nice to call women bitches and whores, not in this game or any other game, it speaks to me of his character and who he is as a human being, he is whiny and selfish and soooo self-important, that is my opinion, I also took offense to ivettesux calling Janell a fat cow, also totally uncalled for, it just aint my style.

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