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Thursday Live Show

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Are you on the West Coast (or Mountain Time) and have to wait hours after the show airs in the Eastern to see it?

Do you want to know who was voted out and who got HOH before your friends do?

Do you want to have the inside track on the Big Brother discussion boards at Morty's?

Well your wait is over! Experience the Live Show live and in Chat! Only at Mortys!

Fuskie will be doing the Real Time Live Show Play-By-Play in chat on Thursday, August 24th. Just go to "Live Chat" and then to the Thursday_Night_With_Fuskie Room after 7:45 Eastern for a minute by minute simulchat of the Eviction show.

What: Real Time Live Show Play-By-Play

Where: Live Chat, (must be registered member of Mortys to enter) then go to the Thursday_Night_With_Fuskie Room

When: 7:45 Eastern, 6:45 Central, 5:45 Mountain, 4:45 Pacific

If you have an emergency and can not be there, the transcript will be posted in the Updates Thread shortly after the show.


Who hopes to see you there...

Click Here to learn more about Fuskie's Walk To Cure Diabetes

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Cue Previous.

Roll Previous.

Cue Open.

Previously on Big Brother All-Stars, another member of BB6 was sent packing. And for the 2nd eviction in a row, Janelle was stunned. Chill Town won first their first Head of Household. And Janelle mourned loss of friend. Or did she? Will lured Janelle to Chill Town and a plan was hatched to fool the rest of the house.

At the nomination ceremony, the plan was set in motion.

James and Janelle duked it out for the Power of Veto and Chill Town's plan worked perfectly while James remained clueless. A pawn was put on the chopping block.

Who will be evicted from the Big Brother house, James or Chicken George? And will Chill Town blindside a nominee for the 3rd time in a row? Find out tonight on Big Brother All-Stars.

Roll Open.

Cue Julie.

And we're live in 5





Julie Chen: Good evening, I am Julie Chen and welcome to Big Brother All-Stars. Its day 53 and it's been a roller coaster week for the BB6 alliance. First Howie was shocked to find himself suddenly evicted. Then Janelle found herself on the chopping block as the prime target. To James' surprise, Janelle won Power of Veto so he finds himself sitting next to Chicken George. Who will be heading to the Jury House?

Tonight's live vote and eviction are coming up. But first, with his Legion of Doom alliance, James thinks he is safe this week. But trusting Will & Boogie this week is always a gamble. Is James about to become another Howie?

Replay of Power of Veto meeting.

James in DR: I think Chicken George will leave this week. You can never trust anyone until the show is over, but I feel confident I will still be here come Thursday evening.

George to James: I

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