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Guest ranster627

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Guest ranster627
Pre-BB : Surprise, opening night eviction? 

8 days till BB6 If you caught Entertainment Tonight ... you would have seen them do a pan of the dining room table. Count how many chairs you see at the dining room table.. there is a total of 13 seats for 14 houseguests. Does this mean there could be an opening night eviction, or an eviction shortly after?

Or are we just off of our rockers? You decide.

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Guest Shockalot

Well i think Big Brother has gone as far as possible from the 12 unique strangers from different walks of life.

The Xfactor ended up working for me after all so Im going to cross my fingers this one does too.

In this case they must try to 'not' know each other so that does add some intrigue.

I have a hot rumour but I might just hold off for a day but lets just say the gay guy may not be who you think it is.


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Another site is predicting a twist (eviction) on the first night. They have the video of the house and claims there are only 13 chairs at the kitchen table... What do you guys think???

The site I am referencing is bigbrotherlinks.com...Anywho, gonna be an exciting summer!!!

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In the twist department, I have to pose a thoughtful question. CBS posts pictures of the houseguests today, right. So I count them up like a good BB fan and my count matches what CBS and all of the news leaks say... 14, right. So why are there only 13 place settings in the over head photo of the dining room table?? Makes you think, yes!! Take a look and count the plates for yourself!


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Okay, here's a thought...

If BB told each pair that they were the only pair that knows each other going in, then it's possible each pair will have some time to strategize with each other before they are all mixed together. I think it will be interesting to see what types of strategies each pair will use to avoid being discovered. Maybe they will completely avoid each other? Maybe they will lie about where they are from? Any thoughts? What would you do?

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Well, remember the premiere show is usually 4-5 days after they move in.

It could be done though. Skip the first food comp in favour of the HoH comp - then include nominations and the Veto and end with the surprise eviction.

However, if evictions began on the 14th July we can just about get 12 evictions in before the end of September - though if it finished around the 20th as last year we'd need a double eviction.

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Guest cutestsmile

hmmm that's interesting......

I was wondering about the high number of females.... that would explain it !

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