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Tuesday, August 15th


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Don't think much will be going on today except:

Chill Town, Danielle and James saying "LOD to the end"

Boogie telling Erika "We have your back"

Will telling Janelle and Howie "Final 3"

James telling everyone except Janie and Howie "I hate that fat bitch"

James telling Janie and Howie and Chill Town "It is us to the end"

Danielle working everyone

Erika working (doing) Boogie

Marcellas telling Janie he loves her and tells everyone else he hates her and is putting her up.

Howie getting on everyones nerves

Will and Boogie in a huddle laughing at EVERYONE equally

Chicken George cleaning the house and saying "I am very honored"

Everyone in the house except Howie and Chicken Geroge plotting Janelle's demise.

** Me taking my meds because this game is stressing me out :blink:

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Marty... guess I can close the thread now... hahaha ;)

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