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If you could tell a HG one thing...


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Okay,you can pick only ONE HG in the BBH.

You may tell him or her only ONE thing.

WHAT would it BE? ;)

*Personally I'd tell Marcellas his (albeit slight) career is down the toilet. <_<

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I'd tell them all that people still love janelle.

I'd tell janelle all the awful things james has said about her

I'd tell james he's an idiot if he thinks anyone will ever trust him in the game after how he flipped on the sovs

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janelle cheating ass

ericka leeching aint easy

will dont treat the nurses bad

howie you are a charity case allstar

boogie your ass wasnt an allstar so dont think you are if you win

danielle you one of the alltime greats, janelle aint even on you level of bb skills

marcellus why hell are you on allstar

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:D Dani I am your biggest fan...GO DANI GO... As my motto..DONT TRUST ANYONE!!!! you are my BB hero/idol...Umm.... I know once that stalker/trespassing thing goes away :blink: ( Hey i dont know who's binoculars those were I found in the bushes and i didnt mean to sell maps to your home and gas prices are so high u need a chauffer) we can be good friends..

This is like a dream come true...Where is my tissue... WHERE ARE MY PILLS???

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Guest jordansmom

I would tell James how alot of ppl on the boards calls him a snake. Then i would tell him in a low voice to hurry up bite Janey in the arse. :P

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i wouldnt tell anybody anything, because then i'd have to sift through a million whiney posts about how the game is fixed and they let that woman from mortys tell so and so (well, you should know who i'd talk to by now)

hmm, oh yeah, i already DO sift through a million whiney posts

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I have absolutely nothing to say to them - who wants to talk to those freaks? I'd rather sit and criticize them safely from miles and miles away. :P

Edit: Oh, and they aren't "real" anyways, right?

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I'd tell Janelle everything that slimeball James has been doing to betray their alliance and get her out of the house, right down to James goodbye message to Kayser. Then I'd tell James to walk in front of a freight train when he gets out of the house.

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:wub: I would tell James that if I was a ball I would bounce on him :)

I would tell james that if I was a chair I would support and cushion his buttocks for him :D

I would tell james that if I was his underwear ....... :unsure: nevermind....I'll tell him myself :P

Go James and Dani!!!

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Can you give us a bit more drama.....you suppose to be "Allstars" Prove It !!

Ohhhh....and Will keep your day job cause you can't sing :lol:

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I would tell Erika, Marcellus, and Danielle that they are the most boring people ever.

i would tell marcellus to loose the robe . . . . its overplayed

i would tell howie and janie to take back Kaysars shirts that he gave to james, like Eric took back his hat from james. . . . . . . . i dont like james.

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