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Janelle/Marcellus... Alliance or Feuding?


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So Janelle and Marcellus are getting into it right now... He's yelling at her because of the HOH saying it was rigged and how it was unfair to Erika that they took away her HOH .... Janelle is yelling at him for trash talking her and turning on her.... Its quite amusing

Marcellus said he "expects Janelle to honor their deal" :lol::lol::lol:

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she is falling for this crap????? did she hit her head sometime between last season and this one???? i really like her but my support is starting to dwindle. i want her to be the kick ass take no prisoners chic she was last season. if she falls for his lies yet again then im gonna have to start re-thinking who i want to win this thing.

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as soon as Marcellas left he went running up to tell erika everything... at least that is what Joker's says... does everything include the final 2 deal with her? I doubt he'd tell erika the truth. he probably told her about the fight. Janelle should have told him that she would honor the deal so long as Marcellas didn't remove anyone from the block if he wins Veto. That would prove him a liar if he took Erika off the block.

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He told Erika everything EXCEPT the deal for final two... He basically told Erika that Janelle wants Dani out NOT Erika... I hope Janelle is not seriously thinking of putting up Chicken George, he would leave in a heart beat!! I think the only other people u can put up and KNOW that Danielle would be leaving is Will or Boogie...Because whichever one is not on the block will vote for them to stay and you also have Erika and Howie...So it could be a tie and Janelle would break the tie... I've trusted her decisions from the very beginning but if she puts up George i think I might have a nervous break down!!!

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Right now I think Jani must be feeling very lonely. She's in a house that from week 2 has been after her and she knows it. Talk about pressure. She might want to believe him, because she really does like him. Has nothing to do with gullible has to do with trust.

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Marcellas was just afraid Janelle might put him up if someone else used the veto. Doing the fight with Janelle was also his way of finding out who the real target is -- he's been wanting to know this for a while and he finally figured out a way to make the discovery. He did, because Janelle told him it was Danielle.

The other key thing he found out was that George will be the replacement, and you have to know Marcellas is gleeful about that. Now everyone knows Janelle's plan to put up George, and they're gonna want to use the veto to see that happen so both Erika and Danielle will be staying this week and George will get evicted.

Janelle is in big trouble if that happens.

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Are y'all forgetting about the coup d'etat? For all we know Janelle & Marcellas could be going on the block Thurs :P . As far as I know it hasn't been proven yet wether or not the coup can nom the HoH but I have a feeling that either way Dani & Erika won't even be on the block for the eviction vote.

(ed. Great minds think alike addict :lol: )

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Sorry, I don't think anyone has yet won the Coup d'Etat because there haven't been enough clues yet. Danielle THINKS she may have won it, but I don't think so. DNA = Do Not Assume didn't even start until a couple of seasons ago, and my understanding is that the phrase Julie alluded to has been in play for every season. So, unless Danielle or Erika win veto and remove themselves, I believe one of them will be going.

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Didn't I read somwhere that people are wanting to keep CG in until final 5 because they think he's basically useless, and then they can guarantee they get further. If E or D come down because of the veto, I'm not so sure he automatically gone. Time will tell ... it's getting guuuud.

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This is actually very big right here....CG is sooooo playing the game, he is sitting back playing like a PLAYAAAA. I hope he goes to the final 2...You almost have to love this guy!

This is actually very big right here....CG is sooooo playing the game, he is sitting back playing like a PLAYAAAA. I hope he goes to the final 2...You almost have to love this guy!

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your guess is good as anyone else.

if it is fake, why havent we seen marcellas giving her any scoops from the other side? i dont get it either. I question all the relationships in that house. the only ones i am for sure about are Will and Boogie, and Howie and janelle. other than that i have no clue cause those bastards are really really sly this year. <_<

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I used to like Marcellas until this season. After reading the LF updates and the stuff he says about people (not only Janelle, but anyone), I realized that he's an a$$, not too mention a total drama queen.

Who cares if Janelle has extensions? So many women (and probably men, too!) have those nowadays. It's no big deal. I'm sure he's had work done.

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I think the convo they had was interesting, but if they are faking it, could they have douped the live feeders and come up with the plan while they were in the house & no one caught it?? or they could have come up with it b4 they came in the house. (i.e. week 3 i will start talking smack about u for a diversion.)

The only thing that is wierd is the fact that niether of them have talked about it in the DR, unless BB has just edited it out. I know one thing is 4 sure, if marci is acting he is doing a gr8 job.

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That's true about Marcellas not giving Janelle info . . . he felt taken for granted when she saved Chilltown the second time she was HOH and put up Diane against Erika. And then when Danielle was gunning for Janelle he was spending all his time with Danielle and the floaters which infuriated Janelle. And it doesn't seem like they've had any conversations to clear the air between them since then, so maybe it's more a case of Marcellas now being worried Janelle might put him on the block (in which case he'd be evicted) and Janelle being worried that if she doesn't play nice with Marcellas she won't get his vote if she makes final 2 (?)

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