CeCiMom Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 ***This thread is not for complaining about who is HOH... please continue that discussion at http://tvfanforums.net/index.php?showtopic=15860&st=200 *** So what is done is done. Or as the HG's would say, "It is what it is!" Janie is the new HOH. So, who do we think she'll nominate? After talking with Howie and Will it's my understanding that she will nominate Danielle and Erika. With the intention of evicting Danielle. Another dumbass move imo. It's really quite comical/sad how Janie/Howie/Floatherd have no clue about the Legion of Doom/Stupidity. Someone mentioned earlier that the only way to get Danielle up is to put her up against Chilltown. I agree with that but, it has to be Boogie and even then it's not a clinch. Danielle has her butt covered every which way. It's possible Boogie would get Will, Howie, Erika to keep him.
April Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 I agree... Dani is going no where for awhile... I wish Janie understood that James isn't with her... it's hard to watch her share all her info with him.
xchristopherx Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 I think the best move would to have Janelle put up Danielle and Boogie. This way Will would compaign for ppl to vote for Boogie to stay and if Danielle leaves Will and Boogie would join Howie and Janie because Will doesn't trust James and if Boogie left, I think Will would head more towards Janie. Just my thoughts. The voting could somewhat be like (vote to leave): Howie: Danielle James: Boogie Erika: Danielle Will: Danielle Marcellas: Boogie George: Toss up but I think Boogie. This would mean a tie and Janie to vote out Danielle. Will and Boogie would care less if she nominated either of them because she did in the past and look what happened. Nothing.
Marty Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 I am very happy with her putting up Dani and Erika. I will be very very happy to see Danielle go. I am sure that Chill Town will be happy too. She is way too controlling and they would like James and Dani broken up. Good pick Janelle and I hope you stick with it.
BabyBlues Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 xchristopherx - I think that is a very good strategy!!! And then if Dani won PoV, backdoor that d!ck James!!
hty Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 Janelle should put up James and Dani....Let James go nuts for a couple of days... Then if one wins POV put Boogie up.... Jani is on her last leg anyway so go out in a blaze of glory....
GoJaney Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 I think you guys are right... put up Dani and Boogie, telling Willboogie why... and then if Dani wins, put James up. By then someone will have told her about James. Willboogie would be better off taking Janey/Howie as partners than Dani/James.... James is untrustworthy while Janey/Howie have been 100% loyal to one another. Maybe if they form that solid alliance CT will be willing to try and win something next week But what would they call the alliance? The Soverign Chill?
CasperSabe Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 She is going to nominate Erika and Danielle, because she is INCAPABLE of actually targeting a male. They were spreading around like wild-fire last night that George swore on his life that he'd vote for kaysar to stay and he can't be trusted and blah, blah. But now that they know they won, they wont be going after CG themselves. They were just saying that so they could try to get the floaters to nominate one of their own. If Erika Or Danielle goes home this week I will feel pretty annoyed. If Erika goes home, I will like CBS did her a great injustice by Stealing her HOH win from her. If Dani goes home, I will be very sorry to see her go. I actually don't want ANY female to go at this point. Because there are only 3 girls left and that house, the rest are all men. And I am not sure I want to watch a house which is all men for half of the season.
wash ur face Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 I agree, Jani wants to be the only female around with a bunch of guys so she's going to target the females, but if she was smart she'd realize that the only people playing her are males.
Big Brother Freak Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 They are probably scared someone is throwing them under the bus and plotting against them They are probably scared someone is throwing them under the bus and plotting against them
Mendes56 Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 Janelle is the only HG not outside right now, so it may be a nomination ceremony coming up pretty soon.
LovesBigBrother Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 I thought I saw Janie sleeping on the big chaise lounge next to Howie a bit ago?!
lunchlady1 Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 I think they were suppose to have a food comp at like 7 am, and that's why they're up so early
CeCiMom Posted August 11, 2006 Author Posted August 11, 2006 I thought about it some more and Jani might get Dani evicted with the Erika/Danielle nominations. Votes to evict Danielle would be: Marcellas, Howie, Boogie Votes to evict Erika would be: James, CG, Will It's a toss up on Will and Boogie cause they don't always vote the same and they have mixed feelins for Erika and Danielle. They're in an alliance with Danielle but, they don't trust her partner (James) and Boogie is close to Erika, whom Will doesn't trust. I'm not saying it will work but, it has possibilities.
kslmbuggie Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 figured out that James was a pawn....am I missing something?? Why are howie & janie still trusting james and his lil weasal arse???
uvp Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 due to the fact janelle antifemales danielle and ericka will go up
April Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 Janie suggested he was... Kaysar said he wasn't, Janie took his word for it.
Jennzabelle Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 My poor poor naive Janie!!! Love ya to death girl, but I wish you would just walk in on James and Dan talking at least once!!! Or notice tem always being together!!! I wish she would put up James and Dani....then replace with Boogie if one won the POV...but *sigh* she won't. It's so uncomfortable watching her talk to/about James like he's with her and Howie to the other house guests....you know they are laughing inside, very sad
carmen Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 Boogie has already said that he is totally down with voting Erika out in order to save Danielle. So a Danielle/Erika nomination guarantees that Danielle will be safe. And even if Erika wins POV, Janelle has said she would replace her with George which of course the house will be laughing about. They'll all be too happy to vote his ass out and keep Danielle. Janelle needs to think long and hard about this one, and she needs to talk to every single person in there in private. If she is serious about getting rid of Danielle, she absolutely has to play her cards just right. Erika is the one who is going to get screwed by chilltown, so I would think that she would be the one scrambling to backstab somebody in order to save herself (like James? perhaps even chilltown?). Of course, getting Janelle to believe her would be a longshot, but at least she would have her eyes opened to what James and chilltown are doing.
Marty Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 I still cannot figure out why they ALL don't see Dani as the bigger threat. If Janelle perfers Dani out and James is trying to save her I would think Jani could figure it out. Maybe when Erika is on the block she will squeal on James/Dani alliance. (of course she does not know about LOD)
wash ur face Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 Also, Jani didn't find it suspicious that Will was trying to convince her not to put Dani up.
Jennzabelle Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 My biggest question is....why was Ericka so upset to evict kaysar, when she could have very well saved him and had an allie later on down the road? What purpose did it serve her evicting him, other than satisfying Dani's needs? Don't these people see....you play to move YOURSELF further in the game...not others!
wash ur face Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 She knew Kaysar had a tighter bond with his alliance than James.
Danomac Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 I hope she noms them both and wins POV or someone who isn't on the block wins it and doesn't use it. Then Danielle is safe. How could you not want to watch Danielle in action. She is the second smartest person in the house. She was the only one with the ability to take out on of the 4. Pardon me, 3. Hell, she probably already won the Coup. Most people think she did. Cause she didn't say Dolly DNA. She said You are the new HOH. Erika said Dolly DNA. So the noms might not even friggin matter.
Jennzabelle Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 Cause she didn't say Dolly DNA. She said You are the new HOH. Erika said Dolly DNA. can you expand on this?? pls I don't get it.
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