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Did James got a Phone Call?


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James left to take his phone call but when he got into the room it was Booger with his finger phone trying to call James. :P

He got the call, Sarah is happy, noticed the scarf & finger crossing, Grammy is in hospital doing fine...neice is talking, all is good.

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What show was it where people had supposedly set up codes beforehand with friends from the outside in case they had a chance to talk? Doesn't that seem like something James might do . . . could 'grammy' be code for his alliance with Danielle? :lol:

That would be funny . . .

PS lol at Booger and his finger phone :P

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You know Sam, I was thinking the code thing too, just from the body language James had when he came back from the diary room. BUT...I was thinking along different lines...

Grammy=his older alliance with BB6 "in the hospital but doing fine"

Niece=his NEW alliance with Dani, Will and Boogie "she's talking..."

If things get boring, I always try to find intrigue, so this is probably an over active imagination!

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I read somewhere that during that phone call Sarah said to give the Sovs a hug for her and Danielle too.

I have always thought that James and Danielle had a deal before going in.That hug comment made it yep its true.Readinging jokers I saw this ....

"10:23 AM BBT D to B: James and I spoke before getting in the house about getting into All-Stars. NT - Outrageous"

Makes me wonder if there were codes in that phone call also lol.

:rolleyes: Blahhhh I have to much free time because of this heat this summer, my mind is full of wild ideas l :lol:

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