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Who do you think is going home?


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Probably will be Kaysar. I just wonder how he is going to react when he comes to find out how James has been? If he is the one to go, maybe they will let him fill in on Housecalls. That would be great if he was there when Marcellas gets evicted and gets interviewed by Kaysar. That would be good drama.

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Dani says she has George Marcellas and Erika agreeing to vote out Kaysar, she doesn't need chilltown

i find it hard to belive Erika or CG can't be persuaded, but yhea they only need 3 votes and they can use james nullify eviction vote to nullify howie's vote (or jani's) i think they can swing CT no problem and i really think CG might sway after all james did try to evict him and is the reason he's eating slop the rest of his stay

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Thats right, she doesn't need CT cause James has the overide eviction vote pass. So even if CT votes to evict James and its 4-3, then James will nullify Jannie or Howie making it 3-3, then Dani will cast the tiebreaker. Is that right or am I nuts?

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I watched Kaysar last night talking to James, feel really bad for him. He is hurt by how Erika turned on him so easily, he thought they were close. At first I thought Kaysar was weenie-ing out this season but it's just that he doesn't have it in him to back stab. He has a hard time being dishonest.

There's a very negative vibe in the house this year vs. other years, they aren't having fun at all. The house is completely split into it's own groups and the floaters like Erika say "we were supposed to float by". Erika thinks she should be able to sit on her a** and do nothing and get to the top.

Regardless of what Danielle says she was going after Janelle, she expects people to forget what she tried to pull with Allison the first week. She and James are the worst liars/backstabbers in the house.

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Edited due to edited post.



Kaysar has just won an HOH same as James. But he hasn't done anything, huh?

Seems to me he has done a bit more than those who are just trying their best not do anything at all! Like say Marci as an example who wants to get to the end by riding on someone's else coat tails.

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CT is only really loyal to themselves. Erika was pushing for Kay to be nominated, so she'll vote him out.

CG has already pledged allegiance to Dani. Of course, Marci has said from day 1, that they need to get the new "Jason" out of the house or he'll win it all.

That being said, only 3 votes are needed to kick him out. Kay's a goner....unless Dani wises up and sends James packing, which would be hilarious.

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Did Kaysar throw the HOH comp? Erika said he did and she's good at reading people so I'll take her word for it . . . not that he would have won, but he could have also secured his safety from Danielle same as Howie which would have forced her to either choose between nominating one of the two of them or Marcellas . . .

And then not choosing to play in the veto comp . . . isn't that like saying you'd rather go home then have to pick favorites from amongst your friends? I still adore Kaysar BECAUSE he's that nice and somewhat naive, but if he's not willing to do stuff that the rest then he was never going to make sequester, eh? :(

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Yeah, Kaysar needs to go home. I am a fan of his, but he is just too mopey and depressed this season. His head is not in the game.

There have been moments, while watching the feeds, that I see Kaysar start to show some spunk and then within minutes he is talking about how down he is. Very disappointing.


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