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Kaysar - Evicted Week 5


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I think it is sad that the only loyal person in the house is getting evicted. He is the only person that seems to be connected spiritually and that in itself says a lot for a person in this type of situation. He is better outside of that house compared to being with these backstabbing liars that don't even deserve to win. You can win by being honest but there are too many that are not honest to plot against you. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAYYYYYSSSAAAARRRR!!!!

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Okay, Kaysar is an okay guy and yeah he's easy on the eyes, but "loyal?" Hmmm....I will make a statement and probably take some flack for it, but I believe he was the first to turn on James last season. And I don't care about the stinking bible incident....James was lying to Ivette. And I don't think it's a mortal sin to swear on a bible to a bunch of assinine houseguests to win 500,000.

Oh yeah, Kaysar --- Have a Happy Birthday!

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Happy Birthday Kayser,

I think you're great as a person but this game isn't for you. So a Big Happy Birthday and BYE BYE BOO BOO.

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my memory of BB things is not so great anymore, but Kaysars chat with julie after this eviction really seemed to be the most , hmmmm....i guess brutal is sort of the word im searching for........i remember in previous years i had always wanted julie to show them clips of the stuff they never knew was going on, but they never did.....they really socked it to him i thought, which is what they should have been doing all along

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I don't know, the whole time Julie was revealing the antics of James that little devil, Kaysar had this look like none of what Julie was saying was registering. Honestly, he deserves to go....Kaysar played this season like he was brain dead or maybe the real twist is that Kaysar went to sleep one night and someone took his body and replaced it with a peapod. Oh wait a minute...I think the peapods got him last season.

Goodbye Kaysar! It was good while it lasted. :)

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i guess it will register later.......his eyes glazed over a bit as she was talking to him, and i imagined that scene from Hannibal (horrible movie btw) where H.Lecter has exposed the brain of that guy in the dining room...he's was just kinda sitting there looking at nothing.....anyway, he's gone...and mike b was a fat kid, he had me hating him and now im kinda liking him, this allstars really is haunted

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I thought it was kind of cruel how they did that. They obviously edited James' comments to him to make them sound brutal, but they probably left out other parts that would have been more pertinent. James had said previously that the worst case scenario for him was for Janelle to win veto and Kaysar to go up because Janelle was the one who he felt betrayed the group and he didn't think it was fair for Kaysar to pay for it. It was only after it was between him and Kaysar that he started campaigning to save himself. I doubt they'll show him that part of the video.

I have to admit though, that Kaysar played a pretty weak game this time around.

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I think James' speech was entirely unnecessary, even if it was only a portion and taken out of context. James is still delusional that the Sov "f*cked" him - they would have had to known that he had an alliance with Danielle the first week and Janelle would have had to know he had an alliance with Diane the fourth week for his claim to be valid. Sure Janie was playing to protect herself and why wouldn't she and why would she play for James' benefit and screw herself? Protecting yourself isn't the same at "f*cking" someone else. His logic just doesn't make sense - okay, I guess "logic" is completely the wrong word to when discussing James. :angry:<_<

Bottom line: I adore Kaysar but he definitely wasn't cut out for this game. I really think he took the high road when talking to ChenBot because at minimum he could have pointed out that James was a hypocrite and that wouldn't have been name calling - it is the truth. Kaysar, you are truly a gentleman and a great human being. Unfortunately, that's not what it takes to play the game. :(

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