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POV Comp. & Ceremony - Week 5


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Janie's wearing the coveted necklace, they have no hot water, some of them have no beds, somebody is in isolation for a day-----Exile Island, probably-----half the house is on slop, Danielle looks like she's in shock, something about the sand being hot. They're on outside lockdown for a l;ong time, I guess------they have a port-a-pottie out there. Good Lord, what did they do to these people????? :lol:

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From snippets of conversation between Booger, Will and Danielle it sounds like the POV was one of those Chicken George types where the most desperate person win . . . Janelle gave up eligibility to play POV next week and may be in some sort of solitary confinement (?)

Also unconfirmed: Boogie may have won a trip to Aruba but also can't play for veto next week, and Marcellas was trying to win a tv and $5000 (?)

. . . plus Alison was involved in the POV (?)


no veto next week for janelle :):):):)

game set match


Dani's own faught she should have back doored her...Now James is going home..

How can they back door? They never know how POV players are chosen. James won't go home. Dani will put up Kaysar and he will go home - unfortunately. It would be great if she listens to Will and Boogie and puts up Marci though. :P Get that whinyass backstabber out of there.


I wonder if Will actually played to win in this competition? He's always the first one to give up or to answer "wrong."

I wonder if he'll actually try and win hoh next time?

Good for Janie...she's not gone yet and certainly it's not game, set, and match just because she can't play for the veto! I just hope she wakes up and sees the real "floater" is Will!


Gad, James is trying to convince Chilltown that they need to all convince Danielle to put Chicken George up in Janelle's place . . . GRRR!!!!! :angry::angry::angry:

Chilltown are hoping Marcellas or Howie gets put up . . .

* * * * *

More unconfirmed: Janelle put everybody on slop next week (but Boogie is safe) . . . Chilltown doesn't think anybody will hold it against her . . .


I wonder where she'll be isolated. It will be nice to not have to change feeds or put the sound on mute anymore. No Danielle sounds very nice. :)


Janelle's still in the backyard, so she's not in solitary . . . this is so confusing trying to figure out what's going on . . .

PS The veto looks gold to me . . . not sure though . . .

Edit: Oh, it's Danielle - thx! :)


Hate to ruin all your celebrations but this just means that Kaysar's out this week, and Janelle's likely out next week unless she or Howie wins HOH.


True ...Rebel ...True...

LOL Trish - I agree. I hope she doesn't get her cushy HOH room for 24 hours. Maybe they'll give it to the POV winner!

SPIKIE!!!!!! et tu Spikie..et tu...


I love the way all you people are already celebrating what's going to happen next week. You don't even know what's going to happen THIS week.

The only ones who are sure to put Janelle up next week are the floaters. And if you haven't noticed , there's not many of them left. And Danielle can't compete next week. Marcellus is not likely to put Janelle up either. That means she really has to worry about Erika and James, if he's still around, since noone-----I repeat-----no one-----knows what CT is going to do. Unless you want to depend on George winning an HOH.

The only thing we know for sure is that Janelle will still be around.


And from what Ive been listening to in the last 2 hours is alot of people pushing for Marcellas to go up instead of Kaysar. James has asked Danielle to consider nominating Marcellas and she is thinking about it. Will tried to get her to take out Howie but she said no she made a deal. So don't automatically think it's going to be Kaysar or Howie up next.


Your SOO right Tarman! I personally am sick of Kaysar...I used to be ILoveKaysar but I had to change my name because it is just such a downer to watch him mope around the house... I dont know why I thought he was some great player...anyway... I hope she puts up Marci, because if she does then he would definately being going home... Boogie, Will, Kaysar, Howie and Janie would vote to evict him...I dont think George would because Marci gave him his slop pass and I'm not sure about Erika but she might just do whatever Dani wants... who knows, who cares!! Not me!! Cuz Janie is safe another week!!!


I think it's best if Kay does go, since he squashes all of Janie's gut instincts.

They'll play better without him.

BTW--Did yall see Erika kissing Janie's ass after the POV. She was telling her that she would protect her. Gimme a break.

Now she's talking to Marci about how people can't compete?? What??? She throws all the competitions!!!


Well we had a few days where the game got exciting now this stupid POV ugh. The more BB takes away from them the more they just sit around & bitch. I can't say I blame them I mean the situation is pretty miserable. I would much rather have them sitting around drinking, partying, & scheeming but instead BB comes up w/stupid comps that take things away from them. Not very exciting to watch.

I mean MBE next week BB can take everything away from them. No food, no water, no clothes, no house. They can just all lay in the BY in hospital beds hooked up to IV nutrients so we can watch them waste away. How exciting :rolleyes:


I agree at least they were all getting along now if we wanted see people endure hard times we would have turn the tv to survivor... This is not a strategy...what are they thinking...Sharpio get the dunce award here..


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