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James eviction vote pass discussion


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Sorry, I haven't been able to find out who won the different eggs in the posts below.

So far I saw:

Will=rotten egg

Marcellus=slop pass, gave it to Chicken George

Is this correct?

Thanks all!!!

This is my first post on here...I have always been a lurker though

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James won the egg that has the ability to change a nomination. Can he use it after the Veto comp? or does it have to be before? If he can use it after the veto comp he can wait to see if he wins veto or not, that would really mix things up.

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Is he only able to cancel it be choosing who he wants? Is it possible that he would pick someones vote and they didn't vote for him to be evicted?

Yeah, I'm assuming after everyone votes on Thursday then Julie will ask James whose vote he wants to cancel out (i.e. Marcellus, Kaysar, etc)... I think it would he HILARIOUS if he cancels someones vote that voted to evict Janelle!

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It is a pass that negates somones vote in the eviction. I don't know exactly how it works. He is still on the block but I guess he can reverse somenone's vote.

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How does this reversal pass work? I missed Thursday's episode so I am a little behind the 8 ball as they say. How will James know who's vote to knock out? does he have to ahead of time say "I'm knocking out Dr. Will's vote?" before the vote? Is the pass a cancel a vote or reversal of the vote? He somehow figures out that for example Boogie voted to evict James and James uses the pass on Boogie. Does that mean whoever is against James now has a vote against him?

Thanks for translating:)

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Take this for example: Just a Scenario

James -vs- Kaysar for eviction.

By some chance CT decides to "shake it up" not thinking about the pass.Votes would go like this.

Erika- Kaysar

Marcelles- Kaysar

CG- Kaysar

Janelle- James

Howie - James

Will - James

Boogie- James

4-3 James would be evicted.......but uses the eviction pass....therefore leaving a 3-3 Tie with Danielle making the decision to evict.

Kaysar Evicted.

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I assumed it meant he got to veto out one of the HG's votes, not necessarily a vote against him, just that he could choose who's vote he wanted to nullify? So...... if Janelle were to vote FOR James and then he nullified her vote, maybe the numbers would work? That's assuming they can get CT to vote with the SOV. It seems CT is only two people, so they would want to allign with the team who is known to win challenges.

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I just can't see any good reason to keep James around as long as he has that vote nullification pass thing. Whether they get rid of Kaysar or not, they need james to use it, THIS WEEK. James the ability to steel the tie-breaker situation from HoH.

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Guest StarBaby

I think he can use it whenever, it doesn't have to be this week. I think he WILL use it this week just to be safe, not knowing who might flip a vote to oust him.

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