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Is Danielle making her move too soon?

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Very disappointed in her, I thought she was smarter than this. Right now she's not on anyones radar, which is a good time to sit back and let the others fight it out.

But now she really has no choice but to take out Janie, and only has flakey James to back her up after the deed is done.

If her goal was just to take out a big target and then leave herself, then so be it.

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i dont think they realize how she is IN with everyone in there(except the one she's gonna send packin this week) and apparently the james/mike b/will/danielle thing is true and working

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Are you nuts? Will and Boogie are laughing their heads off about Dani's offer to have an alliance. Do you think for a minute they would take James and Danielle with them to the end. NO Way.

I think it is more likey for there to be a Will/Boogie/Kaysar/Janelle/Howie alliance. The rest Dani/James/Erika/George and Marcellas are just the Nerd Herds.

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Guest jordansmom

She had no choice but to win it. Who was Erika going to put? She has been working both sides this whole game. One way or another Dani would have ending up on the block this week. I think she did good. If she can get rid of Janey i don't see the whole house upset about it. Out of Howie and Kaysar only K would be her biggest threat.

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Risky move but bold moves aren't necessarily a death sentence . . . Diane was absolutely fearless in taking down the 4 horsemen during BB5 and had her pick of allies by the final 5 (yeah, yeah she got duped by Drew in the end, but you get my point :( )

If non-sovs win the next 2 hoh's and they target Kaysar and Howie (a very possible scenario), people will have other bold moves to be concerned about if she retreats for a while.

It's the kind of moves that'll help her win votes if she makes it to the final 2, but if she makes it to the final 2 with a sov and three sovs on the jury she'll probably lose. Like people seem to start playing the game differently once they've made sequester sometimes, eh?

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I wonder if Dani remebers the first week when CT wanted her out over Alison?

If my thinking is correct, BB6 is after floaters because of CT. Dani's best bet is to set up her HOH so she can go back under the radar. Danielle could do her ass a service buy getting Janelles ear and having Janelle do her dirty work later on in the game.

I'd say Danis best bet is keeping Jani in the house, spilling the beans on James and putting up ChickenGeorge and Erica. This way she has a fightung chance later on in the game. Erica, Marcellas and CG are the weakest at comps in that house!!!

Janie Howie and Kaysar will be more likely to boot James befor Dani later on in the game. Thinking James is in a sub alliance with Dani. This buys Dani an extra week to win an HOH and get down to the final three where anything goes.

If she rids some people in the middle, Janie, Howie and Kaysar are going to focus on Chilltown. It's too late in the game now for Dani to declare all out war with BB6 while Will and Mike throw the comps.

Dani makes fewer enemies here by going after CG or Erica.

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it is now or never for danielle. if she leaves sov end kiss her 500,000 shot away. sov needs to be broken up.

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i think she'll work to put janelle out no matter what this week.....i just get the feeling that will/mike b are tighter with danielle.......i dunno, they all are up in each other anyway

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Actually this might be a good time for Danielle to be HOH. Obviously, Janelle is target #1. If Dani succeeds in getting her out of the house, she has done everyone else in the house a favor by getting rid of a strong competition player.

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so if she nominate janelle she goes the following week get outa here

memo sov must win hoh that week for that to be a possibility

and howie track record @ hoh comps aint good

plus dani has more friends than foe than sov

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so if she nominate janelle she goes the following week get outa here

memo sov must win hoh that week for that to be a possibility

and howie track record @ hoh comps aint good

plus dani has more friends than foe than sov




What makes you think she's going to declare open war on BB6 right now? Especially with her "backups" who constantly blow comps?

Howie did win HOH twice last year. Kaysar has two between this year and last year. In order for Dani to get out Janelle she is going to have to nominate two BB6ers to secure the vote. In turn that puts a huge target on her back!!!!

It would be out of character for her to do that. She'd rather keep the targets IN the house. She also gains two more enemies if she does that!!!

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Guest jordansmom

I thought Howies partner last year gave him one of the HoHs? All Dani would have to worry about is either Kaysar and Howie or Janey and Howie. Kaysar doesn't seem into and Howie has not being so good so far.

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Janie should go. Im a big Janie fan but she blew it. Even Kaysar and Howie are disapointed. I think the vote would be unanimous. Don't kid yourself, she is the least popular in the house from a game standpoint. She pulled a Howie by not nominating Will and Boogie. Don't give me that "Well James and Kaysar had a chance to take out CT and didn't". Janie is the first one to vote against the SOV popular opinion. Her deal with CT was made obvious when Howie called her out about the POV contest.

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If Danielle puts up Janie, I hope she is gone next week.

She and James are the two biggest reality game show liars in history..........

If she goes after Janelle and evicts her, I hope the wrath of Hurricane Howie and Kaysar come down on her.

Yeah, she and James thinks they have some sort of alliance with Chill Town (YEah right!)...won't they be surprised when they come out of the game to see Chill Town in the Diary room making fun of that so called Alliance.......

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Danielle is not that smart. I don't know why everyone thinks she is. Yes, she did well in her own season, but now that her stategy from that year is out of the bag, and everyone sees how she plays, she doesn't have a chance at the 500K. Her problem is she believes the hype about her too much. You win BB by either having a strong alliance that gets you to the end or by floating under the radar. Danielle has neither.

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lets not forget they are supposed to do an americas choice voting someone back in the house again this year if janie gets evicted (which i doubt) she would be the one voted back in easily..also dont be a janie hater shes a great competetor she wins comps if they dont like it step up and win something

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