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Coup E'dtat - New Twist

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the eggs: a slop pass, 10K, an eviction pass? (i didnt understand that one)

and julie hinting at an upcoming hoh coup de tat, one can overthrow the hoh at a moments notice

was there another one in there?

was i dreaming, those sounded like kinda sorta real twists?

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interested twist. waiting to see if its not lame like all bb twist

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Dude, I'm so interested to find out what happens.

I wonder if it's going to be something where they hide the power in the house (i.e. a little piece of paper that says you now have the coup d'etat power or whatever).

This is the most I've been excited all season. woot!

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Also from Wikipedia..very interesting:

Types of coups

Samuel P. Huntington has divided coups into three types (ignoring Luttwak's non-military coups)

* Breakthrough coups: In which a revolutionary army overthrows a traditional government and creates a new bureaucratic elite. Breakthrough coups are generally led by non-commissioned officers (NCOs) or junior officers and only happen once. Examples include China in 1911, Egypt in 1952, Greece in 1967,Bulgaria in 1944 and Liberia in 1980.

* Guardian coups: These coups have been described as musical chairs. The stated aim of this form of coup is to improve public order, efficiency, or to end corruption. There is usually no fundamental shift in the structure of power, and the leaders of these types of coups generally portray their actions as a temporary and unfortunate necessity. One of the early examples of this is the coup by Sulla in 88 BCE which displaced the elected leadership of Marius in Rome. Many nations with guardian coups undergo many shifts between civilian and military governments. Examples include Pakistan, Turkey, and Thailand.

* Veto coups: These coups occur when the army vetoes mass participation and social mobilization. In these cases the army must confront and suppress large-scale and broad-based opposition and as a result they tend to be repressive and bloody. Examples include Chile in 1973 and Argentina in 1976. An abortive and botched veto coup occurred in Venezuela in 2002.

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the eggs: a slop pass, 10K, an eviction pass? (i didnt understand that one)

I think the third egg contains a pass to cancel someone else's eviction vote.

It really sounds like the twists are coming, and the HGs are all so certain that the twist is someone coming back!! :lol: They are going to be very surprized by the coup d'etat.

I think I am going to have to invest in a PVR (Canadian version of TIVO) this weekend, cause I am going camping next week and won't be anywhere near a TV or a computer. I'm going to go into BB withdrawal! :(

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I really don't think anyone would use it. Just my opinion. Cause if they overthrow the HoH then they are going to have a target on their back. So I don't see anyone using it, but maybe they will. I know if it's a floater then they're not going to use it.

Just hope this twist doesn't go to waste. Like last season when Kaysar got voted back in. He left the following week, might as well have not come back. :rolleyes:

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Based on who won HOH this week I do NOT want the sixers to be able to over-throw her, just because they feel like it this week.

That would SUCK. Since this is the very first week that someone other than a sixer won.

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My guess is the Houseguests get one chance to vote in secert about whether they want to overthrow the HOH. Then they either vote in a new HOH or they have another competition without that player.

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"BTW Marcellas will die when they see how CBS has portrayed him." ~cindannie

Oh will he ever! The truth hurts Marcellas, doesn't it? CBS didn't portray him in any way, he protrayed his true self. Blonde straight women, watch out for Marcy, he will befriend and betray you if you do not do what he wants and if he can't manipulate you.

He is sooo horrible and evil, he deserves to see the truth about himself on national television. Sure he will blame CBS, like he does everything else (nothing is ever HIS fault), but that's because denial is a powerful thing. Once he faces his demon, maybe he can mature and be a real friend to people.

The only reason why he gave his slop pass to CG is bsecause he felt the pressure from the house. That still doesn't make up for how he treats his girl friends. I don't trust him at all anymore. I can't wait until he's gone, no more whining, complaining, backstabbing and trashtalking. But then again, that's probably why he was voted back into the house, for the drama aspect.

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I was wondering that if they will hide something in the house like they did last year with the gold room and the safes and the person who finds it can use the coup e'dtat at anytime. is there more that 1 or is it just 1 for the entire season? just a thought

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I took as an extra veto without playing for veto.


Danielle noms Janelle and James for eviction

James uses his pass to overturn Danielle eviction of himself and she has to pick someone else.

I could be totally wrong. You guys will let me know if I am right? :P:lol::mellow:

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